[Pkg] The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1506.mcz

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Thu Aug 22 13:21:19 UTC 2019

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-mt.1506
Author: mt
Time: 22 August 2019, 3:21:14.301931 pm
UUID: f552fa72-83f9-0545-b307-97b720eeae6e
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1505

Several layout fixes. See http://forum.world.st/Please-Review-Many-fixes-for-Morphic-s-layout-tp5102231.html.

Brief summary:
- Adds #cellGap as layout property
- Fixes #cellInset use in table layout
- Fixes integration of text morphs in table layouts (i.e., adds height-for-width support to layout algorithm)
- Fixes layout cell computation regarding fullBounds vs. bounds, that is, #shrinkWrap is now working as expected :-)
- Improves documentation of #doLayoutIn:, #layoutInBounds:, #adjustLayoutBounds, #minExtent
- Avoid #invalidRect:from: if you are not #visible
- Avoid #layoutChanged propagation if you do #disable(Table)Layout
- Adds several convenience messages such as #outerExtent:, #innerPosition: and similar. See 'geometry - layout' message category.
- Fixes several layout bugs around ScrollBar, ScrollPane, TransformMorph

Overall, visible flickering effects due to incomplete layout computations should not occur anymore.

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1505 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: LayoutProperties>>cellGap (in category 'table defaults') -----
+ cellGap
+ 	"Default"
+ 	^0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: LayoutProperties>>disableLayout (in category 'accessing') -----
+ disableLayout
+ 	^disableLayout!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: LayoutProperties>>disableLayout: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ disableLayout: aBool
+ 	disableLayout := aBool!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>acceptDroppingMorph:event: (in category 'dropping/grabbing') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>acceptDroppingMorph:event: (in category 'layout') -----
  acceptDroppingMorph: aMorph event: evt
  	"This message is sent when a morph is dropped onto a morph that has agreed to accept the dropped morph by responding 'true' to the wantsDroppedMorph:Event: message. This default implementation just adds the given morph to the receiver."
  	| layout |
  	layout := self layoutPolicy.
  	layout ifNil:[^self addMorph: aMorph].
  	self privateAddMorph: aMorph 
  		atIndex: (layout indexForInserting: aMorph at: evt position in: self).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>addTableLayoutMenuItems:hand: (in category 'layout-menu') -----
  addTableLayoutMenuItems: aMenu hand: aHand
  	| menu sub |
  	menu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  	menu addUpdating: #hasReverseCellsString action: #changeReverseCells.
  	menu addUpdating: #hasClipLayoutCellsString action: #changeClipLayoutCells.
  	menu addUpdating: #hasRubberBandCellsString action: #changeRubberBandCells.
  	menu addLine.
+ 	menu add: 'change cell gap...' translated action: #changeCellGap:.
  	menu add: 'change cell inset...' translated action: #changeCellInset:.
  	menu add: 'change min cell size...' translated action: #changeMinCellSize:.
  	menu add: 'change max cell size...' translated action: #changeMaxCellSize:.
  	menu addLine.
  	sub := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  	#(leftToRight rightToLeft topToBottom bottomToTop) do:[:sym|
  		sub addUpdating: #listDirectionString: target: self selector: #changeListDirection: argumentList: (Array with: sym)].
  	menu add: 'list direction' translated subMenu: sub.
  	sub := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  	#(none leftToRight rightToLeft topToBottom bottomToTop) do:[:sym|
  		sub addUpdating: #wrapDirectionString: target: self selector: #wrapDirection: argumentList: (Array with: sym)].
  	menu add: 'wrap direction' translated subMenu: sub.
  	sub := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  	#(center topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight topCenter leftCenter rightCenter bottomCenter) do:[:sym|
  		sub addUpdating: #cellPositioningString: target: self selector: #cellPositioning: argumentList: (Array with: sym)].
  	menu add: 'cell positioning' translated subMenu: sub.
  	sub := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  	#(topLeft bottomRight center justified) do:[:sym|
  		sub addUpdating: #listCenteringString: target: self selector: #listCentering: argumentList: (Array with: sym)].
  	menu add: 'list centering' translated subMenu: sub.
  	sub := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  	#(topLeft bottomRight center justified) do:[:sym|
  		sub addUpdating: #wrapCenteringString: target: self selector: #wrapCentering: argumentList: (Array with: sym)].
  	menu add: 'wrap centering' translated subMenu: sub.
  	sub := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  	#(none equal) do:[:sym|
  		sub addUpdating: #listSpacingString: target: self selector: #listSpacing: argumentList: (Array with: sym)].
  	menu add: 'list spacing' translated subMenu: sub.
  	sub := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  	#(none localRect localSquare globalRect globalSquare) do:[:sym|
  		sub addUpdating: #cellSpacingString: target: self selector: #cellSpacing: argumentList: (Array with: sym)].
  	menu add: 'cell spacing' translated subMenu: sub.
  	aMenu ifNotNil:[aMenu add: 'table layout' translated subMenu: menu].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>adjustLayoutBounds (in category 'layout') -----
  	"Adjust the receivers bounds depending on the resizing strategy imposed"
+ 	| hFit vFit box sbox myExtent myOrigin myBox |
- 	| hFit vFit box myExtent extent |
  	hFit := self hResizing.
  	vFit := self vResizing.
  	(hFit == #shrinkWrap or:[vFit == #shrinkWrap]) ifFalse:[^self]. "not needed"
+ 	(self cellSpacing == #none and: [self listSpacing == #none]) ifFalse: [
+ 		self flag: #todo. "mt: Find a way to make cell sizes accessible from here."
+ 		self notify: 'It is not possible to shrink-wrap around submorphs when the layout policy reserves extra cell space. At this point, we have no access to that extra cell space and we do not know whether the submorph did make use of that extra space. So, shrink-wrapping could make the bounds very unstable.\\Please either reset #cellSpacing and #listSpacing - or change the resizing strategy to #rigid or #spaceFill.' withCRs.
+ 		^ self]. 
  	box := self layoutBounds.
+ 	sbox := self submorphBoundsForShrinkWrap outsetBy: self cellInset.
  	myExtent := box extent.
+ 	myOrigin := box origin.
+ 	hFit == #shrinkWrap ifTrue:[
+ 		myExtent := sbox extent x @ myExtent y.
+ 		myOrigin := sbox origin x @ myOrigin y].
+ 	vFit == #shrinkWrap ifTrue:[
+ 		myExtent := myExtent x @ sbox extent y.
+ 		myOrigin := myOrigin x @ sbox origin y].
- 	extent := self submorphBounds corner - box origin.
- 	hFit == #shrinkWrap ifTrue:[myExtent := extent x @ myExtent y].
- 	vFit == #shrinkWrap ifTrue:[myExtent := myExtent x @ extent y].
  	"Make sure we don't get smaller than minWidth/minHeight"
  	myExtent x < self minWidth ifTrue:[
  		myExtent := (myExtent x max: 
  			(self minWidth - self bounds width + self layoutBounds width)) @ myExtent y].
  	myExtent y < self minHeight ifTrue:[
  		myExtent := myExtent x @ (myExtent y max:
  			(self minHeight - self bounds height + self layoutBounds height))].
+ 	myBox := myOrigin extent: myExtent.
+ 	self setLayoutBoundsFromLayout: myBox.!
- 	self layoutBounds: (box origin extent: myExtent).!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>align:with: (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>align:with: (in category 'geometry') -----
  align: aPoint1 with: aPoint2
  	"Translate by aPoint2 - aPoint1."
  	^ self position: self position + (aPoint2 - aPoint1)!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>bounds:from: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>bounds:from: (in category 'geometry') -----
  bounds: aRectangle from: referenceMorph
  	"Return the receiver's bounds as seen by aMorphs coordinate frame"
  	owner ifNil: [^ aRectangle].
  	^(owner transformFrom: referenceMorph) globalBoundsToLocal: aRectangle

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>bounds:in: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>bounds:in: (in category 'geometry') -----
  bounds: aRectangle in: referenceMorph
  	"Return the receiver's bounds as seen by aMorphs coordinate frame"
  	owner ifNil: [^ aRectangle].
  	^(owner transformFrom: referenceMorph) localBoundsToGlobal: aRectangle

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>boundsIn: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>boundsIn: (in category 'geometry') -----
  boundsIn: referenceMorph
  	"Return the receiver's bounds as seen by aMorphs coordinate frame"
  	^self bounds: self bounds in: referenceMorph!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>boundsInWorld (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>boundsInWorld (in category 'geometry') -----
  	^self bounds: self bounds in: self world!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>cellGap (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ cellGap
+ 	"Layout specific. This property specifies an extra space *between* cells in the layout."
+ 	| props |
+ 	props := self layoutProperties.
+ 	^props ifNil:[0] ifNotNil:[props cellGap].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>cellGap: (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ cellGap: aNumber
+ 	"Layout specific. This property specifies an extra space *between* cells in the layout."
+ 	self assureTableProperties cellGap: aNumber.
+ 	self layoutChanged.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>cellSpacing: (in category 'layout-properties') -----
  cellSpacing: aSymbol
  	"Layout specific. This property describes how the cell size for each element in a list should be computed.
  		#globalRect - globally equal rectangular cells
  		#globalSquare - globally equal square cells
  		#localRect - locally (e.g., per row/column) equal rectangular cells
  		#localSquare - locally (e.g., per row/column) equal square cells
  		#none - cells are sized based on available row/column constraints
+ 	self assert: aSymbol isSymbol. "Guard against a common mistake."
  	self assureTableProperties cellSpacing: aSymbol.
  	self layoutChanged.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>changeCellGap: (in category 'layout-menu') -----
+ changeCellGap: evt
+ 	| handle |
+ 	handle := HandleMorph new forEachPointDo:[:newPoint |
+ 		self cellGap: (newPoint - evt cursorPoint) asIntegerPoint // 5].
+ 	evt hand attachMorph: handle.
+ 	handle startStepping.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>changeHeightForWidth (in category 'layout-menu') -----
+ changeHeightForWidth
+ 	"Convenience. Configure morphs that do not have a layout policy to be layed out properly in an owner that has such a policy. Tell that owner that I change my height if somebody changes my width."
+ 	self
+ 		hResizing: #spaceFill;
+ 		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ 		wrapDirection: #topToBottom.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>changeTableLayout (in category 'layout-menu') -----
  	| layout |
  	((layout := self layoutPolicy) notNil and:[layout isTableLayout])
  		ifTrue:[^self]. "already table layout"
+ 	self layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.!
- 	self layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
- 	self layoutChanged.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>changeWidthForHeight (in category 'layout-menu') -----
+ changeWidthForHeight
+ 	"Convenience. Configure morphs that do not have a layout policy to be layed out properly in an owner that has such a policy. Tell that owner that I change my width if somebody changes my height."
+ 	self
+ 		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ 		vResizing: #spaceFill;
+ 		wrapDirection: #leftToRight.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>changesHeightForWidth (in category 'layout-menu') -----
+ changesHeightForWidth
+ 	^ (self hResizing ~= #shrinkWrap
+ 		and: [self vResizing = #shrinkWrap])
+ 		and: [self wrapDirection ~= #none]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>changesWidthForHeight (in category 'layout-menu') -----
+ changesWidthForHeight
+ 	^ (self hResizing = #shrinkWrap
+ 		and: [self vResizing ~= #shrinkWrap])
+ 		and: [self wrapDirection ~= #none]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>clipSubmorphs: (in category 'drawing') -----
  clipSubmorphs: aBool
  	"Drawing specific. If this property is set, clip the receiver's submorphs to the receiver's clipping bounds."
+ 	self fullBounds; changed.
- 	self invalidRect: self fullBounds.
  	aBool == false
  		ifTrue:[self removeProperty: #clipSubmorphs]
  		ifFalse:[self setProperty: #clipSubmorphs toValue: aBool].
+ 	self
+ 		layoutChanged;
+ 		fullBounds; changed.!
- 	self invalidRect: self fullBounds.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>disableLayout (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ disableLayout
+ 	"Layout specific. Disable laying out the receiver in a layout"
+ 	| props |
+ 	props := self layoutProperties.
+ 	^props ifNil:[false] ifNotNil:[props disableLayout].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>disableLayout: (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ disableLayout: aBool
+ 	"Layout specific. Disable laying out the receiver in a layout"
+ 	self fullBounds; layoutChanged.
+ 	self assureLayoutProperties disableLayout: aBool.
+ 	self fullBounds; layoutChanged; changed.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>disableTableLayout: (in category 'layout-properties') -----
  disableTableLayout: aBool
  	"Layout specific. Disable laying out the receiver in table layout"
+ 	self fullBounds; layoutChanged.
  	self assureLayoutProperties disableTableLayout: aBool.
+ 	self fullBounds; layoutChanged; changed.!
- 	self layoutChanged.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>doLayoutIn: (in category 'layout') -----
  doLayoutIn: layoutBounds 
  	"Compute a new layout based on the given layout bounds."
+ 	| box priorBounds |
+ 	"0) Quick return. No children means no effect in layout policies. Use #minWidth and #minHeight to implement #shrinkWrap for morphs without submorphs."
+ 	self hasSubmorphs ifFalse: [^ fullBounds := self outerBounds].
+ 	"X.1) Prepare redraw. Testing for #bounds or #layoutBounds would be sufficient to figure out if we need an invalidation afterwards but #outerBounds is what we need for all leaf nodes so we use that"
- 	"Note: Testing for #bounds or #layoutBounds would be sufficient to
- 	figure out if we need an invalidation afterwards but #outerBounds
- 	is what we need for all leaf nodes so we use that."
- 	| layout box priorBounds |
  	priorBounds := self outerBounds.
+ 	"1) Compute the new layout. This goes down the entire morph hierarchy. See #layoutInBounds: and #minExtent, which are the usual layout-policy callbacks."
+ 	self layoutPolicy ifNotNil: [:layout |
+ 		"1.1) Compute the new layout."
+ 		self removeProperty: #doLayoutAgain.		
+ 		layout layout: self in: layoutBounds.
+ 		"1.2) Do one additional run on the layout if requested in #layoutInBounds:."
+ 		(self hasProperty: #doLayoutAgain) ifTrue: [
+ 			self removeProperty: #doLayoutAgain.		
+ 			layout flushLayoutCache.
+ 			layout layout: self in: layoutBounds].
+ 		self assert: (self hasProperty: #doLayoutAgain) not].
+ 	"2) Give our children a chance to manually adjust after layout computation. This allows morphs to layout in their owner without having to use a layout policy."
+ 	self submorphsDo: [:m | m ownerChanged].
+ 	"3) Watch out for minimal extent and apply #shrinkWrap constraints."
- 	submorphs isEmpty ifTrue: [^fullBounds := priorBounds].
- 	"Send #ownerChanged to our children"
- 	submorphs do: [:m | m ownerChanged].
- 	layout := self layoutPolicy.
- 	layout ifNotNil: [layout layout: self in: layoutBounds].
  	self adjustLayoutBounds.
+ 	"4) Compute and set the new full bounds. IMPORTANT to finish layout computation."
  	fullBounds := self privateFullBounds.
+ 	"X.2) Redraw."
  	box := self outerBounds.
+ 	box = priorBounds ifFalse: [
+ 		self invalidRect: (priorBounds quickMerge: box)].!
- 	box = priorBounds 
- 		ifFalse: [self invalidRect: (priorBounds quickMerge: box)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>fullBounds (in category 'layout') -----
  	"Return the bounding box of the receiver and all its children. Recompute the layout if necessary."
  	fullBounds ifNotNil:[^fullBounds].
  	"Errors at this point can be critical so make sure we catch 'em all right"
+ 	[self doLayoutIn: self layoutBounds] on: Error, Warning, Halt do:[:ex|
- 	[self doLayoutIn: self layoutBounds] on: Error do:[:ex|
  		"This should do it unless you don't screw up the bounds"
  		fullBounds := bounds.
  		ex pass].

