[Pkg] The Trunk: System-eem.972.mcz

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Thu Nov 2 23:03:04 UTC 2017

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-eem.972
Author: eem
Time: 2 November 2017, 4:02:42.697029 pm
UUID: 510070ee-32f4-4c9d-861e-82be880a8b02
Ancestors: System-eem.971

Add code compactio0n stats to the VM stats output (if on Cog).

=============== Diff against System-eem.971 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>vmStatisticsReportString (in category 'vm statistics') -----
  	"(Workspace new contents: Smalltalk vmStatisticsReportString)
  		openLabel: 'VM Statistics'"
  		open: (StringHolder new contents: Smalltalk vmStatisticsReportString)
  		label: 'VM Statistics'"
  	| params oldSpaceEnd youngSpaceEnd memorySize fullGCs fullGCTime fullGCCompactionTime incrGCs incrGCTime tenureCount upTime
+ 	  upTime2 fullGCs2 fullGCTime2  incrGCs2 incrGCTime2 tenureCount2 str freeSize youngSize used spur timeReporter idleMs idleMs2 codeCompactionTime codeCompactionsOrNil codeCompactionTime2 codeCompactions2 |
- 	  upTime2 fullGCs2 fullGCTime2  incrGCs2 incrGCTime2 tenureCount2 str freeSize youngSize used spur timeReporter idleMs idleMs2 |
  	params := self getVMParameters.
  	oldSpaceEnd			:= params at: 1.
  	youngSpaceEnd		:= params at: 2.
  	memorySize			:= params at: 3.
  	fullGCs				:= params at: 7.
  	fullGCTime			:= params at: 8.
  	incrGCs				:= params at: 9.
  	incrGCTime			:= params at: 10.
  	tenureCount			:= params at: 11.
  	fullGCCompactionTime	:= params at: 18.
+ 	codeCompactionsOrNil	:= params at: 62.
+ 	codeCompactionTime	:= params at: 63.
  	upTime := (params at: 20) ~= 0 "utcMicrosecondClock at startup in later Spur VMs"
  				ifTrue: [Time utcMicrosecondClock - (params at: 20) + 500 // 1000]
  				ifFalse: [Time eventMillisecondClock]. "Fall back on old microsecond clock; Good for 47.5 days"
  	spur := (params at: 41) anyMask: 16.
  	str := WriteStream on: (String new: 2048).
  	timeReporter := [:time| | seconds |
  					seconds := time / 1000.
  					seconds >= (60*60*24)
  							[str print: seconds / 60 // 60 // 24; nextPut: $d; space;
  								print: seconds / 60 // 60 \\ 24; nextPut: $h; space]
  							[seconds >= (60*60) ifTrue:
  								[str print: (seconds / 60 // 60); nextPut: $h; space]].
  						print: (seconds / 60 \\ 60) asInteger; nextPut: $m; space;
  						print: (seconds \\ 60) asInteger; nextPut: $s].
  	str	nextPutAll: 'uptime		'.
  	timeReporter value: upTime.
  	(idleMs := params at: 16) ~= 0 ifTrue:
  		[str tab; nextPutAll: '(runtime '.
  		 idleMs := idleMs // 1000.
  		 timeReporter value: upTime - idleMs.
  		 str nextPutAll: ', idletime '.
  		 timeReporter value: idleMs.
  		 str nextPut: $)].
  	str cr.
  	str	nextPutAll: 'memory		';
  		nextPutAll: memorySize asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' bytes'; cr.
  	str	nextPutAll:	'	old			';
  		nextPutAll: oldSpaceEnd asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
  		print: oldSpaceEnd / memorySize * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: '%)'; cr.
  	spur ifTrue:
  		[(youngSize := (params at: 19)  * 7 // 5) = 0 ifTrue: [params at: 44].
  		 youngSize := youngSize roundUpTo: 1024.
  		 str	nextPutAll: '	young		';
  			nextPutAll: youngSize asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
  			print: youngSize / memorySize * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: '%)'; cr.
  		youngSize := youngSpaceEnd. "used eden"
  		freeSize := (params at: 54) + (params at: 44) - youngSize.
  		used := youngSize + oldSpaceEnd - freeSize.
  		str	nextPutAll: '	used		';
  			nextPutAll: used asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
  			print: used / memorySize * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: '%)'; cr.
  		str	nextPutAll: '	free		';
  			nextPutAll: freeSize asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
  			print: freeSize / memorySize * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: '%)'; cr]
  		ifFalse: "Earlier VM and V3 object memory"
