[Pkg] The Trunk: Monticello-cmm.657.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sun Nov 27 23:10:02 UTC 2016

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Monticello-cmm.657
Author: cmm
Time: 27 November 2016, 5:09:50.746119 pm
UUID: 78f40613-8652-4312-82b4-b429582e34f8
Ancestors: Monticello-bf.656

Change "history" nomenclature to "revisions".

=============== Diff against Monticello-bf.656 ===============

Item was changed:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'Monticello') preamble: '"Former MCRepository class>>#unload.  Unregister the old names."
+ 	| methodMenuServiceCategory classMenuServiceCategory |
+ 	methodMenuServiceCategory := ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserMethodMenu.
+ 	methodMenuServiceCategory services copy do:
+ 		[ : each | (#(#browseMcMethodHistory #browseMcMethodOrigin ) includes: each id) ifTrue: [ methodMenuServiceCategory services remove: each ] ].
+ 	classMenuServiceCategory := ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserClassMenu.
+ 	classMenuServiceCategory services copy do:
+ 		[ : each | (#(#browseMcClassHistory #browseMcClassOrigin ) includes: each id) ifTrue: [ classMenuServiceCategory services remove: each ] ]'!
- (PackageInfo named: 'Monticello') preamble: 'MCFileBasedRepository allSubInstances do: [ : each | each flushCache ]'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BrowserRequestor>>browseMcClassHistory (in category '*monticello-history') -----
- browseMcClassHistory
- 	"Open a browser on all versions of this class available in the MC repository for this package."
- 	self getClass
- 		ifNil: [ UIManager inform: 'No class selected' ]
- 		ifNotNilDo:
- 			[ : theClass | theClass theNonMetaClass mcModel
- 				ifNil: [ UIManager inform: 'Only Magma-backed HTTP repositories (or MCMagmaRepositorys) support Monticello history.' ]
- 				ifNotNil:
- 					[ : mcModel | (MCOperationsList operations: (Cursor wait showWhile: [ theClass theNonMetaClass mcPatchOperations ])) browse ] ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BrowserRequestor>>browseMcClassRevisions (in category '*monticello-revisions') -----
+ browseMcClassRevisions
+ 	"Open a browser on all versions of this class available in the MC repository for this package."
+ 	self getClass
+ 		ifNil: [ UIManager inform: 'No class selected' ]
+ 		ifNotNilDo:
+ 			[ : theClass | theClass theNonMetaClass mcModel
+ 				ifNil: [ UIManager inform: 'Only Magma-backed HTTP repositories (or MCMagmaRepositorys) support browsing Monticello revisions.' ]
+ 				ifNotNil:
+ 					[ : mcModel | (MCOperationsList operations: (Cursor wait showWhile: [ theClass theNonMetaClass mcPatchOperations ])) browse ] ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BrowserRequestor>>browseMcMethodHistory (in category '*monticello-history') -----
- browseMcMethodHistory
- 	"Open a browser on all versions of this method available in the MC repository for this package."
- 	self selectedMethodReference
- 		ifNil: [ UIManager inform: 'No method selected' ]
- 		ifNotNilDo:
- 			[ : methodReference | methodReference mcModel
- 				ifNil: [ UIManager inform: 'Only Magma-backed HTTP repositories (or MCMagmaRepositorys) support Monticello history.' ]
- 				ifNotNil: [ (MCOperationsList operations: (Cursor wait showWhile: [ methodReference mcPatchOperations ])) browse ] ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BrowserRequestor>>browseMcMethodRevisions (in category '*monticello-revisions') -----
+ browseMcMethodRevisions
+ 	"Open a browser on all versions of this method available in the MC repository for this package."
+ 	self selectedMethodReference
+ 		ifNil: [ UIManager inform: 'No method selected' ]
+ 		ifNotNilDo:
+ 			[ : methodReference | methodReference mcModel
+ 				ifNil: [ UIManager inform: 'Only Magma-backed HTTP repositories (or MCMagmaRepositorys) support browsing Monticello revisions.' ]
+ 				ifNotNil: [ (MCOperationsList operations: (Cursor wait showWhile: [ methodReference mcPatchOperations ])) browse ] ]!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: BrowserRequestor>>selectedMethodReference (in category '*monticello-revisions') -----
- ----- Method: BrowserRequestor>>selectedMethodReference (in category '*monticello-history') -----
  	^ MethodReference
  		class: self getClass
  		selector: self getBrowser selectedMessageName!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Class>>mcHistory (in category '*monticello') -----
- mcHistory