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>fullBoundsInWorld (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>fullBoundsInWorld (in category 'geometry') -----
  	^self bounds: self fullBounds in: self world!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>globalPointToLocal: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>globalPointToLocal: (in category 'geometry') -----
  globalPointToLocal: aPoint
  	^self point: aPoint from: nil!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>gridPoint: (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>gridPoint: (in category 'geometry') -----
  gridPoint: ungriddedPoint
  	^ ungriddedPoint!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>griddedPoint: (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>griddedPoint: (in category 'geometry') -----
  griddedPoint: ungriddedPoint
  	| griddingContext |
  	self flag: #arNote. "Used by event handling - should transform to pasteUp for gridding"
  	(griddingContext := self pasteUpMorph) ifNil: [^ ungriddedPoint].
  	^ griddingContext gridPoint: ungriddedPoint!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>hide (in category 'drawing') -----
+ 	self visible ifTrue: [self visible: false].!
- 	owner ifNil: [^ self].
- 	self visible ifTrue: [self visible: false.  self changed]!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>innerBounds (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>innerBounds (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"Return the inner rectangle enclosed by the bounds of this morph excluding the space taken by its borders. For an unbordered morph, this is just its bounds."
  	^ self bounds insetBy: self borderStyle inset!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>innerBounds: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ innerBounds: aRectangle
+ 	"Set the bounds for laying out children of the receiver.
+ 	Note: written so that #innerBounds can be changed without touching this method"
+ 	| outer inner |
+ 	outer := self bounds.
+ 	inner := self innerBounds.
+ 	self bounds: (aRectangle origin + (outer origin - inner origin) corner:
+ 				aRectangle corner + (outer corner - inner corner)).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>innerExtent (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ innerExtent
+ 	^ self innerBounds extent!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>innerExtent: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ innerExtent: aPoint
+ 	self innerBounds: (self innerPosition extent: aPoint).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>innerPosition (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ innerPosition
+ 	^ self innerBounds topLeft!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>innerPosition: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ innerPosition: aPoint
+ 	| prior delta |
+ 	prior := self innerBounds.
+ 	delta := (aPoint - prior topLeft) rounded.
+ 	self innerBounds: (prior translateBy: delta).!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>intersects: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>intersects: (in category 'geometry') -----
  intersects: aRectangle
  	"Answer whether aRectangle, which is in World coordinates, intersects me."
  	^self fullBoundsInWorld intersects: aRectangle!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>invalidRect:from: (in category 'change reporting') -----
  invalidRect: aRectangle from: aMorph
  	| damageRect |
+ 	self visible ifFalse: [ ^self ].
  	aRectangle hasPositiveExtent ifFalse: [ ^self ].
  	damageRect := aRectangle.
  	aMorph == self ifFalse:[
  		"Clip to receiver's clipping bounds if the damage came from a child"
  		self clipSubmorphs 
  			ifTrue:[damageRect := aRectangle intersect: self clippingBounds]].
  	owner ifNotNil: [owner invalidRect: damageRect from: self].!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>layoutBounds (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>layoutBounds (in category 'layout') -----
  	"Return the bounds for laying out children of the receiver"
  	| inset box |
  	inset := self layoutInset.
  	box := self innerBounds.
  	inset isZero ifTrue:[^box].
  	^box insetBy: inset.!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>layoutBounds: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>layoutBounds: (in category 'layout') -----
  layoutBounds: aRectangle
  	"Set the bounds for laying out children of the receiver.
  	Note: written so that #layoutBounds can be changed without touching this method"
  	| outer inner |
  	outer := self bounds.
  	inner := self layoutBounds.
  	self bounds: (aRectangle origin + (outer origin - inner origin) corner:
  				aRectangle corner + (outer corner - inner corner)).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>layoutChanged (in category 'layout') -----
+ 	"Notify my dependents (such as owner and submorphs) about a possible layout change after, for example, a change in position or extent. As a result, the layout will be re-computed for this morph and all its submorphs on the next #fullBounds call."
+ 	"0) Skip duplicate notifications. Only once after every successful layout computation."
+ 	fullBounds ifNil: [^self].
+ 	"1) Clear layout caches."
- 	| layout |
- 	fullBounds ifNil:[^self]. "layout will be recomputed so don't bother"
  	fullBounds := nil.
+ 	self layoutPolicy ifNotNil:[:layout | layout flushLayoutCache].
+ 	"2) Notify all dependents. Note that we do not send #ownerChanged to our submorphs now because we have to ensure that each submorph gets notified *exactly once* right before layout computation. See #doLayoutIn:."
+ 	self owner ifNotNil: [:o | self disableLayout ifFalse: [o layoutChanged]].!
- 	layout := self layoutPolicy.
- 	layout ifNotNil:[layout flushLayoutCache].
- 	owner ifNotNil: [owner layoutChanged].
- 	"note: does not send #ownerChanged here - we'll do this when computing the new layout"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>layoutComputed (in category 'layout') -----
+ layoutComputed
+ 	^ fullBounds notNil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>layoutExtent (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ layoutExtent
+ 	^ self layoutBounds extent!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>layoutExtent: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ layoutExtent: aPoint
+ 	self layoutBounds: (self layoutPosition extent: aPoint).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>layoutInBounds: (in category 'layout') -----
  layoutInBounds: cellBounds
  	"Layout specific. Apply the given bounds to the receiver after being layed out in its owner."
+ 	| box aSymbol |	
+ 	"1) We are getting new bounds here but we haven't computed the receiver's layout yet."
+ 	self layoutComputed ifFalse:[
+ 		"Although the receiver has reported its #minExtent before the actual size it has may differ from what would be after the layout. Normally, this isn't a real problem, but if we have #shrinkWrap constraints (see #adjustLayoutBounds) then the receiver's bounds may be larger than the cellBounds. THAT is a problem because the centering may not work correctly if the receiver shrinks after the owner layout has been computed. To avoid this problem, we compute the receiver's layout now. Note that the layout computation is based on the new cell bounds rather than the receiver's current bounds."
+ 		"1.1) Adjust the box for #rigid receiver. Both #spaceFill and #shrinkWrap can use the cellBounds for now, which is important for many space-fills in a row or column to have the same widths (or heights) such as all MenuMorphItems in our MenuMorph."
+ 		box := cellBounds origin extent: 
+ 			(self hResizing == #rigid ifTrue: [self bounds extent x] ifFalse: [cellBounds extent x]) @
+ 			(self vResizing == #rigid ifTrue: [self bounds extent y] ifFalse: [cellBounds extent y]).
+ 		"1.2) Move and resize the receiver to get started."
+ 		self
+ 			setPositionFromLayout: box origin;
+ 			setExtentFromLayout: box extent.
+ 		"1.3) Adjust to layout bounds and do the layout."
- 	| box aSymbol delta |
- 	fullBounds ifNil:["We are getting new bounds here but we haven't computed the receiver's layout yet. Although the receiver has reported its minimal size before the actual size it has may differ from what would be after the layout. Normally, this isn't a real problem, but if we have #shrinkWrap constraints then the receiver's bounds may be larger than the cellBounds. THAT is a problem because the centering may not work correctly if the receiver shrinks after the owner layout has been computed. To avoid this problem, we compute the receiver's layout now. Note that the layout computation is based on the new cell bounds rather than the receiver's current bounds."
- 		cellBounds origin = self bounds origin ifFalse:[
- 			box := self outerBounds.
- 			delta := cellBounds origin - self bounds origin.
- 			self invalidRect: (box merge: (box translateBy: delta)).
- 			self privateFullMoveBy: delta]. "sigh..."
- 		box := cellBounds origin extent: "adjust for #rigid receiver"
- 			(self hResizing == #rigid ifTrue:[self bounds extent x] ifFalse:[cellBounds extent x]) @
- 			(self vResizing == #rigid ifTrue:[self bounds extent y] ifFalse:[cellBounds extent y]).
- 		"Compute inset of layout bounds"
  		box := box origin - (self bounds origin - self layoutBounds origin) corner:
  					box corner - (self bounds corner - self layoutBounds corner).
- 		"And do the layout within the new bounds"
- 		self layoutBounds: box.
  		self doLayoutIn: box].
+ "	self assert: self layoutComputed.
+ 	self assert: self owner layoutComputed not.
+ "
+ 	"2) Are we done already?"
+ 	cellBounds extent = self bounds extent
+ 		"Nice fit. I usually am done here if #minExtent did already trigger layout update (via #fullBounds) while my owner's layout was calculating the cell sizes."
+ 		ifTrue:[^ self setPositionFromLayout: cellBounds origin].
+ 	"3) We have the receiver's layout. Maybe we just computed it or we did not invalidate it in this run. The latter happens if our owner invalidates without telling us. The user dragging size grips in windows, for example. Now we have to consider #spaceFill constraints, which may trigger re-computation of the receiver's layout."
+ 	box := self bounds.
- 	cellBounds = self fullBounds ifTrue:[^self]. "already up to date"
- 	cellBounds extent = self fullBounds extent "nice fit"
- 		ifTrue:[^self position: cellBounds origin].
- 	box := bounds.
- 	"match #spaceFill constraints"
  	self hResizing == #spaceFill 
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			"Support dynamic width-for-height due to space-fill constraint -- another layout run needed?"
+ 			(box width ~= cellBounds width and: [self vResizing == #shrinkWrap])
+ 				ifTrue: [self owner ifNotNil: [:o | o setProperty: #doLayoutAgain toValue: true]].
+ 			"Fill the cell."
+ 			box := box origin extent: cellBounds width @ box height].
- 		ifTrue:[box := box origin extent: cellBounds width @ box height].
  	self vResizing == #spaceFill
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			"Support dynamic height-for-width due to space-fill constraint -- another layout run needed?"
+ 			(box height ~= cellBounds height and: [self hResizing == #shrinkWrap])
+ 				ifTrue: [self owner ifNotNil: [:o | o setProperty: #doLayoutAgain toValue: true]].
+ 			"Fill the cell."	
+ 			box := box origin extent: box width @ cellBounds height].
+ 	"4) We have the receiver's layout. Align in the cell according o the owners layout properties."
+ 	self flag: #refactor. "mt: #layoutInBounds: should also provide cellPositioning, not only cellBounds. There should be no need to access the owner in this method."
+ 	aSymbol := self owner ifNil: [#center] ifNotNil: [:o | o cellPositioning].
- 		ifTrue:[box := box origin extent: box width @ cellBounds height].
- 	"align accordingly"
- 	aSymbol := (owner ifNil:[self]) cellPositioning.
  	box := box align: (box perform: aSymbol) with: (cellBounds perform: aSymbol).
+ "	self assert: self layoutComputed.
+ 	self assert: self owner layoutComputed not.
+ "
+ 	"5) Install the new bounds. This may invalidate my layout again, which is okay because my owner will ask about my fullBounds in #doLayoutIn: (and #privateFullBounds). My layout will be re-computed then."		
- 	"and install new bounds"
  	self bounds: box.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>layoutPosition (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ layoutPosition
+ 	^ self layoutBounds topLeft!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>layoutPosition: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ layoutPosition: aPoint
+ 	| prior delta |
+ 	prior := self layoutBounds.
+ 	delta := (aPoint - prior topLeft) rounded.
+ 	self layoutBounds: (prior translateBy: delta).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>listSpacing: (in category 'layout-properties') -----
  listSpacing: aSymbol
  	"Layout specific. This property describes how the heights for different rows in a table layout should be handled.
  		#equal - all rows have the same height
  		#none - all rows may have different heights
+ 	self assert: aSymbol isSymbol. "Guard against a common mistake."
  	self assureTableProperties listSpacing: aSymbol.
  	self layoutChanged.!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>localPointToGlobal: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>localPointToGlobal: (in category 'geometry') -----
  localPointToGlobal: aPoint
  	^self point: aPoint in: nil!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>minExtent (in category 'layout') -----
  	"Layout specific. Return the minimum size the receiver can be represented in.
  	Implementation note: When this message is sent from an owner trying to lay out its children it will traverse down the morph tree and recompute the minimal arrangement of the morphs based on which the minimal extent is returned. When a morph with some layout strategy is encountered, the morph will ask its strategy to compute the new arrangement. However, since the final size given to the receiver is unknown at the point of the query, the assumption is made that the current bounds of the receiver are the base on which the layout should be computed. This scheme prevents strange layout changes when for instance, a table is contained in another table. Unless the inner table has been resized manually (which means its bounds are already enlarged) the arrangement of the inner table will not change here. Thus the entire layout computation is basically an iterative process which may have different results depending on the incremental changes applied."
  	| layout minExtent extra hFit vFit |
  	hFit := self hResizing.
  	vFit := self vResizing.
+ 	(self owner isNil or: [self owner layoutPolicy isNil])
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			hFit == #spaceFill ifTrue: [hFit := #rigid].
+ 			vFit == #spaceFill ifTrue: [vFit := #rigid]].
+ 	"0) The receiver will not adjust to parents layout by growing or shrinking, which means that an accurate layout defines the minimum size. So, compute the layout and return its bounds as minimal extent. DO NOT return fullBounds because the morph itself is being layed out."
  	(hFit == #spaceFill or: [vFit == #spaceFill]) 
+ 		ifFalse: [self fullBounds. ^ self bounds extent].
- 		ifFalse: 
- 			["The receiver will not adjust to parents layout by growing or shrinking,
- 		which means that an accurate layout defines the minimum size."
+ 	"1) Ask the layout policy to compute the minimum extent."
- 			^self fullBounds extent].
- 	"An exception -- a receiver with #shrinkWrap constraints but no children is being treated #rigid (the equivalent to a #spaceFill receiver in a non-layouting owner)"
- 	self hasSubmorphs 
- 		ifFalse: 
- 			[hFit == #shrinkWrap ifTrue: [hFit := #rigid].
- 			vFit == #shrinkWrap ifTrue: [vFit := #rigid]].
  	layout := self layoutPolicy.
  	layout isNil 
  		ifTrue: [minExtent := 0 at 0]
  		ifFalse: [minExtent := layout minExtentOf: self in: self layoutBounds].
+ 	"2) #rigid fitting has to stay as is." 
  	hFit == #rigid 
+ 		ifTrue: [minExtent := self width @ minExtent y].
- 		ifTrue: [minExtent := self fullBounds extent x @ minExtent y]
- 		ifFalse: 
- 			[extra := self bounds width - self layoutBounds width.
- 			minExtent := (minExtent x + extra) @ minExtent y].
  	vFit == #rigid 
+ 		ifTrue: [minExtent := minExtent x @ self height].
- 		ifTrue: [minExtent := minExtent x @ self fullBounds extent y]
- 		ifFalse: 
- 			[extra := self bounds height - self layoutBounds height.
- 			minExtent := minExtent x @ (minExtent y + extra)].
+ 	"3) #spaceFill fitting has to account for layout inset."
+ 	hFit == #spaceFill
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			(vFit == #shrinkWrap and: [self wrapDirection ~= #none])
+ 				ifTrue: [minExtent := 1 @ minExtent y "Give h-space a chance to v-wrap and v-shrink."]
+ 				ifFalse: [
+ 					extra := self bounds width - self layoutBounds width.
+ 					minExtent := (minExtent x + extra) @ minExtent y]].
+ 	vFit == #spaceFill
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			(hFit == #shrinkWrap and: [self wrapDirection ~= #none])
+ 				ifTrue: [minExtent := minExtent x @ 1 "Give v-space a chance to h-wrap and h-shrink."]
+ 				ifFalse: [
+ 					extra := self bounds height - self layoutBounds height.
+ 					minExtent := minExtent x @ (minExtent y + extra)]].
+ 	"4) #shrinkWrap fitting has to support height-for-width (or width-for-height)."
+ 	(hFit == #shrinkWrap and: [layout notNil])
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			self fullBounds. "Compute layout now to get shrink-wrapped width."
+ 			minExtent := self width @ minExtent y].
+ 	(vFit == #shrinkWrap and: [layout notNil])
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			self fullBounds. "Compute layout now to get shrink-wrapped height."
+ 			minExtent := minExtent x @ self height].
+ 	"5) For morphs without submorphs, use #minWidth and #minHeight to implement #shrinkWrap such as in MenuItemMorph"
  	^ minExtent max: self minWidth @ self minHeight!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>minimumExtent (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>minimumExtent (in category 'geometry') -----
  	^ self minWidth @ self minHeight!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>minimumExtent: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>minimumExtent: (in category 'geometry') -----
  minimumExtent: aPoint
  	"Do not shrink below this extent."
  		minWidth: aPoint x;
  		minHeight: aPoint y.!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>minimumHeight (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>minimumHeight (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"Wrapper for layout-specific function to avoid confusion."
  	^ self minHeight!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>minimumHeight: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>minimumHeight: (in category 'geometry') -----
  minimumHeight: aNumber
  	"Wrapper for layout-specific function to avoid confusion."
  	self minHeight: aNumber.!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>minimumWidth (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>minimumWidth (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"Wrapper for layout-specific function to avoid confusion."
  	^ self minWidth!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>minimumWidth: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>minimumWidth: (in category 'geometry') -----
  minimumWidth: aNumber
  	"Wrapper for layout-specific function to avoid confusion."
  	self minWidth: aNumber.!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>outerBounds (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>outerBounds (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"Return the 'outer' bounds of the receiver, e.g., the bounds that need to be invalidated when the receiver changes."
  	| box |
  	box := self bounds.
  	self hasDropShadow ifTrue:[box := self expandFullBoundsForDropShadow: box].
  	self hasRolloverBorder ifTrue:[box := self expandFullBoundsForRolloverBorder: box].

