[Pkg] The Trunk: Multilingual-nice.244.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue Jun 11 09:15:21 UTC 2019

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Multilingual-nice.244
Author: nice
Time: 11 June 2019, 11:15:08.896371 am
UUID: 94dda6ba-be79-f343-a57a-58cd0d96a0fb
Ancestors: Multilingual-nice.243

Move Etoys specific font reading methods back to Etoys package.

Note that those methods depends on other methods that did remain in Etoys package: we need to move either all, or none of these specific methods, but better not some.

=============== Diff against Multilingual-nice.243 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: EFontBDFFontReaderForRanges>>readCharactersInRanges2:storeInto: (in category 'reading') -----
- readCharactersInRanges2: ranges storeInto: chars
- 	| array form code rangeStream in |
- 	rangeStream := ReadStream on: ranges.
- 	[true] whileTrue: [
- 		array := self readOneCharacter.
- 		array second ifNil: [^ self].
- 		code := array at: 2.
- 		in := false.
- 		ranges do: [:range |
- 			(code between: range first and: range last) ifTrue: [
- 				in := true.
- 			].
- 		].
- 		in ifTrue: [
- 			form := array at: 1.
- 			form ifNotNil: [
- 				chars add: array.
- 			].
- 		].
- 	].
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: EFontBDFFontReaderForRanges>>readRangesForSimplifiedChinese:overrideWith:otherRanges:additionalOverrideRange: (in category 'reading') -----
- readRangesForSimplifiedChinese: ranges overrideWith: otherFileName otherRanges: otherRanges additionalOverrideRange: additionalRange
- 	| xTable strikeWidth glyphs ascent descent minAscii maxAscii maxWidth chars charsNum height form encoding bbx width blt lastAscii pointSize ret lastValue start end |
- 	form := encoding := bbx := nil.
- 	self initialize.
- 	self readAttributes.
- 	height := Integer readFromString: ((properties at: #FONTBOUNDINGBOX) at: 2).
- 	ascent := Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_ASCENT' asSymbol) first.
- 	descent := Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_DESCENT' asSymbol) first.
- 	(properties includesKey: 'POINT_SIZE' asSymbol) ifTrue: [
- 		pointSize := (Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'POINT_SIZE' asSymbol) first) // 10.
- 	] ifFalse: [
- 		pointSize := (ascent + descent) * 72 // 96.
- 	].
- 	maxWidth := 0.
- 	minAscii := 16r200000.
- 	strikeWidth := 0.
- 	maxAscii := 0.
- 	charsNum := Integer readFromString: (properties at: #CHARS) first.
- 	chars := Set new: charsNum.
- 	self readCharactersInRanges2: ranges storeInto: chars.
- 	chars := self override2: chars with: otherFileName ranges: otherRanges transcodingTable: (UCSTable jisx0208Table) additionalRange: additionalRange.
- 	chars := chars sorted: [:x :y | (x at: 2) <= (y at: 2)].
- 	charsNum := chars size. "undefined encodings make this different"
- 	chars do: [:array |
- 		encoding := array at: 2.
- 		bbx := array at: 3..
- 		width := bbx at: 1.
- 		maxWidth := maxWidth max: width.
- 		minAscii := minAscii min: encoding.
- 		maxAscii := maxAscii max: encoding.
- 		strikeWidth := strikeWidth + width.
- 	].
- 	glyphs := Form extent: strikeWidth at height.
- 	blt := BitBlt toForm: glyphs.
- 	start := ((ranges collect: [:r | r first]), (additionalRange collect: [:r2 | r2 first])) min.
- 	end := ((ranges collect: [:r | r second]), (additionalRange collect: [:r2 | r2 second])) max + 3.
- 	"xRange := Array with: (Array with: ((ranges collect: [:r | r first]), (additionalRange collect: [:r2 | r2 first])) min
- 						with: (((ranges collect: [:r | r second]), (additionalRange collect: [:r2 | r2 second])) max + 2))."
- 	"xTable := XTableForUnicodeFont new
- 		ranges: xRange."
- 	xTable := SparseLargeTable new: end chunkSize: 64 arrayClass: Array base: start defaultValue: -1.
- 	lastAscii := start.
- 	xTable at: lastAscii + 2 put: 0.
- 	1 to: charsNum do: [:i |
- 		form := (chars at: i) first.
- 		encoding := (chars at: i) second.
- 		bbx := (chars at: i) third.
- 		"lastAscii+1 to: encoding-1 do: [:a | xTable at: a+2 put: (xTable at: a+1)]."
- 		lastValue := xTable at: lastAscii + 1 + 1.
- 		xTable at: encoding + 1 put: lastValue.
- 		blt copy: (((xTable at: encoding+1)@(ascent - (bbx at: 2) - (bbx at: 4)))
- 				extent: (bbx at: 1)@(bbx at: 2))
- 			from: 0 at 0 in: form.
- 		xTable at: encoding+2 put: (xTable at: encoding+1)+(bbx at: 1).
- 		lastAscii := encoding.
- 	].
- 	xTable at: xTable size put: (xTable at: xTable size - 1).
- 	xTable zapDefaultOnlyEntries.
- 	ret := Array new: 8.
- 	ret at: 1 put: xTable.
- 	ret at: 2 put: glyphs.
- 	ret at: 3 put: minAscii.
- 	ret at: 4 put: maxAscii.
- 	ret at: 5 put: maxWidth.
- 	ret at: 6 put: ascent.
- 	ret at: 7 put: descent.
- 	ret at: 8 put: pointSize.
- 	^ret.
- " ^{xTable. glyphs. minAscii. maxAscii. maxWidth. ascent. descent. pointSize}"
- !

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