[Pkg] The Trunk: WebClient-Core-ul.100.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue Apr 21 05:08:29 UTC 2015

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of WebClient-Core to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: WebClient-Core-ul.100
Author: ul
Time: 21 April 2015, 6:50:26.091 am
UUID: f5066327-2cbe-4505-b9b7-60b053f9cea8
Ancestors: WebClient-Core-topa.99

Introduced WebMessage >> #getContentWithProgress: to avoid code duplication in #contentWithProgress: and #getContent.
Added support for gzip compression to GET requests.

=============== Diff against WebClient-Core-topa.99 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WebClient>>httpGet:do: (in category 'methods') -----
  httpGet: urlString do: aBlock
  	"GET the response from the given url"
  	"(WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.squeak.org') content"
  	| request |
  	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
  	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
  	request method: 'GET'.
  	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
+ 	request headerAt: 'Accept-Encoding' put: 'gzip'.
  	aBlock value: request.
  	^self sendRequest: request

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WebMessage>>contentWithProgress: (in category 'accessing') -----
  contentWithProgress: progressBlock
  	"Reads and caches available content and returns it."
+ 	^content ifNil: [ content := self getContentWithProgress: progressBlock ]!
- 	^content ifNil:[	| length |
- 		length := self contentLength.
- 		content := (stream isBinary ifTrue:[ByteArray] ifFalse:[ByteString]) 
- 			new: (length ifNil:[1000])
- 			streamContents:[:s| self streamFrom: stream to: s size: length progress: progressBlock]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WebMessage>>getContent (in category 'private') -----
  	"Reads available content and returns it."
+ 	^self getContentWithProgress: nil!
- 	| length size buffer |
- 	length := self contentLength.
- 	size := length ifNil:[1000].
- 	buffer := ((stream isBinary ifTrue:[ByteArray] ifFalse:[ByteString]) 
- 		new: size) writeStream.
- 	self streamFrom: stream to: buffer size: length progress: nil.
- 	^buffer position = size
- 		ifTrue: [ buffer originalContents ]
- 		ifFalse: [ buffer contents ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WebMessage>>getContentWithProgress: (in category 'private') -----
+ getContentWithProgress: progressBlockOrNil
+ 	"Reads available content and returns it."
+ 	| length result |
+ 	length := self contentLength.
+ 	result := (stream isBinary ifTrue:[ ByteArray ] ifFalse: [ ByteString ]) 
+ 		new: (length ifNil: [ 1000 ])
+ 		streamContents: [ :outputStream | 
+ 			self 
+ 				streamFrom: stream
+ 				to: outputStream
+ 				size: length
+ 				progress: progressBlockOrNil ].
+ 	(self headerAt: 'content-encoding') = 'gzip' ifFalse: [ ^result ].
+ 	^(GZipReadStream on: result) upToEnd
+ !

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