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>outerBounds: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ outerBounds: aRectangle
+ 	"Set the bounds for laying out children of the receiver.
+ 	Note: written so that #outerBounds can be changed without touching this method"
+ 	| outer inner |
+ 	outer := self bounds.
+ 	inner := self outerBounds.
+ 	self bounds: (aRectangle origin + (outer origin - inner origin) corner:
+ 				aRectangle corner + (outer corner - inner corner)).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>outerExtent (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ outerExtent
+ 	^ self outerBounds extent!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>outerExtent: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ outerExtent: aPoint
+ 	self outerBounds: (self outerPosition extent: aPoint).!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>outerPosition (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ outerPosition
+ 	^ self outerBounds topLeft!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>outerPosition: (in category 'geometry - layout') -----
+ outerPosition: aPoint
+ 	| prior delta |
+ 	prior := self outerBounds.
+ 	delta := (aPoint - prior topLeft) rounded.
+ 	self outerBounds: (prior translateBy: delta).!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>overlapsShadowForm:bounds: (in category 'geometry - etoys') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>overlapsShadowForm:bounds: (in category 'geometry') -----
  overlapsShadowForm: itsShadow bounds: itsBounds
  	"Answer true if itsShadow and my shadow overlap at all"
  	| overlapExtent overlap myRect myShadow goalRect goalShadow bb |
  	overlap := self fullBounds intersect: itsBounds.
  	overlapExtent := overlap extent.
  	overlapExtent > (0 @ 0)
  		ifFalse: [^ false].
  	myRect := overlap translateBy: 0 @ 0 - self topLeft.
  	myShadow := (self imageForm contentsOfArea: myRect) stencil.
  	goalRect := overlap translateBy: 0 @ 0 - itsBounds topLeft.
  	goalShadow := (itsShadow contentsOfArea: goalRect) stencil.
  			"compute a pixel-by-pixel AND of the two stencils.  Result will be black 
  			(pixel value = 1) where black parts of the stencils overlap"
  			bb := BitBlt toForm: myShadow.
  				copyForm: goalShadow
  				to: 0 @ 0
  				rule: Form and.
  	^(bb destForm tallyPixelValues second) > 0 !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>ownerChanged (in category 'change reporting') -----
+ 	"This morph's owner has changed its geometry and is about to update its layout. This is a simple layout hook to update this morph's geometry according to its owner.
+ 	For more advanced strategies, use a LayoutPolicy with some LayoutProperties. See #layoutPolicy: and maybe also #doLayoutIn:."
- 	"The receiver's owner, some kind of a pasteup, has changed its layout."
+ 	self snapToEdgeIfAppropriate.!
- 	self snapToEdgeIfAppropriate!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>point:from: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>point:from: (in category 'geometry') -----
  point: aPoint from: aReferenceMorph
  	owner ifNil: [^ aPoint].
  	^ (owner transformFrom: aReferenceMorph) globalPointToLocal: aPoint.

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>point:in: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>point:in: (in category 'geometry') -----
  point: aPoint in: aReferenceMorph
  	owner ifNil: [^ aPoint].
  	^ (owner transformFrom: aReferenceMorph) localPointToGlobal: aPoint.

