[Pkg] The Trunk: System-eem.1194.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Dec 3 05:58:25 UTC 2020

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-eem.1194
Author: eem
Time: 2 December 2020, 9:58:22.669121 pm
UUID: e3212f4a-d84c-4e35-b05e-ab5e16af91c0
Ancestors: System-tonyg.1193

When computing SystemNavigation>>allSentMessagesWithout: use anyAndAllSelectorsDo: which does a much better job than the existing code, and uses (indirectly) Scanner>>isMessageSelector: which provides a single point of definition to maintain cnsistency across tools, etc.

=============== Diff against System-tonyg.1193 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>allSentMessagesWithout: (in category 'query') -----
  allSentMessagesWithout: classesAndMessagesPair 
  	"Answer the set of selectors which are sent somewhere in the system,  
  	computed in the absence of the supplied classes and messages."
  	| sent absentClasses absentSelectors |
  	sent := IdentitySet new: CompiledMethod instanceCount.
  	absentClasses := classesAndMessagesPair first.
  	absentSelectors := classesAndMessagesPair second.
  	"sd 29/04/03"
+ 	Cursor execute showWhile:
+ 		[self environment allClassesAndTraitsDo:
+ 			[:cls |
+ 			((absentClasses includes: cls) ifTrue: [{}] ifFalse: [{cls. cls classSide}]) do:
+ 				[:each |
+ 				(absentSelectors isEmpty
- 	Cursor execute showWhile: [
- 		self environment allClassesAndTraitsDo: [:cls |
- 			((absentClasses includes: cls)
- 				ifTrue: [{}]
- 				ifFalse: [{cls. cls classSide}])
- 					do: [:each | (absentSelectors isEmpty
  						ifTrue: [each selectors]
+ 						ifFalse: [each selectors copyWithoutAll: absentSelectors]) do:
+ 					[:sel | "Include all sels, but not if sent by self"
+ 					(each compiledMethodAt: sel) anyAndAllSelectorsDo:
+ 						[:m|
+ 						 m == sel ifFalse:
+ 							[sent add: m]]]]]].
- 						ifFalse: [each selectors copyWithoutAll: absentSelectors])
- 						do: [:sel | "Include all sels, but not if sent by self"
- 							(each compiledMethodAt: sel) allLiteralsDo: [:m | 
- 								self flag: #dicuss. "mt: How to distinguish a symbol from a selector?"
- 								(m isSymbol and: [m size > 0 and: [m first isLowercase]])
- 									ifTrue: ["might be sent"
- 										m == sel ifFalse: [sent add: m]].
- 									]]]]].
  	"The following may be sent without being in any literal frame"
  	Smalltalk specialSelectorNames do: [:sel | sent add: sel].
+ 	Smalltalk presumedSentMessages do: [:sel | sent add: sel].
+ 	^sent!
- 	Smalltalk presumedSentMessages	do: [:sel | sent add: sel].
- 	^ sent.!

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