[Pkg] The Trunk: HelpSystem-Core-mt.91.mcz

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Sun Aug 14 08:44:26 UTC 2016

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of HelpSystem-Core to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: HelpSystem-Core-mt.91
Author: mt
Time: 14 August 2016, 10:44:22.759642 am
UUID: b87f5b33-61b1-ea48-8031-118523b083f9
Ancestors: HelpSystem-Core-mt.90

Make help text editing more robust.

=============== Diff against HelpSystem-Core-mt.90 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HelpBrowser>>accept: (in category 'actions') -----
  accept: text
  	"Accept edited text. Compile it into a HelpTopic"
+ 	| code parent topicClass topicMethod topicMethodSelector normalizedText colorsToRemove |
- 	| code parent topicClass topicMethod normalizedText colorsToRemove |
  	(self currentParentTopic isNil or: [self currentParentTopic isEditable not])
  		ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'This help topic cannot be edited.'].
  	self changed: #clearUserEdits.
  	parent := self currentParentTopic.
  	topicClass := parent helpClass.
  	topicMethod := self currentTopic key.
+ 	topicMethodSelector := topicMethod copyReplaceAll: '-' with: ''.
  	normalizedText := text.
  	"Remove default colors for the sake of UI themes."
  	colorsToRemove := {Color black. Color white}.
  	normalizedText runs: (normalizedText runs collect: [:attributes | attributes reject: [:attribute |
  			(((attribute respondsTo: #color) and: [colorsToRemove includes: attribute color])
  				or: [attribute respondsTo: #font])]]).
  	code := String streamContents:[:s|
+ 		s nextPutAll: topicMethodSelector.
- 		s nextPutAll: topicMethod.
  		s crtab; nextPutAll: '"This method was automatically generated. Edit it using:"'.
+ 		s crtab; nextPutAll: '"', topicClass name,' edit: ', topicMethod storeString,'"'.
+ 		s crtab; nextPutAll: '^(HelpTopic'.
- 		s crtab; nextPutAll: '"', self name,' edit: ', topicMethod storeString,'"'.
- 		s crtab; nextPutAll: '^HelpTopic'.
  		s crtab: 2; nextPutAll: 'title: ', currentTopic title storeString.
  		s crtab: 2; nextPutAll: 'contents: '.
  		s cr; nextPutAll: (String streamContents:[:c| c nextChunkPutWithStyle: normalizedText]) storeString.
+ 		s nextPutAll:' readStream nextChunkText)'.
+ 		s crtab: 3; nextPutAll: 'key: ', topicMethod storeString.
- 		s nextPutAll:' readStream nextChunkText'.
  	topicClass class
  		compile: code
+ 		classified: ((topicClass class organization categoryOfElement: topicMethodSelector) ifNil:['pages']).
- 		classified: ((topicClass class organization categoryOfElement: topicMethod) ifNil:['pages']).
  	parent refresh.
  	parent == self rootTopic ifTrue: [self rootTopic: parent].
  	self currentTopic: (parent subtopics detect: [:t | t key = topicMethod]).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HelpBrowser>>currentParentTopic: (in category 'accessing') -----
  currentParentTopic: aHelpTopic
+ 	currentParentTopic := aHelpTopic ifNil: [self rootTopic].!
- 	currentParentTopic := aHelpTopic.!

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