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>pointFromWorld: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>pointFromWorld: (in category 'geometry') -----
  pointFromWorld: aPoint
  	^self point: aPoint from: self world!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>pointInWorld: (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>pointInWorld: (in category 'geometry') -----
  pointInWorld: aPoint
  	^self point: aPoint in: self world!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>position: (in category 'geometry') -----
  position: aPoint 
+ 	"Change the position of this morph, which is the top left corner of its bounds."
- 	"Change the position of this morph and and all of its
- 	submorphs. "
  	| delta box |
+ 	delta := (aPoint - self bounds topLeft) rounded.
+ 	"Skip drawing and layout updates for null changes."
+ 	(delta x = 0 and: [delta y = 0])
- 	delta := (aPoint - bounds topLeft) rounded.
- 	(delta x = 0
- 			and: [delta y = 0])
  		ifTrue: [^ self].
+ 	"Optimize drawing. Record one damage rectangle for short distance and two damage rectangles for large distances."
+ 	box := self fullBounds.	
+ 	(delta dotProduct: delta) > 100 "More than 10 pixels?"
+ 		ifTrue: [self
+ 					invalidRect: box;
+ 					invalidRect: (box translateBy: delta)]
- 	"Null change"
- 	box := self fullBounds.
- 	(delta dotProduct: delta)
- 			> 100
- 		ifTrue: ["e.g., more than 10 pixels moved"
- 			self invalidRect: box.
- 			self
- 				invalidRect: (box translateBy: delta)]
  		ifFalse: [self
+ 					invalidRect: (box merge: (box translateBy: delta))].
+ 	"Move this morph and *all* of its submorphs."
- 				invalidRect: (box
- 						merge: (box translateBy: delta))].
  	self privateFullMoveBy: delta.
+ 	"For all known layout policies, my layout and the layout of my children is fine. Only the layout of my owner might be affected. So, tell about it."
+ 	self owner ifNotNil: [:o | o layoutChanged].!
- 	owner
- 		ifNotNil: [owner layoutChanged]!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>positionInWorld (in category 'geometry - local/global') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>positionInWorld (in category 'geometry') -----
  	^ self pointInWorld: self position.

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>positionSubmorphs (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>positionSubmorphs (in category 'geometry') -----
  	self submorphsDo:
  		[:aMorph | aMorph snapToEdgeIfAppropriate]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>privateFullBoundsForRedraw (in category 'layout') -----
+ privateFullBoundsForRedraw
+ 	"Private. Compute the current submorph bounds *all the way down* to trigger re-draw. Implementation is based on #privateFullBounds and #submorphBounds. Avoid triggering layout computation but return bounds as is."
+ 	| box |
+ 	self hasSubmorphs ifFalse: [^ self outerBounds].
+ 	box := self outerBounds copy.
+ 	box := box quickMerge: (self clipSubmorphs 
+ 						ifTrue: [self submorphBoundsForShrinkWrap intersect: self clippingBounds]
+ 						ifFalse: [self submorphBoundsForShrinkWrap]).
+ 	^box origin asIntegerPoint corner: box corner asIntegerPoint!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>screenLocation (in category 'geometry - etoys') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>screenLocation (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"For compatibility only"
  	^ self fullBounds origin!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>screenRectangle (in category 'geometry - etoys') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>screenRectangle (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"For compatibility only"
  	^ self fullBounds!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>setConstrainedPosition:hangOut: (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>setConstrainedPosition:hangOut: (in category 'geometry') -----
  setConstrainedPosition: aPoint hangOut: partiallyOutside
  	"Change the position of this morph and and all of its submorphs to aPoint, but don't let me go outside my owner's bounds.  Let me go within two pixels of completely outside if partiallyOutside is true."
  	| trialRect delta boundingMorph bRect |
  	self flag: #smelly. "mt: The consideration of partiallyOutside is strange... The explicit #laoyutChanged, too."
  	owner ifNil:[^self].
  	trialRect := aPoint extent: self bounds extent.
  	boundingMorph := self topRendererOrSelf owner.
  	delta := boundingMorph
  			ifNil:    [0 at 0]
  			ifNotNil: [
  				bRect := partiallyOutside 
  					ifTrue: [boundingMorph bounds insetBy: 
  								self extent negated + boundingMorph borderWidth + (2 at 2)]
  					ifFalse: [boundingMorph bounds].
  				trialRect amountToTranslateWithin: bRect].
  	self position: aPoint + delta.
  	self layoutChanged  "So that, eg, surrounding text will readjust"

