[Pkg] The Trunk: ST80-tfel.217.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue Aug 30 17:08:04 UTC 2016

Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-tfel.217
Author: tfel
Time: 21 August 2016, 4:49:01.892391 pm
UUID: 07f50e90-ec86-40b7-ab12-e625698c861c
Ancestors: ST80-nice.216, ST80-tfel.215

merge trunk

=============== Diff against ST80-nice.216 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FillInTheBlankView class>>requestPassword:message:centerAt:answerHeight: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  requestPassword: aFillInTheBlank message: queryString centerAt: aPoint answerHeight: answerHeight
  	"Answer an instance of me on aFillInTheBlank asking the question queryString. Allow the reply to be multiple lines, and make the user input view the given height."
  	| messageView answerView topView myPar pwdFont myArray myStyle |
  	aFillInTheBlank acceptOnCR: true.
+ 	messageView _ DisplayTextView new
- 	messageView := DisplayTextView new
  		model: queryString asDisplayText;
  		borderWidthLeft: 2 right: 2 top: 2 bottom: 0;
  		controller: NoController new.
  		window: (0 at 0 extent: (messageView window extent max: 200 at 30));
+ 	answerView _ self new
- 	answerView := self new
  		model: aFillInTheBlank;
  		window: (0 at 0 extent: (messageView window width at answerHeight));
  		borderWidth: 2.
  	" now answerView to use the password font"
+ 	myPar _ answerView displayContents.
+ 	pwdFont _ FixedFaceFont new passwordFont.
+ 	myArray _ Array new: 1.
- 	myPar := answerView displayContents.
- 	pwdFont := (StrikeFont passwordFontSize: 12).
- 	myArray := Array new: 1.
  	myArray at: 1 put: pwdFont.
+ 	myStyle _ TextStyle fontArray: myArray.
- 	myStyle := TextStyle fontArray: myArray.
  	myPar setWithText: (myPar text) style: myStyle.
+ 	topView _ View new model: aFillInTheBlank.
- 	topView := View new model: aFillInTheBlank.
  	topView controller: ModalController new.
  	topView addSubView: messageView.
  	topView addSubView: answerView below: messageView.
  	topView align: topView viewport center with: aPoint.
  	topView window:
  		(0 @ 0 extent:
  			(messageView window width) @
  			  (messageView window height + answerView window height)).
  	topView translateBy:
  		(topView displayBox amountToTranslateWithin: Display boundingBox).
  	^ topView

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>sendContentsToPrinter (in category 'menu messages') -----
  	| textToPrint printer parentWindow |
  	textToPrint := paragraph text.
+ 	textToPrint size == 0 ifTrue: [^self inform: 'nothing to print.' translated].
- 	textToPrint size = 0 ifTrue: [^self inform: 'nothing to print.'].
  	printer := TextPrinter defaultTextPrinter.
  	parentWindow := self model dependents 
  				detect: [:dep | dep isSystemWindow]
  				ifNone: [nil].
  	parentWindow isNil 
  		ifTrue: [printer documentTitle: 'Untitled']
  		ifFalse: [printer documentTitle: parentWindow label].
  	printer printText: textToPrint!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>setEmphasisHere (in category 'typing support') -----
+ 	(paragraph textStyle fontArray size = 1 and: [paragraph text size = 0]) ifTrue: [
+ 		emphasisHere _ Array with: (TextFontReference toFont: paragraph textStyle fontArray first)] ifFalse: [
+ 	emphasisHere _ (paragraph text attributesAt: (self pointIndex - 1 max: 1) forStyle: paragraph textStyle)
+ 					select: [:att | att mayBeExtended]].!
- 	emphasisHere := (paragraph text attributesAt: (self pointIndex - 1 max: 1) forStyle: paragraph textStyle)
- 					select: [:att | att mayBeExtended]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScreenController>>setDisplayDepth (in category 'menu messages') -----
  	"Let the user choose a new depth for the display. "
  	| result |
+ 	(result _ (SelectionMenu selections: Display supportedDisplayDepths) startUpWithCaption: ('Choose a display depth
+ (it is currently {1})' translated format: {Display depth printString})) == nil ifFalse:
- 	(result := (SelectionMenu selections: Display supportedDisplayDepths) startUpWithCaption: 'Choose a display depth
- (it is currently ' , Display depth printString , ')') == nil ifFalse:
  		[Display newDepth: result]!

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