  		[str	nextPutAll: '	young		';
  			nextPutAll: (youngSpaceEnd - oldSpaceEnd) asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
  			print: (youngSpaceEnd - oldSpaceEnd / memorySize * 100) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: '%)'; cr.
  		str	nextPutAll: '	used		';
  			nextPutAll: youngSpaceEnd asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
  			print: (youngSpaceEnd / memorySize * 100) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: '%)'; cr.
  		str	nextPutAll: '	free		';
  			nextPutAll: (memorySize - youngSpaceEnd) asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' bytes (';
  			print: (memorySize - youngSpaceEnd / memorySize * 100) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: '%)'; cr].
  	str	nextPutAll: 'GCs			';
  		nextPutAll: (fullGCs + incrGCs) asStringWithCommas.
  	fullGCs + incrGCs > 0 ifTrue:
  			nextPutAll: ' ('; 
  			print: upTime / (fullGCs + incrGCs) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; 
  			nextPutAll: ' ms between GCs'.
  		 idleMs > 0 ifTrue:
  				print: upTime - idleMs / (fullGCs + incrGCs) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; 
  				nextPutAll: ' ms runtime between GCs'].
  		 str nextPut: $)].
  	str cr.
  	str	nextPutAll: '	full		';
  		nextPutAll: fullGCs asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' totalling '; nextPutAll: fullGCTime asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' ms (';
  		print: fullGCTime / (upTime - idleMs) * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 2;
  		nextPutAll: '% runtime)';
  		nextPutAll: ', avg '; print: (fullGCTime / (fullGCs max: 1)) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: ' ms'.
  	(spur and: [fullGCCompactionTime ~= 0]) ifTrue:
  		[str	cr; nextPutAll: '				marking		';
  			nextPutAll: (fullGCTime - fullGCCompactionTime) asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' ms (';
  			print: (fullGCTime - fullGCCompactionTime) / fullGCTime * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
  			nextPutAll: '%) avg '; print: (fullGCTime - fullGCCompactionTime / (fullGCs max: 1)) maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
  			nextPutAll: ' ms,'; cr;
  			nextPutAll: '				compacting	';
  			nextPutAll: fullGCCompactionTime asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' ms (';
  			print: fullGCCompactionTime / fullGCTime * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
  			nextPutAll: '%) avg '; print: fullGCCompactionTime / (fullGCs max: 1) maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
  			nextPutAll: ' ms'].
  	str	cr.
  	str	nextPutAll: (spur ifTrue: ['	scavenges	'] ifFalse: ['	incr			']);
  		nextPutAll: incrGCs asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' totalling '; nextPutAll: incrGCTime asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' ms (';
  		print: incrGCTime / (upTime - idleMs) * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 2;
  		nextPutAll: '% runtime), avg '; print: incrGCTime / incrGCs maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: ' ms'; cr.
  	str	nextPutAll: '	tenures		';
  		nextPutAll: tenureCount asStringWithCommas.
  	tenureCount = 0 ifFalse:
  			ifTrue: [str nextPutAll: ' (avg '; print: tenureCount // (incrGCs max: 1); nextPutAll: ' tenures per scavenge)']
  			ifFalse: [str nextPutAll: ' (avg '; print: incrGCs // tenureCount; nextPutAll: ' GCs/tenure)']].
  	str	cr.
+ 	codeCompactionsOrNil ifNotNil:
+ 		[str	nextPutAll: 'Code compactions	';
+ 		nextPutAll: codeCompactionsOrNil asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' totalling '; nextPutAll: codeCompactionTime asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' ms (';
+ 		print: codeCompactionTime / (upTime - idleMs) * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 3;
+ 		nextPutAll: '% runtime), avg '; print: codeCompactionTime / codeCompactionsOrNil maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: ' ms'; cr.].
+ LastStats ifNil: [LastStats := Array new: 9]