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>setExtentFromLayout: (in category 'layout') -----
+ setExtentFromLayout: aPoint
+ 	"Sets the extent for laying out children of the receiver. We avoid triggering #layoutChanged again. This implementation is based on #extent:."
+ 	"self assert: self owner layoutComputed not."
+ 	self flag: #compatibility. "mt: There are way too many morphs that use #extent: to implement their own layout strategy such as updating gradient fills and submorph positions AND TEXT MORPH PARAGRAPHS (!!). So, we *must* call #extent: to trigger those layout updates. Since our owner has not yet computed its layout, we are fine performance-wise."
+ 	self extent: aPoint.
+ 	self flag: #alternative. "mt: The following code represents the desired implementation of this method."
+ 	"(self extent closeTo: aPoint) ifTrue: [^ self].
+ 	self invalidRect: self outerBounds.
+ 	bounds := bounds topLeft extent: aPoint.
+ 	self removeProperty: #dropShadow.
+ 	self invalidRect: self outerBounds."!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>setLayoutBoundsFromLayout: (in category 'layout') -----
+ setLayoutBoundsFromLayout: newLayoutBounds
+ 	"Set the bounds for laying out children of the receiver. WE DO NOT MOVE CHILDREN HERE!!
+ 	Note that this code is written so that #layoutBounds can be changed without touching this method. For example, the layout bounds are smaller or larger than the current bounds.
+ 	WE MUST NOT TRIGGER #layoutChanged AGAIN!! See #doLayoutIn: and #adjustLayoutBounds."
+ 	| priorBounds outer inner box |
+ 	priorBounds := self outerBounds.
+ 	outer := self bounds.
+ 	inner := self layoutBounds.
+ 	bounds := newLayoutBounds origin + (outer origin - inner origin) corner:
+ 				newLayoutBounds corner + (outer corner - inner corner).
+ 	bounds = outer ifFalse: [
+ 		self removeProperty: #dropShadow.
+ 		self invalidRect: (priorBounds quickMerge: self outerBounds)].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>setPositionFromLayout: (in category 'layout') -----
+ setPositionFromLayout: aPoint
+ 	"Sets the position for laying out children of the receiver. We have to move the children here. We avoid triggering #layoutChanged again. This implementation is based on #position:."
+ 	| delta box |
+ 	delta := (aPoint - self bounds topLeft) rounded.
+ 	(delta x = 0 and: [delta y = 0]) ifTrue: [^ self].
+ 	box := self privateFullBoundsForRedraw.
+ 	self invalidRect: (box merge: (box translateBy: delta)).
+ 	self privateFullMoveBy: delta.!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>shiftSubmorphsOtherThan:by: (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>shiftSubmorphsOtherThan:by: (in category 'geometry') -----
  shiftSubmorphsOtherThan: listNotToShift by: delta
  	| rejectList |
  	rejectList := listNotToShift ifNil: [OrderedCollection new].
  	(submorphs copyWithoutAll: rejectList) do:
  		[:m | m position: (m position + delta)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>show (in category 'drawing') -----
+ 	self visible ifFalse: [self visible: true].!
- 	"Make sure this morph is on-stage."
- 	self visible ifFalse: [self visible: true.  self changed]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>submorphBoundsForShrinkWrap (in category 'layout') -----
+ submorphBoundsForShrinkWrap
+ 	"Private. Compute the submorph bounds of the receiver to shrink-wrap around. Note that we are not interested in my submorphs' fullBounds. For full-bound wrapping, use #shrinkWrap all the way down."
+ 	| box |
+ 	self submorphsDo: [:m |
+ 		m visible ifTrue: [
+ 			box 
+ 				ifNil:[box := m bounds copy]
+ 				ifNotNil:[box := box quickMerge: m bounds]]].
+ 	box ifNil:[^ self layoutBounds]. "e.g., having submorphs but not visible"
+ 	^ box origin asIntegerPoint corner: box corner asIntegerPoint!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>transformedBy: (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>transformedBy: (in category 'geometry') -----
  transformedBy: aTransform
  	aTransform isIdentity ifTrue:[^self].
  	aTransform isPureTranslation ifTrue:[
  		^self position: (aTransform localPointToGlobal: self position).
  	^self addFlexShell transformedBy: aTransform!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>visible: (in category 'drawing') -----
  visible: aBoolean 
  	"set the 'visible' attribute of the receiver to aBoolean"
  	(extension isNil and:[aBoolean]) ifTrue: [^ self].
  	self visible == aBoolean ifTrue: [^ self].
+ 	self changed.
  	self assureExtension visible: aBoolean.
  	self changed!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>worldBounds (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>worldBounds (in category 'geometry') -----
  	^ self world bounds!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>worldBoundsForHalo (in category 'geometry - misc') -----
- ----- Method: Morph>>worldBoundsForHalo (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"Answer the rectangle to be used as the inner dimension of my halos.
  	Allow for showing either bounds or fullBounds, and compensate for the optional bounds rectangle."
  	| r |
  	r := (Preferences haloEnclosesFullBounds)
  		ifFalse: [ self boundsIn: nil ]
  		ifTrue: [ self fullBoundsInWorld ].
  	Preferences showBoundsInHalo ifTrue: [ ^r outsetBy: 2 ].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>setSelection: (in category 'model access') -----
+ setSelection: anInterval
+ 	"Sets a new selection of characters. If the argument is nil, give the model a chance to just leave the selection where it currently is."
+ 	(anInterval notNil and: [anInterval ~= selectionInterval]) ifTrue: [
+ 		"Note old selection."
+ 		textMorph selectionChanged.
+ 		"Update selection."
+ 		selectionInterval := anInterval.
+ 		textMorph editor selectFrom: anInterval first to: anInterval last.
- setSelection: sel
+ 		"Note new selection."	
+ 		textMorph selectionChanged].
- 	"Give the model a chance to just leave the selection where it currently is."
- 	sel ifNil: [^ self].
+ 	"Even if there is no change, ensure that the selection is visible."
- 	selectionInterval := sel.
- 	textMorph editor selectFrom: sel first to: sel last.
  	self scrollSelectionIntoView.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableTextMorph>>wrapFlag: (in category 'accessing') -----
  wrapFlag: aBoolean
  	textMorph ifNil: [self setText: ''].
  		wrapFlag: aBoolean;
  		autoFit: true.
  	"Text navigation will be tedious if there is no horizontal scroll bar w/o wrapping."
  	aBoolean ifFalse: [self showHScrollBarOnlyWhenNeeded].
+ 	self layoutChanged.!
- 	self
- 		resizeScrollBars;
- 		resizeScroller;
- 		hideOrShowScrollBars;
- 		setScrollDeltas.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollBar>>initializeDownButton (in category 'initialize') -----
  	"initialize the receiver's downButton"
  	downButton := RectangleMorph newBounds: self boundsForDownButton.
  		on: #mouseDown
  		send: #scrollDownInit
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseUp
  		send: #finishedScrolling
  		to: self.
  	self updateDownButtonImage.	
  	self addMorphFront: downButton.
+ 	downButton
+ 		visible: self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons not;
+ 		disableLayout: downButton visible not.!
- 	downButton visible: self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons not.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollBar>>initializeMenuButton (in category 'initialize') -----
  "initialize the receiver's menuButton"
  	"Preferences disable: #scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton"
  	"Preferences enable: #scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton"
  	menuButton := RectangleMorph newBounds: self boundsForMenuButton.
  		on: #mouseEnter
  		send: #menuButtonMouseEnter:
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseDown
  		send: #menuButtonMouseDown:
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseLeave
  		send: #menuButtonMouseLeave:
  		to: self.
  	addMorphCentered: (RectangleMorph 
  	newBounds: (0 @ 0 extent: 4 @ 2) 
  	color: Color black)."
  	self updateMenuButtonImage.
  	self addMorphFront: menuButton.
+ 	menuButton
+ 		visible: (self class scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton or: [self orientation == #horizontal]) not;
+ 		disableLayout: menuButton visible not.!
- 	menuButton visible: (self class scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton or: [self orientation == #horizontal]) not.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollBar>>initializeUpButton (in category 'initialize') -----
  "initialize the receiver's upButton"
  	upButton := RectangleMorph newBounds: self boundsForUpButton.
  		on: #mouseDown
  		send: #scrollUpInit
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseUp
  		send: #finishedScrolling
  		to: self.
  	self updateUpButtonImage.
  	self addMorph: upButton.	
+ 	upButton
+ 		visible: self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons not;
+ 		disableLayout: upButton visible not.!
- 	upButton visible: self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons not.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollBar>>updateSlider (in category 'updating') -----
  	| imagesNeedUpdate |
  	imagesNeedUpdate := upButton width ~= (self orientation == #horizontal ifTrue: [self height] ifFalse: [self width]).
  	self menuButton
  		visible: (self orientation == #horizontal or: [self class scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton]) not;
+ 		disableLayout: self menuButton visible not;
  		bounds: self boundsForMenuButton.
+ 	self upButton
- 	upButton
  		visible: self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons not;
+ 		disableLayout: self upButton visible not;
  		bounds: self boundsForUpButton.
+ 	self downButton
- 	downButton
  		visible: self class scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons not;
+ 		disableLayout: self downButton visible not;
  		bounds: self boundsForDownButton.
  	super updateSlider.
  	pagingArea bounds: self totalSliderArea.
  	self expandSlider.
  	imagesNeedUpdate ifTrue: [
  		self menuButton visible ifTrue: [self updateMenuButtonImage].
+ 		self upButton visible ifTrue: [self updateUpButtonImage].
+ 		self downButton visible ifTrue: [self updateDownButtonImage]].!
- 		upButton visible ifTrue: [self updateUpButtonImage].
- 		downButton visible ifTrue: [self updateDownButtonImage]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane class>>useRetractableScrollBars: (in category 'preferences') -----
  useRetractableScrollBars: aBoolean
  	UseRetractableScrollBars = aBoolean ifTrue: [^ self].
  	UseRetractableScrollBars := aBoolean.
  	ScrollPane allSubInstances do: [:pane | 
+ 		pane retractable: aBoolean].!
- 		pane retractable: aBoolean.
- 		pane setScrollDeltas].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScrollPane>>adjustOffset (in category 'scrolling') -----
+ adjustOffset
+ 	"Layout specific. If our scroller is large enough, avoid hiding contents due to bad offset."
+ 	| sbox adjustedOffset |
+ 	sbox := scroller submorphBoundsForShrinkWrap.
+ 	adjustedOffset := (sbox width <= scroller width ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [scroller offset x]) @
+ 		(sbox height <= scroller height ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [scroller offset y]).
+ 	scroller offset: adjustedOffset.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ScrollPane>>borderStyle: (in category 'accessing') -----
- borderStyle: aBorderStyle 
- 	super borderStyle: aBorderStyle.
- 	scroller ifNotNil: [self setScrollDeltas].!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ScrollPane>>borderWidth: (in category 'accessing') -----
- borderWidth: aNumber 
- 	super borderWidth: aNumber.
- 	self resizeScroller; setScrollDeltas!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScrollPane>>doLayoutIn: (in category 'layout') -----
+ doLayoutIn: layoutBounds
+ 	"Manually layout my submorphs. Maybe we can find a proper layout policy in the future."
+ 	self removeProperty: #doLayoutAgain.
+ 	self
+ 		resizeScrollBars;
+ 		resizeScroller;
+ 		adjustOffset;
+ 		setScrollDeltas.
+ 	"Do one additional run if required."
+ 	(self hasProperty: #doLayoutAgain) ifTrue: [
+ 		self doLayoutIn: layoutBounds.
+ 		self assert: (self hasProperty: #doLayoutAgain) not.
+ 		^ self].
+ 	super doLayoutIn: layoutBounds.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ScrollPane>>extent: (in category 'geometry') -----
- extent: aPoint
- 	self handleResizeAction: [
- 		(bounds extent closeTo: aPoint)
- 			ifTrue: [false]
- 			ifFalse: [
- 				super extent: aPoint.
- 				owner ifNotNil: [owner layoutChanged].
- 				true]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>hHideScrollBar (in category 'scrolling') -----
  	self hIsScrollbarShowing ifFalse: [^self].
+ 	self removeMorph: hScrollBar.!
- 	self removeMorph: hScrollBar.
- 	retractableScrollBar ifFalse: [self resetExtent].
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>hShowScrollBar (in category 'scrolling') -----
  	self hIsScrollbarShowing ifTrue: [^self].
  	self hResizeScrollBar.
  	self privateAddMorph: hScrollBar atIndex: 1.
+ 	retractableScrollBar ifTrue: [self comeToFront].!
- 	retractableScrollBar
- 		ifTrue: [self comeToFront]
- 		ifFalse: [self resetExtent].
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ScrollPane>>handleResizeAction: (in category 'geometry') -----
- handleResizeAction: aBlock
- 	"Ensure layout properties after resizing takes place."
- 	| oldExtent |	
- 	oldExtent := self extent.
- 	aBlock value ifFalse: [^ self].
- 	"Now reset widget sizes"
- 	self extent ~= oldExtent ifTrue: [
- 		self
- 			resizeScrollBars;
- 			resizeScroller;
- 			setScrollDeltas].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>hideOrShowScrollBars (in category 'scrolling') -----
+ 		hHideOrShowScrollBar.!
- 		hHideOrShowScrollBar; 
- 		resizeScrollBars.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"initialize the state of the receiver"
  	super initialize.
  	self initializePreferences.
  	hasFocus := false.
  	self initializeScrollBars.
  	self extent: self defaultExtent.
+ 	self updateMinimumExtent.
- 	self
- 		resizeScrollBars;
- 		resizeScroller;
- 		hideOrShowScrollBars;
- 		updateMinimumExtent.
  	self setDefaultParameters.
  	self addKeyboardCaptureFilter: self.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>layoutChanged (in category 'layout') -----
+ 	self setProperty: #doLayoutAgain toValue: true.
+ 	super layoutChanged.!
- 	"Do not tell owner. We might keep our bounds."
- 	fullBounds := nil.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>resetExtent (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"Reset the extent. (may be overridden by subclasses which need to do more than this)"
+ 	self flag: #deprecate. "mt: Remove all uses in Etoys."
  	self resizeScroller!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>retractableOrNot (in category 'accessing retractable') -----
  	"Change scroll bar operation"
  	retractableScrollBar := retractableScrollBar not.
  		ifTrue: [
  			self removeMorph: scrollBar; removeMorph: hScrollBar]
  		ifFalse: [(submorphs includes: scrollBar) 
  						[self privateAddMorph: scrollBar atIndex: 1.
  						self privateAddMorph: hScrollBar atIndex: 1]].
+ 	self updateMinimumExtent.!
- 	self
- 		resizeScrollBars;
- 		resizeScroller;
- 		hideOrShowScrollBars;
- 		updateMinimumExtent.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>scrollBarOnLeft: (in category 'accessing') -----
  scrollBarOnLeft: aBoolean
  	scrollBarOnLeft := aBoolean.
+ 	self layoutChanged.!
- 	self
- 		resizeScrollBars;
- 		resizeScroller;
- 		setScrollDeltas.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>scrollBarThickness: (in category 'accessing') -----
  scrollBarThickness: anInteger
  	scrollBarThickness := anInteger.
  	self updateMinimumExtent.
+ 	self layoutChanged.!
- 	self
- 		resizeScrollBars;
- 		resizeScroller;
- 		setScrollDeltas.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>scrollToShow: (in category 'scrolling') -----
  scrollToShow: aRectangle
+ 	| newOffset |
+ 	newOffset := self offsetToShow: aRectangle.
+ 	scroller offset = newOffset ifTrue: [^ self].
+ 	scroller offset: newOffset.
+ 	self layoutChanged.!
- 	scroller offset: (self offsetToShow: aRectangle).
- 	self setScrollDeltas.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>setScrollDeltas (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"Set the ScrollBar deltas, value and interval, based on the current scroll pane size, offset and range."
+ 	scroller ifNil: [^ self].
- 	scroller hasSubmorphs ifFalse: [^ self].
- "NOTE: fullbounds commented out now -- trying to find a case where this expensive step is necessary -- perhaps there is a less expensive way to handle that case."
- 	"scroller fullBounds." "force recompute so that leftoverScrollRange will be up-to-date"
  	self hideOrShowScrollBars.
  	self vSetScrollDelta.
+ 	self hSetScrollDelta.!
- 	self hSetScrollDelta..
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>vHideScrollBar (in category 'scrolling') -----
  	self vIsScrollbarShowing ifFalse: [^self].
+ 	self removeMorph: scrollBar.!
- 	self removeMorph: scrollBar.
- 	retractableScrollBar ifFalse: [self resetExtent].
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScrollPane>>vShowScrollBar (in category 'scrolling') -----
  	self vIsScrollbarShowing ifTrue: [^ self].
  	self vResizeScrollBar.
  	self privateAddMorph: scrollBar atIndex: 1.
+ 	retractableScrollBar ifTrue: [self comeToFront]!
- 	retractableScrollBar
- 		ifTrue: [self comeToFront]
- 		ifFalse: [self resetExtent]
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>computeCellArrangement:in:horizontal:target: (in category 'layout') -----
  computeCellArrangement: cellHolder in: newBounds horizontal: aBool target: aMorph 
  	"Compute number of cells we can put in each row/column. The returned array contains a list of all the cells we can put into the row/column at each level.
  	Note: The arrangement is so that the 'x' value of each cell advances along the list direction and the 'y' value along the wrap direction. The returned arrangement has an extra cell at the start describing the width and height of the row."
+ 	| cells wrap spacing output maxExtent n sum index max cell first last w cellMax maxCell hFill vFill gap |
- 	| cells wrap spacing output maxExtent n sum index max cell first last w cellMax maxCell hFill vFill inset |
  	maxCell := cellHolder key.
  	cells := cellHolder value.
  	properties wrapDirection == #none 
  		ifTrue: [wrap := SmallInteger maxVal]
  			[wrap := aBool ifTrue: [newBounds width] ifFalse: [newBounds height].
  			wrap := wrap max: (maxCell x)].
  	spacing := properties cellSpacing.
  	(spacing == #globalRect or: [spacing = #globalSquare]) 
  			["Globally equal spacing is a very special case here, so get out fast and easy"
  				computeGlobalCellArrangement: cells
  				in: newBounds
  				horizontal: aBool
  				wrap: wrap
  				spacing: spacing].
  	output := WriteStream on: Array new.
+ 	gap := properties cellGap asPoint.
+ 	aBool ifFalse: [gap := gap transposed].
- 	inset := properties cellInset asPoint.
- 	aBool ifFalse: [inset := inset transposed].
  	first := last := nil.
  	maxExtent := 0 @ 0.
  	sum := 0.
  	index := 1.
  	n := 0.
  	hFill := vFill := false.
  	[index <= cells size] whileTrue: 
  			[w := sum.
  			cell := cells at: index.
  			cellMax := maxExtent max: cell cellSize.	"e.g., minSize"
  			sum := (spacing == #localRect or: [spacing == #localSquare]) 
  							["Recompute entire size of current row"
  							max := spacing == #localSquare 
  										ifTrue: [cellMax x max: cellMax y]
  										ifFalse: [cellMax x].
  							(n + 1) * max]
  						ifFalse: [sum + cell cellSize x].
+ 			(sum + (n * gap x) > wrap and: [first notNil]) 
- 			(sum + (n * inset x) > wrap and: [first notNil]) 
+ 					["It doesn't fit and we're now starting a new line"
- 					["It doesn't fit and we're not starting a new line"
  					(spacing == #localSquare or: [spacing == #localRect]) 
  							[spacing == #localSquare 
  								ifTrue: [maxExtent := (maxExtent x max: maxExtent y) asPoint].
  							first do: [:c | c cellSize: maxExtent]].
+ 					w := w + ((n - 1) * gap x).
- 					w := w + ((n - 1) * inset x).
  					"redistribute extra space"
  					first nextCell 
+ 						ifNotNil: [first nextCell do: [:c | c addExtraSpace: gap x @ 0]].
- 						ifNotNil: [first nextCell do: [:c | c addExtraSpace: inset x @ 0]].
  					last := LayoutCell new.
  					last cellSize: w @ maxExtent y.
  					last hSpaceFill: hFill.
  					last vSpaceFill: vFill.
  					last nextCell: first.
+ 					output position = 0 ifFalse: [last addExtraSpace: 0 @ gap y].
- 					output position = 0 ifFalse: [last addExtraSpace: 0 @ inset y].
  					output nextPut: last.
  					first := nil.
  					maxExtent := 0 @ 0.
  					sum := 0.
  					n := 0.
  					hFill := vFill := false]
  					["It did fit; use next item from input"
  					first ifNil: [first := last := cell]
  							[last nextCell: cell.
  							last := cell].
  					index := index + 1.
  					n := n + 1.
  					maxExtent := cellMax.
  					hFill := hFill or: [cell hSpaceFill].
  					vFill := vFill or: [cell vSpaceFill]]].
  	first ifNotNil: 
  			[last := LayoutCell new.
+ 			sum := sum + ((n - 1) * gap x).
- 			sum := sum + ((n - 1) * inset x).
  			first nextCell 
+ 				ifNotNil: [first nextCell do: [:c | c addExtraSpace: gap x @ 0]].
- 				ifNotNil: [first nextCell do: [:c | c addExtraSpace: inset x @ 0]].
  			last cellSize: sum @ maxExtent y.
  			last hSpaceFill: hFill.
  			last vSpaceFill: vFill.
  			last nextCell: first.
+ 			output position = 0 ifFalse: [last addExtraSpace: 0 @ gap y].
- 			output position = 0 ifFalse: [last addExtraSpace: 0 @ inset y].
  			output nextPut: last].
  	output := output contents.
  	properties listSpacing == #equal 
  			["Make all the heights equal"
  			max := output inject: 0 into: [:size :c | size max: c cellSize y].
  			output do: [:c | c cellSize: c cellSize x @ max]].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>computeCellSizes:in:horizontal: (in category 'layout') -----
  computeCellSizes: aMorph in: newBounds horizontal: aBool
  	"Step 1: Compute the minimum extent for all the children of aMorph"
+ 	| cells block minSize maxSize maxCell insetExtra |
- 	| cells block minSize maxSize maxCell |
  	cells := WriteStream on: (Array new: aMorph submorphCount).
  	minSize := properties minCellSize asPoint.
  	maxSize := properties maxCellSize asPoint.
  	aBool ifTrue:[
  		minSize := minSize transposed.
  		maxSize := maxSize transposed].
  	maxCell := 0 at 0.
+ 	insetExtra := properties cellInset.
+ 	insetExtra isRectangle
+ 		ifTrue: [insetExtra := insetExtra left + insetExtra right @ (insetExtra top + insetExtra bottom)]
+ 		ifFalse: [insetExtra := insetExtra*2 asPoint].
  	block := [:m| | size cell |
  		m disableTableLayout ifFalse:[
+ 			size := m minExtent asIntegerPoint + insetExtra.
- 			size := m minExtent asIntegerPoint.
  			cell := LayoutCell new target: m.
  			aBool ifTrue:[
  				cell hSpaceFill: m hResizing == #spaceFill.
  				cell vSpaceFill: m vResizing == #spaceFill.
  			] ifFalse:[
  				cell hSpaceFill: m vResizing == #spaceFill.
  				cell vSpaceFill: m hResizing == #spaceFill.
  				size := size transposed.
  			size := (size min: maxSize) max: minSize.
  			cell cellSize: size.
  			maxCell := maxCell max: size.
  			cells nextPut: cell]].
  	properties reverseTableCells
  		ifTrue:[aMorph submorphsReverseDo: block]
  		ifFalse:[aMorph submorphsDo: block].
  	^maxCell -> cells contents!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>computeGlobalCellArrangement:in:horizontal:wrap:spacing: (in category 'layout') -----
  computeGlobalCellArrangement: cells in: newBounds horizontal: aBool wrap: wrap spacing: spacing
  	"Compute number of cells we can put in each row/column. The returned array contains a list of all the cells we can put into the row/column at each level.
  	Note: The arrangement is so that the 'x' value of each cell advances along the list direction and the 'y' value along the wrap direction. The returned arrangement has an extra cell at the start describing the width and height of the row."
+ 	| output maxExtent n cell first last hFill vFill gap |
- 	| output maxExtent n cell first last hFill vFill |
  	output := (WriteStream on: Array new).
+ 	gap := properties cellGap asPoint.
  	first := last := nil.
  	maxExtent := cells inject: 0 at 0 into:[:size :c| size max: c cellSize "e.g., minSize"].
  	spacing == #globalSquare ifTrue:[maxExtent := (maxExtent x max: maxExtent y) asPoint].
+ 	n := ((wrap + gap x) // (maxExtent x + gap x)) max: 1.
- 	n := (wrap // maxExtent x) max: 1.
  	hFill := vFill := false.
  	1 to: cells size do:[:i|
  		cell := cells at: i.
  		hFill := hFill or:[cell hSpaceFill].
  		vFill := vFill or:[cell vSpaceFill].
  		cell cellSize: maxExtent.
  		first ifNil:[first := last := cell] ifNotNil:[last nextCell: cell. last := cell].
+ 		(i \\ n) = 0 ifTrue:[ "It doesn't fit and we're now starting a new line"
+ 			"redistribute extra space"
+ 			first nextCell ifNotNil: [first nextCell do: [:c | c addExtraSpace: gap x @ 0]].
- 		(i \\ n) = 0 ifTrue:[
  			last := LayoutCell new.
  			last cellSize: (maxExtent x * n) @ (maxExtent y).
  			last hSpaceFill: hFill.
  			last vSpaceFill: vFill.
  			hFill := vFill := false.
  			last nextCell: first.
+ 			output position = 0 ifFalse: [last addExtraSpace: 0 @ gap y].
  			output nextPut: last.
  			first := nil]].
  	first ifNotNil:[
  		last := LayoutCell new.
+ 		first nextCell ifNotNil: [first nextCell do: [:c | c addExtraSpace: gap x @ 0]].
  		last cellSize: (maxExtent x * n) @ (maxExtent y). self flag: #arNote."@@@: n is not correct!!"
  		last nextCell: first.
+ 		output position = 0 ifFalse: [last addExtraSpace: 0 @ gap y].
  		output nextPut: last].
+ 	^output contents!
- 	^output contents
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>layoutLeftToRight:in: (in category 'optimized') -----
  layoutLeftToRight: aMorph in: newBounds 
  	"An optimized left-to-right list layout"
+ 	| inset insetExtra gap extent block posX posY centering extraPerCell amount minX minY maxX maxY n width extra last cell size height sum vFill first cellRect |
- 	| inset extent block posX posY centering extraPerCell amount minX minY maxX maxY n width extra last cell size height sum vFill first |
  	size := properties minCellSize asPoint.
  	minX := size x.
  	minY := size y.
  	size := properties maxCellSize asPoint.
  	maxX := size x.
  	maxY := size y.
+ 	inset := properties cellInset.
+ 	insetExtra := inset isRectangle
+ 		ifTrue: [insetExtra := inset left + inset right @ (inset top + inset bottom)]
+ 		ifFalse: [insetExtra := inset*2 asPoint].
+ 	(inset isNumber and: [inset isZero]) ifTrue: [inset := nil].
+ 	gap := properties cellGap asPoint x.
- 	inset := properties cellInset asPoint x.
  	extent := newBounds extent.
  	n := 0.
  	vFill := false.
  	sum := 0.
  	width := height := 0.
  	first := last := nil.
  	block := 
  			[:m | | sizeX props sizeY | 
  			props := m layoutProperties ifNil: [m].
  			props disableTableLayout 
  					[n := n + 1.
  					cell := LayoutCell new target: m.
  					props hResizing == #spaceFill 
  							[cell hSpaceFill: true.
  							extra := m spaceFillWeight.
  							cell extraSpace: extra.
  							sum := sum + extra]
  						ifFalse: [cell hSpaceFill: false].
  					props vResizing == #spaceFill ifTrue: [vFill := true].
+ 					size := m minExtent + insetExtra.
- 					size := m minExtent.
- 					size := m minExtent.
  					sizeX := size x.
  					sizeY := size y.
  					sizeX < minX ifTrue: [sizeX := minX] ifFalse: [sizeX := sizeX min: maxX].
  					sizeY < minY ifTrue: [sizeY := minY] ifFalse: [sizeY := sizeY min: maxY].
  					cell cellSize: sizeX.
  					last ifNil: [first := cell] ifNotNil: [last nextCell: cell].
  					last := cell.
  					width := width + sizeX.
  					sizeY > height ifTrue: [height := sizeY]]].
  	properties reverseTableCells 
  		ifTrue: [aMorph submorphsReverseDo: block]
  		ifFalse: [aMorph submorphsDo: block].
+ 	n > 1 ifTrue: [width := width + ((n - 1) * gap)].
- 	n > 1 ifTrue: [width := width + ((n - 1) * inset)].
  	(properties hResizing == #shrinkWrap 
  		and: [properties rubberBandCells or: [sum isZero]]) 
  			ifTrue: [extent := width @ (extent y max: height)].
  	(properties vResizing == #shrinkWrap 
  		and: [properties rubberBandCells or: [vFill not]]) 
  			ifTrue: [extent := (extent x max: width) @ height].
  	posX := newBounds left.
  	posY := newBounds top.
  	"Compute extra vertical space"
  	extra := extent y - height.
  	extra := extra max: 0.
  	extra > 0 
  				ifTrue: [height := extent y]
  					[centering := properties wrapCentering.
  					centering == #bottomRight ifTrue: [posY := posY + extra].
  					centering == #center ifTrue: [posY := posY + (extra // 2)]]].
  	"Compute extra horizontal space"
  	extra := extent x - width.
  	extra := extra max: 0.
  	extraPerCell := 0.
  	extra > 0 
  			[sum isZero 
  					["extra space but no #spaceFillers"
  					centering := properties listCentering.
  					centering == #bottomRight ifTrue: [posX := posX + extra].
  					centering == #center ifTrue: [posX := posX + (extra // 2)]]
  				ifFalse: [extraPerCell := extra asFloat / sum asFloat]].
  	n := 0.
  	extra := last := 0.
  	cell := first.
  	[cell isNil] whileFalse: 
  			[n := n + 1.
  			width := cell cellSize.
  			(extraPerCell > 0 and: [cell hSpaceFill]) 
  					[extra := (last := extra) + (extraPerCell * cell extraSpace).
  					amount := extra truncated - last truncated.
  					width := width + amount].
+ 			cellRect := (posX @ posY extent: width @ height).
+ 			inset ifNotNil: [cellRect := cellRect insetBy: inset].
+ 			cell target layoutInBounds: cellRect.
+ 			posX := posX + width + gap.
- 			cell target layoutInBounds: (posX @ posY extent: width @ height).
- 			posX := posX + width + inset.
  			cell := cell nextCell]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>layoutTopToBottom:in: (in category 'optimized') -----
  layoutTopToBottom: aMorph in: newBounds 
  	"An optimized top-to-bottom list layout"
+ 	| inset insetExtra gap extent block posX posY centering extraPerCell amount minX minY maxX maxY n height extra last cell size width sum vFill first cellRect |
- 	| inset extent block posX posY centering extraPerCell amount minX minY maxX maxY n height extra last cell size width sum vFill first |
  	size := properties minCellSize asPoint.
  	minX := size x.
  	minY := size y.
  	size := properties maxCellSize asPoint.
  	maxX := size x.
  	maxY := size y.
+ 	inset := properties cellInset.
+ 	insetExtra := inset isRectangle
+ 		ifTrue: [insetExtra := inset left + inset right @ (inset top + inset bottom)]
+ 		ifFalse: [insetExtra := inset*2 asPoint].
+ 	(inset isNumber and: [inset isZero]) ifTrue: [inset := nil].
+ 	gap := properties cellGap asPoint y.
- 	inset := properties cellInset asPoint y.
  	extent := newBounds extent.
  	n := 0.
  	vFill := false.
  	sum := 0.
  	width := height := 0.
  	first := last := nil.
  	block := 
  			[:m | | sizeY sizeX props | 
  			props := m layoutProperties ifNil: [m].
  			props disableTableLayout 
  					[n := n + 1.
  					cell := LayoutCell new target: m.
  					props vResizing == #spaceFill 
  							[cell vSpaceFill: true.
  							extra := m spaceFillWeight.
  							cell extraSpace: extra.
  							sum := sum + extra]
  						ifFalse: [cell vSpaceFill: false].
  					props hResizing == #spaceFill ifTrue: [vFill := true].
+ 					size := m minExtent + insetExtra.
- 					size := m minExtent.
  					sizeX := size x.
  					sizeY := size y.
  					sizeX < minX ifTrue: [sizeX := minX] ifFalse: [sizeX := sizeX min: maxX].
  					sizeY < minY ifTrue: [sizeY := minY] ifFalse: [sizeY := sizeY min: maxY].
  					cell cellSize: sizeY.
  					first ifNil: [first := cell] ifNotNil: [last nextCell: cell].
  					last := cell.
  					height := height + sizeY.
  					sizeX > width ifTrue: [width := sizeX]]].
  	properties reverseTableCells 
  		ifTrue: [aMorph submorphsReverseDo: block]
  		ifFalse: [aMorph submorphsDo: block].
+ 	n > 1 ifTrue: [height := height + ((n - 1) * gap)].
- 	n > 1 ifTrue: [height := height + ((n - 1) * inset)].
  	(properties vResizing == #shrinkWrap 
  		and: [properties rubberBandCells or: [sum isZero]]) 
  			ifTrue: [extent := (extent x max: width) @ height].
  	(properties hResizing == #shrinkWrap 
  		and: [properties rubberBandCells or: [vFill not]]) 
  			ifTrue: [extent := width @ (extent y max: height)].
  	posX := newBounds left.
  	posY := newBounds top.
  	"Compute extra horizontal space"
  	extra := extent x - width.
  	extra := extra max: 0.
  	extra > 0 
  				ifTrue: [width := extent x]
  					[centering := properties wrapCentering.
  					centering == #bottomRight ifTrue: [posX := posX + extra].
  					centering == #center ifTrue: [posX := posX + (extra // 2)]]].
  	"Compute extra vertical space"
  	extra := extent y - height.
  	extra := extra max: 0.
  	extraPerCell := 0.
  	extra > 0 
  			[sum isZero 
  					["extra space but no #spaceFillers"
  					centering := properties listCentering.
  					centering == #bottomRight ifTrue: [posY := posY + extra].
  					centering == #center ifTrue: [posY := posY + (extra // 2)]]
  				ifFalse: [extraPerCell := extra asFloat / sum asFloat]].
  	n := 0.
  	extra := last := 0.
  	cell := first.
  	[cell isNil] whileFalse: 
  			[n := n + 1.
  			height := cell cellSize.
  			(extraPerCell > 0 and: [cell vSpaceFill]) 
  					[extra := (last := extra) + (extraPerCell * cell extraSpace).
  					amount := extra truncated - last truncated.
  					height := height + amount].
+ 			cellRect := (posX @ posY extent: width @ height).
+ 			inset ifNotNil: [cellRect := cellRect insetBy: inset].
+ 			cell target layoutInBounds: cellRect.
+ 			posY := posY + height + gap.
- 			cell target layoutInBounds: (posX @ posY extent: width @ height).
- 			posY := posY + height + inset.
  			cell := cell nextCell]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>minExtentHorizontal: (in category 'optimized') -----
  minExtentHorizontal: aMorph 
  	"Return the minimal size aMorph's children would require given the new bounds"
+ 	| insetExtra gap minX minY maxX maxY n size width height |
- 	| inset minX minY maxX maxY n size width height |
  	size := properties minCellSize asPoint.
  	minX := size x.
  	minY := size y.
  	size := properties maxCellSize asPoint.
  	maxX := size x.
  	maxY := size y.
+ 	insetExtra := properties cellInset.
+ 	insetExtra isRectangle
+ 		ifTrue: [insetExtra := insetExtra left + insetExtra right @ (insetExtra top + insetExtra bottom)]
+ 		ifFalse: [insetExtra := insetExtra*2 asPoint].
+ 	gap := properties cellGap asPoint.
- 	inset := properties cellInset asPoint.
  	n := 0.
  	width := height := 0.
  	aMorph submorphsDo: 
  			[:m | | sizeX sizeY | 
  			m disableTableLayout 
  					[n := n + 1.
+ 					size := m minExtent + insetExtra.
- 					size := m minExtent.
  					sizeX := size x.
  					sizeY := size y.
  					sizeX < minX 
  						ifTrue: [sizeX := minX]
  						ifFalse: [sizeX := sizeX min: maxX].
  					sizeY < minY 
  						ifTrue: [sizeY := minY]
  						ifFalse: [sizeY := sizeY min: maxY].
  					width := width + sizeX.
  					sizeY > height ifTrue: [height := sizeY]]].
+ 	n > 1 ifTrue: [width := width + ((n - 1) * gap x)].
- 	n > 1 ifTrue: [width := width + ((n - 1) * inset x)].
  	^minExtentCache := width @ height!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>minExtentVertical: (in category 'optimized') -----
  minExtentVertical: aMorph 
  	"Return the minimal size aMorph's children would require given the new bounds"
+ 	| insetExtra gap minX minY maxX maxY n size width height |
- 	| inset minX minY maxX maxY n size width height |
  	size := properties minCellSize asPoint.
  	minX := size x.
  	minY := size y.
  	size := properties maxCellSize asPoint.
  	maxX := size x.
  	maxY := size y.
+ 	insetExtra := properties cellInset.
+ 	insetExtra isRectangle
+ 		ifTrue: [insetExtra := insetExtra left + insetExtra right @ (insetExtra top + insetExtra bottom)]
+ 		ifFalse: [insetExtra := insetExtra*2 asPoint].
+ 	gap := properties cellGap asPoint.
- 	inset := properties cellInset asPoint.
  	n := 0.
  	width := height := 0.
  	aMorph submorphsDo: 
  			[:m | | sizeY sizeX | 
  			m disableTableLayout 
  					[n := n + 1.
+ 					size := m minExtent + insetExtra.
- 					size := m minExtent.
  					sizeX := size x.
  					sizeY := size y.
  					sizeX < minX 
  						ifTrue: [sizeX := minX]
  						ifFalse: [sizeX := sizeX min: maxX].
  					sizeY < minY 
  						ifTrue: [sizeY := minY]
  						ifFalse: [sizeY := sizeY min: maxY].
  					height := height + sizeY.
  					sizeX > width ifTrue: [width := sizeX]]].
+ 	n > 1 ifTrue: [height := height + ((n - 1) * gap y)].
- 	n > 1 ifTrue: [height := height + ((n - 1) * inset y)].
  	^minExtentCache := width @ height!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayout>>placeCells:in:horizontal:target: (in category 'layout') -----
  placeCells: arrangement in: newBounds horizontal: aBool target: aMorph 
  	"Place the morphs within the cells accordingly"
  	| xDir yDir anchor yDist place cell xDist cellRect corner inset |
  	inset := properties cellInset.
  	(inset isNumber and: [inset isZero]) ifTrue: [inset := nil].
  			["horizontal layout"
  			properties listDirection == #rightToLeft 
  					[xDir := -1 @ 0.
  					properties wrapDirection == #bottomToTop 
  							[yDir := 0 @ -1.
  							anchor := newBounds bottomRight]
  							[yDir := 0 @ 1.
  							anchor := newBounds topRight]]
  					[xDir := 1 @ 0.
  					properties wrapDirection == #bottomToTop 
  							[yDir := 0 @ -1.
  							anchor := newBounds bottomLeft]
  							[yDir := 0 @ 1.
  							anchor := newBounds topLeft]]]
  			["vertical layout"
  			properties listDirection == #bottomToTop 
  					[xDir := 0 @ -1.
  					properties wrapDirection == #rightToLeft 
  							[yDir := -1 @ 0.
  							anchor := newBounds bottomRight]
  							[yDir := 1 @ 0.
  							anchor := newBounds bottomLeft]]
  					[xDir := 0 @ 1.
  					anchor := properties wrapDirection == #rightToLeft 
  									[yDir := -1 @ 0.
  									newBounds topRight]
  									[yDir := 1 @ 0.
  									newBounds topLeft]]].
  	1 to: arrangement size
  			[:i | 
  			cell := arrangement at: i.
  			cell extraSpace ifNotNil: [anchor := anchor + (cell extraSpace y * yDir)].
  			yDist := cell cellSize y * yDir.	"secondary advance direction"
  			place := anchor.
  			cell := cell nextCell.
  			[cell isNil] whileFalse: 
  					[cell extraSpace ifNotNil: [place := place + (cell extraSpace x * xDir)].
  					xDist := cell cellSize x * xDir.	"primary advance direction"
  					corner := place + xDist + yDist.
  					cellRect := Rectangle origin: (place min: corner)
  								corner: (place max: corner).
  					inset ifNotNil: [cellRect := cellRect insetBy: inset].
  					cell target layoutInBounds: cellRect.
  					place := place + xDist.
  					cell := cell nextCell].
  			anchor := anchor + yDist]!