- 	"Answer a collection of MCClassDefinitions for this Class, which are in the first Magma-backed repository in the list of repositories of my working-copy."
- 	^ self mcModel ifNotNil: [ : mcmodel | mcmodel historyOf: self asClassDefinition ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Class>>mcPatchOperations (in category '*monticello') -----
  	"Answer a collection of MCPatchOperations that can be displayed in a MCPatchBrowser which will reflect the history of this methods definition in relation to each other (not simply compared to the image version)."
+ 	^ (self mcRevisions reversed
+ 		inject: OrderedCollection new
+ 		into:
+ 			[ : coll : each | coll
+ 				ifEmpty:
+ 					[ coll
+ 						 add: (MCAddition of: each) ;
+ 						 yourself ]
+ 				ifNotEmpty:
+ 					[ coll
+ 						 add:
- 	^(self mcHistory reversed
- 			inject: OrderedCollection new
- 			into:
- 				[ : coll : each | coll
- 					ifEmpty:
- 						[ coll
- 							 add: (MCAddition of: each) ;
- 							 yourself ]
- 					ifNotEmpty:
- 						[ coll
- 							 add:
  									(coll last isAddition
  										ifTrue: [ coll last definition ]
  										ifFalse: [ coll last modification ])
  								to: each) ;
+ 						 yourself ] ]) reversed!
- 							 yourself ] ]) reversed!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Class>>mcRevisions (in category '*monticello') -----
+ mcRevisions
+ 	"Answer a collection of MCClassDefinitions for this Class, which are in the first Magma-backed repository in the list of repositories of my working-copy."
+ 	^ self mcModel ifNotNil: [ : mcmodel | mcmodel revisionsOf: self asClassDefinition ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MCDefinition>>sortHistory: (in category 'private') -----
- sortHistory: anOrderedCollection
- 	^ anOrderedCollection sort: [ : a : b | a dateAndTime > b dateAndTime ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCHttpRepository class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
  	self unload.
+ 	(ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserMethodMenu) services add: self browseMethodRevisionsService.
+ 	(ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserClassMenu) services add: self browseClassRevisionsService!
- 	(ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserMethodMenu) services add: self browseMcMethodHistoryService.
- 	(ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserClassMenu) services add: self browseMcClassHistoryService!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCHttpRepository class>>unload (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ unload
+ 	| methodMenuServiceCategory classMenuServiceCategory |
+ 	methodMenuServiceCategory := ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserMethodMenu.
+ 	methodMenuServiceCategory services copy do:
+ 		[ : each | (#(#browseMcMethodRevisions #browseMcMethodOrigin ) includes: each id) ifTrue: [ methodMenuServiceCategory services remove: each ] ].
+ 	classMenuServiceCategory := ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserClassMenu.
+ 	classMenuServiceCategory services copy do:
+ 		[ : each | (#(#browseMcClassRevisions #browseMcClassOrigin ) includes: each id) ifTrue: [ classMenuServiceCategory services remove: each ] ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MCHttpRepository>>historyOf: (in category 'accessing') -----
- historyOf: aMCDefinition 
- 	| reply |
- 	reply := self
- 		httpGet: 'history'
- 		for: aMCDefinition.
- 	^ reply isString
- 		ifTrue:
- 			[ Warning signal: 'History request failed.  Server ''reply'' in debugger.'.
- 			Array empty ]
- 		ifFalse: [ (ReferenceStream on: reply) next ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCHttpRepository>>revisionsOf: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ revisionsOf: aMCDefinition 
+ 	| reply |
+ 	reply := self
+ 		httpGet: 'history'
+ 		for: aMCDefinition.
+ 	^ reply isString
+ 		ifTrue:
+ 			[ Warning signal: 'Revisions request failed.  Server ''reply'' in debugger.'.
+ 			Array empty ]
+ 		ifFalse: [ (ReferenceStream on: reply) next ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCOperationsBrowser>>defaultLabel (in category 'ui') -----
+ 	^ label ifNil: [ 'Revisions Browser' ]!
- 	^ label ifNil: [ 'Editions Browser' ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCRepository class>>browseClassRevisionsService (in category 'ui-support') -----
+ browseClassRevisionsService
+ 	^ ServiceAction
+ 		id: #browseMcClassRevisions
+ 		text: 'browse revisions'
+ 		button: 'mc'