- LastStats ifNil: [LastStats := Array new: 7]
  ifNotNil: [
+ 	LastStats size < 9 ifTrue:
+ 		[LastStats := LastStats, (Array new: 9 - LastStats size withAll: 0)].
- 	LastStats size < 7 ifTrue:
- 		[LastStats := LastStats, (Array new: 7 - LastStats size withAll: 0)].
  	upTime2 := upTime - (LastStats at: 1).
  	fullGCs2 := fullGCs - (LastStats at: 2).
  	fullGCTime2 := fullGCTime - (LastStats at: 3).
  	incrGCs2 := incrGCs - (LastStats at: 4).
  	incrGCTime2 := incrGCTime - (LastStats at: 5).
  	tenureCount2 := tenureCount - (LastStats at: 6).
  	idleMs2 := idleMs - (LastStats at: 7).
+ 	codeCompactionsOrNil ifNotNil:
+ 		[codeCompactions2	:= codeCompactionsOrNil - (LastStats at: 8).
+ 		 codeCompactionTime2	:= codeCompactionTime - (LastStats at: 9)].
  	str	nextPutAll: self textMarkerForShortReport ;
  		nextPutAll: (fullGCs2 + incrGCs2) asStringWithCommas.
  	fullGCs2 + incrGCs2 > 0 ifTrue:
  			nextPutAll: ' ('; 
  			print: upTime2 // (fullGCs2 + incrGCs2); 
  			nextPutAll: ' ms between GCs'.
  			idleMs2 > 0 ifTrue:
  					nextPutAll: ', ';
  					print: upTime2 - idleMs2 // (fullGCs2 + incrGCs2);
  					nextPutAll: ' ms runtime between GCs'].
  		 str nextPut: $)].
  	str	cr.
+ 	str	nextPutAll: '	uptime				'; print: (upTime2 / 1000.0) maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
- 	str	nextPutAll: '	uptime		'; print: (upTime2 / 1000.0) maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
  		nextPutAll: ' s, runtime ';		   print: (upTime2 - idleMs2 / 1000.0) maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
  		nextPutAll: ' s, idletime ';		   print: (idleMs2 / 1000.0) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: ' s'; cr.
+ 	str	nextPutAll: '	full					';
- 	str	nextPutAll: '	full		';
  		nextPutAll: fullGCs2 asStringWithCommas.
  	fullGCs2 + fullGCTime2 > 0 ifTrue:
  		[str	nextPutAll: ' totalling '; nextPutAll: fullGCTime2 asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' ms (';
  			print: fullGCTime2 / (upTime2 - idleMs2) * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
  			nextPutAll: '% runtime)'.
  		 str	nextPutAll: ', avg '; print: fullGCTime2 / (fullGCs2 max: 1) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: ' ms'].
  	str	cr.
+ 	str	nextPutAll: (spur ifTrue: ['	scavenge				'] ifFalse: ['	incr			']);
- 	str	nextPutAll: (spur ifTrue: ['	scavenge	'] ifFalse: ['	incr			']);
  		nextPutAll: incrGCs2 asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' totalling '; nextPutAll: incrGCTime2 asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' ms (';
  		print: incrGCTime2 / (upTime2 - idleMs2) * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 1;
  		nextPutAll: '% runtime), avg '; print: incrGCTime2 / (incrGCs2 max: 1) maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: ' ms'.
  	str	cr.
+ 	str	nextPutAll: '	tenures				';
- 	str	nextPutAll: '	tenures		';
  		nextPutAll: tenureCount2 asStringWithCommas.
  	tenureCount2 = 0 ifFalse:
  			ifTrue: [str nextPutAll: ' (avg '; print: tenureCount2 // (incrGCs2 max: 1); nextPutAll: ' tenures per scavenge)']
  			ifFalse: [str nextPutAll: ' (avg '; print: incrGCs2 // tenureCount2; nextPutAll: ' GCs/tenure)']].
  	str	cr.
+ 	codeCompactionsOrNil ifNotNil:
+ 		[str	nextPutAll: '	code compactions	';
+ 			nextPutAll: codeCompactions2 asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' totalling '; nextPutAll: codeCompactionTime2 asStringWithCommas; nextPutAll: ' ms (';
+ 			print: codeCompactionTime2 / (upTime2 - idleMs2) * 100 maxDecimalPlaces: 3;
+ 			nextPutAll: '% runtime)'.
+ 		 codeCompactions2 > 0 ifTrue:
+ 			[str nextPutAll: ', avg '; print: codeCompactionTime2 / codeCompactions2 maxDecimalPlaces: 1; nextPutAll: ' ms'; cr.]]
+ 	LastStats := { upTime. fullGCs. fullGCTime. incrGCs. incrGCTime. tenureCount. idleMs. codeCompactionsOrNil. codeCompactionTime }.
- 	LastStats := { upTime. fullGCs. fullGCTime. incrGCs. incrGCTime. tenureCount. idleMs }.
  	^str contents

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