Item was changed:
  LayoutProperties subclass: #TableLayoutProperties
+ 	instanceVariableNames: 'cellInset cellPositioning cellSpacing cellGap layoutInset listCentering listDirection listSpacing reverseTableCells rubberBandCells wrapCentering wrapDirection minCellSize maxCellSize'
- 	instanceVariableNames: 'cellInset cellPositioning cellSpacing layoutInset listCentering listDirection listSpacing reverseTableCells rubberBandCells wrapCentering wrapDirection minCellSize maxCellSize'
  	classVariableNames: ''
  	poolDictionaries: ''
  	category: 'Morphic-Layouts'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TableLayoutProperties>>cellGap (in category 'table defaults') -----
+ cellGap
+ 	"ifNil is just for migration of old instances."
+ 	^ cellGap ifNil: [0]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TableLayoutProperties>>cellGap: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ cellGap: aNumber
+ 	cellGap := aNumber!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TableLayoutProperties>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
  	super initialize.
  	cellSpacing := listSpacing := wrapDirection := #none.
  	cellPositioning := #center.
  	listCentering := wrapCentering := #topLeft.
  	listDirection := #topToBottom.
  	reverseTableCells := rubberBandCells := false.
+ 	layoutInset := cellInset := minCellSize := cellGap := 0.
- 	layoutInset := cellInset := minCellSize := 0.
  	maxCellSize := 1073741823. "SmallInteger maxVal"