+ 		description: 'Browse revisions of this class definition from the first-listed HTTP repository of this package.'
+ 		action:
+ 			[ : aBrowserRequestor | aBrowserRequestor browseMcClassRevisions ]
+ 		condition:
+ 			[ : aBrowserRequestor | true ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MCRepository class>>browseMcClassHistoryService (in category 'ui-support') -----
- browseMcClassHistoryService
- 	^ ServiceAction
- 		id: #browseMcClassHistory
- 		text: 'browse repository editions'
- 		button: 'mc'
- 		description: 'Browse editions of this class definition from the first-listed HTTP repository of this package.'
- 		action:
- 			[ : aBrowserRequestor | aBrowserRequestor browseMcClassHistory ]
- 		condition:
- 			[ : aBrowserRequestor | true ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MCRepository class>>browseMcMethodHistoryService (in category 'ui-support') -----
- browseMcMethodHistoryService
- 	^ ServiceAction
- 		id: #browseMcMethodHistory
- 		text: 'browse repository editions'
- 		button: 'mc'
- 		description: 'Browse editions of this method from the first-listed HTTP repository of this package.'
- 		action:
- 			[ : aBrowserRequestor | aBrowserRequestor browseMcMethodHistory ]
- 		condition:
- 			[ : aBrowserRequestor | true ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCRepository class>>browseMethodRevisionsService (in category 'ui-support') -----
+ browseMethodRevisionsService
+ 	^ ServiceAction
+ 		id: #browseMcMethodHistory
+ 		text: 'browse repository revisions'
+ 		button: 'mc'
+ 		description: 'Browse revisions of this method from the first-listed HTTP repository of this package.'
+ 		action:
+ 			[ : aBrowserRequestor | aBrowserRequestor browseMcMethodRevisions ]
+ 		condition:
+ 			[ : aBrowserRequestor | true ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MCRepository class>>unload (in category 'ui-support') -----
- unload
- 	| methodMenuServiceCategory classMenuServiceCategory |
- 	methodMenuServiceCategory := ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserMethodMenu.
- 	methodMenuServiceCategory services copy do:
- 		[ : each | (#(#browseMcMethodHistory #browseMcMethodOrigin ) includes: each id) ifTrue: [ methodMenuServiceCategory services remove: each ] ].
- 	classMenuServiceCategory := ServiceRegistry current serviceWithId: #browserClassMenu.
- 	classMenuServiceCategory services copy do:
- 		[ : each | (#(#browseMcClassHistory #browseMcClassOrigin ) includes: each id) ifTrue: [ classMenuServiceCategory services remove: each ] ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MethodReference>>mcHistory (in category '*monticello') -----
- mcHistory
- 	"Answer a collection of MCMethodDefinitions for this method, which are in the first Magma-backed repository in the list of repositories of my working-copy."
- 	^ self mcModel ifNotNil: [ : mcmodel | mcmodel historyOf: self asMethodDefinition ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MethodReference>>mcPatchOperations (in category '*monticello') -----
  	"Answer a collection of MCPatchOperations that can be displayed in a MCPatchBrowser which will reflect the history of this objects definition in relation to each other (not simply compared to the image version)."
+ 	^(self mcRevisions reversed
- 	^(self mcHistory reversed
  			inject: OrderedCollection new
  				[ : coll : each | coll
  						[ coll
  							 add: (MCAddition of: each) ;
  							 yourself ]
  						[ coll
+ 								(MCModification
+ 									of:
+ 										(coll last isAddition
+ 											ifTrue: [ coll last definition ]
+ 											ifFalse: [ coll last modification ])
+ 									to: each) ;
- 							(MCModification
- 								of:
- 									(coll last isAddition
- 										ifTrue: [ coll last definition ]
- 										ifFalse: [ coll last modification ])
- 								to: each) ;
  							 yourself ] ]) reversed!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MethodReference>>mcRevisions (in category '*monticello') -----
+ mcRevisions
+ 	"Answer a collection of MCMethodDefinitions for this method, which are in the first Magma-backed repository in the list of repositories of my working-copy."
+ 	^ self mcModel ifNotNil: [ : mcmodel | mcmodel revisionsOf: self asMethodDefinition ]!

Item was changed:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'Monticello') postscript: '"Just renamed ''history'' nomenclature to ''revisions''."
+ MCHttpRepository initialize.'!
- (PackageInfo named: 'Monticello') postscript: 'MCHttpRepository initialize.'!

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