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextMorph>>doLayoutIn: (in category 'layout') -----
+ doLayoutIn: layoutBounds
+ 	"Compute paragraph here to reduce visual flickering. Also update the layout of any submorphs, which can be added via text anchors.
+ 	autoFit + wrapFlag -> hResizing: #rigid + vResizing: #shrinkWrap
+ 	autoFIt + no wrapFlag -> hResizing: #shrinkWrap + vResizing: #shrinkWrap
+ 	no autoFit + wrapFlag -> hResizing: #rigid + vRresizing: #rigid
+ 	no autoFit + no wrapFlag -> hResizing: #rigid + vRresizing: #rigid"
+ 	self submorphsDo: [:m | m fullBounds].	
+ 	self paragraph.
+ 	fullBounds := self privateFullBounds.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>extent: (in category 'geometry') -----
  extent: aPoint 
  	| newExtent priorEditor |
  	bounds extent = aPoint ifTrue: [^ self].
  	priorEditor := editor.
  	self isAutoFit
  		ifTrue: [wrapFlag ifFalse: [^ self].  "full autofit can't change"
+ 				newExtent := aPoint truncated.
- 				newExtent := aPoint truncated max: self minimumExtent.
  				newExtent x = self extent x ifTrue: [^ self].  "No change of wrap width"
  				self releaseParagraphReally.  "invalidate the paragraph cache"
  				super extent: newExtent.
  					ifNil: [self fit]  "since the width has changed..."
  					ifNotNil: [self installEditorToReplace: priorEditor]]
+ 		ifFalse: [super extent: aPoint truncated.
- 		ifFalse: [super extent: (aPoint truncated max: self minimumExtent).
  				wrapFlag ifFalse: [^ self].  "no effect on composition"
  				self composeToBounds]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>fit (in category 'private') -----
  	"Adjust my bounds to fit the text.  Should be a no-op if autoFit is not specified.
  	Required after the text changes,
  	or if wrapFlag is true and the user attempts to change the extent."
+ 	| newExtent para cBounds lastOfLines heightOfLast |
- 	| newExtent para cBounds lastOfLines heightOfLast wid |
  	self isAutoFit 
+ 			[
+ 			newExtent := self paragraph extent max: 1 @ self defaultLineHeight.
- 			[wid := (text notNil and: [text size > 2]) ifTrue: [5] ifFalse: [40].
- 			newExtent := (self paragraph extent max: wid @ ( self defaultLineHeight)) + (0 @ 2).
  			newExtent := newExtent + (2 * self borderWidth).
  				ifNotNil: [newExtent := ((0 @ 0 extent: newExtent) expandBy: margins) extent].
  			newExtent ~= bounds extent 
  					[(container isNil and: [successor isNil]) 
  							[para := paragraph.	"Save para (layoutChanged smashes it)"
  							super extent: newExtent.
  							paragraph := para]].
  			container notNil & successor isNil 
  					[cBounds := container bounds truncated.
  					"23 sept 2000 - try to allow vertical growth"
  					lastOfLines := self paragraph lines last.
  					heightOfLast := lastOfLines bottom - lastOfLines top.
  					(lastOfLines last < text size 
  						and: [lastOfLines bottom + heightOfLast >= self bottom]) 
  								[container releaseCachedState.
  								cBounds := cBounds origin corner: cBounds corner + (0 @ heightOfLast)].
  					self privateBounds: cBounds]].
  	"These statements should be pushed back into senders"
  	self paragraph positionWhenComposed: self position.
  	successor ifNotNil: [successor predecessorChanged].
  	self changed	"Too conservative: only paragraph composition
  					should cause invalidation."!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextMorph>>hResizing (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ hResizing
+ 	self layoutProperties ifNotNil: [:props |
+ 		^ props hResizing].
+ 	(self isAutoFit and: [self isWrapped])
+ 		ifTrue: [^ #rigid]. "or #spaceFill"
+ 	(self isAutoFit and: [self isWrapped not])
+ 		ifTrue: [^ #shrinkWrap].
+ 	(self isAutoFit not and: [self isWrapped])
+ 		ifTrue: [^ #rigid]. "or #spaceFill"
+ 	(self isAutoFit not and: [self isWrapped not])
+ 		ifTrue: [^ #rigid]. "or #spaceFill"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextMorph>>hResizing: (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ hResizing: aSymbol
+ 	super hResizing: aSymbol.
+ 	aSymbol == #shrinkWrap
+ 		ifTrue: [self autoFit: true; wrapFlag: false];
+ 		ifFalse: ["#rigid or #spaceFill -- Prefer to not cut out text."
+ 			self autoFit: self vResizing == #shrinkWrap; wrapFlag: true].
+ 	self releaseParagraph.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>handleInteraction:fromEvent: (in category 'editing') -----
  handleInteraction: interactionBlock fromEvent: evt
  	"Perform the changes in interactionBlock, noting any change in selection
  	and possibly a change in the size of the paragraph (ar 9/22/2001 - added for TextPrintIts)"
+ 	| oldEditor oldParagraph oldText oldSelection |
- 	| oldEditor oldParagraph oldText |
  	oldEditor := editor.
  	oldParagraph := paragraph.
  	oldText := oldParagraph text copy.
+ 	oldSelection := oldParagraph selectionRects. "already copy"
+ 	"Note old selection."
+ 	self selectionChanged: oldSelection.
+ 	interactionBlock value.
- 	self selectionChanged.  "Note old selection"
- 		interactionBlock value.
  	(oldParagraph == paragraph) ifTrue:[
  		"this will not work if the paragraph changed"
  		editor := oldEditor.     "since it may have been changed while in block"
+ 	"Note new selection."
+ 	paragraph selectionRects in: [:newSelection |
+ 		newSelection ~= oldSelection ifTrue: [
+ 			self selectionChanged: newSelection]].
- 	self selectionChanged.  "Note new selection"
  	(oldText = paragraph text and: [ oldText runs = paragraph text runs ])
  			self paragraph composeAll.
  			self updateFromParagraph ].
  	self setCompositionWindow.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>isAutoFit (in category 'accessing') -----
+ 	^ autoFit ifNil: [autoFit := true]!
- 	"Migrating old instances. The #isNil check may be removed in the future."
- 	^ autoFit isNil or: [autoFit]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>minHeight (in category 'layout') -----
  	| result |
+ 	"Layout specific. If either height or width are shrink-wrapping, we have to leave the other dimension as is. Otherwise, those results would be incorrect. Note that you can still set #extent: so smaller values to recompute the paragraph."
+ 	self vResizing == #shrinkWrap
+ 		ifTrue: [self fullBounds. ^ self height].
  	textStyle ifNil: [^ 16].
  	result := (textStyle lineGrid + 2) + (self borderWidth*2).
  	margins ifNil: [^ result].
  	^ margins isRectangle
  		ifTrue: [result + margins top + margins bottom]
  		ifFalse: [margins isPoint
  			ifTrue: [result + margins y + margins y]
  			ifFalse: [result + (2*margins)]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>minWidth (in category 'layout') -----
  	| result |
+ 	"Layout specific. If either height or width are shrink-wrapping, we have to leave the other dimension as is. Otherwise, those results would be incorrect. Note that you can still set #extent: so smaller values to recompute the paragraph."
+ 	self hResizing == #shrinkWrap
+ 		ifTrue: [self fullBounds. ^ self width].
  	textStyle ifNil: [^ 9].
  	result := 9 + (self borderWidth*2).
  	margins ifNil: [^ result].
  	^ margins isRectangle
  		ifTrue: [result + margins left + margins right]
  		ifFalse: [margins isPoint
  			ifTrue: [result + margins x + margins x]
  			ifFalse: [result + (2*margins)]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>selectionChanged (in category 'private') -----
+ 	self selectionChanged: self paragraph selectionRects.!
- 	"Invalidate all the selection rectangles. 
- 	Make sure that any drop shadow is accounted for too."
- 	self paragraph selectionRects
- 		do: [:r | self
- 				invalidRect: (self expandFullBoundsForDropShadow: (r intersect: self fullBounds))]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextMorph>>selectionChanged: (in category 'private') -----
+ selectionChanged: rects
+ 	"Invalidate all the selection rectangles. By using either fullBounds or outerBounds, we make sure that any drop shadow is accounted for too."
+ 	| myBounds |
+ 	rects ifEmpty: [^ self].
+ 	myBounds := fullBounds ifNil: [self outerBounds].
+ 	rects do: [:r | self invalidRect: (r intersect: myBounds)].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextMorph>>updateFromParagraph (in category 'private') -----
  	"A change has taken place in my paragraph, as a result of editing and I must be updated.  If a line break causes recomposition of the current paragraph, or it the selection has entered a different paragraph, then the current editor will be released, and must be reinstalled with the resulting new paragraph, while retaining any editor state, such as selection, undo state, and current typing emphasis."
  	| newStyle sel oldLast oldEditor back |
  	paragraph ifNil: [^self].
  	wrapFlag ifNil: [wrapFlag := true].
  	editor ifNotNil: 
  			[oldEditor := editor.
  			sel := editor selectionInterval.
  			editor storeSelectionInParagraph].
  	text := paragraph text.
  	paragraph textStyle = textStyle 
  		ifTrue: [self fit]
  			["Broadcast style changes to all morphs"
  			newStyle := paragraph textStyle.
  			(self firstInChain text: text textStyle: newStyle) recomposeChain.
  			editor ifNotNil: [self installEditorToReplace: editor]].
  	(self isAutoFit and: [self isWrapped not])
  		ifTrue: [self extent: self paragraph extent; composeToBounds]
+ 		ifFalse: [self layoutChanged].
- 		ifFalse: [super layoutChanged].
  	sel ifNil: [^self].
  	"If selection is in top line, then recompose predecessor for possible ripple-back"
  	predecessor ifNotNil: 
  			[sel first <= (self paragraph lines first last + 1) 
  					[oldLast := predecessor lastCharacterIndex.
  					predecessor paragraph 
  						recomposeFrom: oldLast
  						to: text size
  						delta: 0.
  					oldLast = predecessor lastCharacterIndex 
  							[predecessor changed.	"really only last line"
  							self predecessorChanged]]].
  	((back := predecessor notNil 
  				and: [sel first <= self paragraph firstCharacterIndex]) or: 
  				[successor notNil 
  					and: [sel first > (self paragraph lastCharacterIndex + 1)]]) 
  			["The selection is no longer inside this paragraph.
  		Pass focus to the paragraph that should be in control."
  			back ifTrue: [predecessor recomposeChain] ifFalse: [self recomposeChain].
  			self firstInChain withSuccessorsDo: 
  					[:m | 
  					(sel first between: m firstCharacterIndex and: m lastCharacterIndex + 1) 
  							[m installEditorToReplace: oldEditor.
  							^self passKeyboardFocusTo: m]].
  			self error: 'Inconsistency in text editor'	"Must be somewhere in the successor chain"].
  	editor ifNil: 
  			["Reinstate selection after, eg, style change"
  			self installEditorToReplace: oldEditor].
  	"self setCompositionWindow."

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextMorph>>vResizing (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ vResizing
+ 	self layoutProperties ifNotNil: [:props |
+ 		^ props vResizing].
+ 	(self isAutoFit and: [self isWrapped])
+ 		ifTrue: [^ #shrinkWrap]. 
+ 	(self isAutoFit and: [self isWrapped not])
+ 		ifTrue: [^ #shrinkWrap].
+ 	(self isAutoFit not and: [self isWrapped])
+ 		ifTrue: [^ #rigid]. "or #spaceFill"
+ 	(self isAutoFit not and: [self isWrapped not])
+ 		ifTrue: [^ #rigid]. "or #spaceFill"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextMorph>>vResizing: (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ vResizing: aSymbol
+ 	super vResizing: aSymbol.
+ 	self autoFit: aSymbol == #shrinkWrap.
+ 	 self wrapDirection: (aSymbol == #shrinkWrap
+ 		ifTrue: [#topToBottom]
+ 		ifFalse: [#none]).
+ 	self releaseParagraph.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TextMorph>>wrapDirection (in category 'layout-properties') -----
+ wrapDirection
+ 	self layoutProperties ifNotNil: [:props |
+ 		^ props wrapDirection].
+ 	^ self vResizing == #shrinkWrap
+ 		ifTrue: [#topToBottom]
+ 		ifFalse: [#none]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextMorphForEditView>>updateFromParagraph (in category 'private') -----
- updateFromParagraph  
- 	super updateFromParagraph.
- 	editView setScrollDeltas.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TransformMorph>>layoutChanged (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"A submorph could have moved, thus changing my localBounds. Invalidate the cache."
  	localBounds := nil.
+ 	super layoutChanged.!
- 	"Only discard my fullBounds. Do not tell my owner."
- 	fullBounds := nil.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WorldState>>displayWorld:submorphs: (in category 'update cycle') -----
  displayWorld: aWorld submorphs: submorphs
  	"Update this world's display."
  	| deferredUpdateMode handsToDraw allDamage handDamageRects worldDamageRects |
+ 	aWorld fullBounds. "send #ownerChanged to submorphs."
  	submorphs do: [:m | m fullBounds].  "force re-layout if needed"
  	self checkIfUpdateNeeded ifFalse: [^ self].  "display is already up-to-date"
  	deferredUpdateMode := self doDeferredUpdatingFor: aWorld.
  	deferredUpdateMode ifFalse: [self assuredCanvas].
  	worldDamageRects := self drawWorld: aWorld submorphs: submorphs invalidAreasOn: self assuredCanvas.  "repair world's damage on canvas"
  	"self handsDo:[:h| h noticeDamageRects: worldDamageRects]."
  	handsToDraw := self selectHandsToDrawForDamage: worldDamageRects.
  	handDamageRects := handsToDraw collect: [:h | h savePatchFrom: canvas].
  	allDamage := worldDamageRects, handDamageRects.
  	handsToDraw reverseDo: [:h | canvas fullDrawMorph: h].  "draw hands onto world canvas"
  	"*make this true to flash damaged areas for testing*"
  	Preferences debugShowDamage ifTrue: [aWorld flashRects: allDamage color: Color black].
  	canvas finish: allDamage.
  	"quickly copy altered rects of canvas to Display:"
  		ifTrue: [self forceDamageToScreen: allDamage]
  		ifFalse: [canvas showAt: aWorld viewBox origin invalidRects: allDamage].
  	handsToDraw do: [:h | h restoreSavedPatchOn: canvas].  "restore world canvas under hands"
  	Display deferUpdates: false; forceDisplayUpdate.

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