[Pkg] The Trunk: System-pre.1197.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Wed Dec 16 09:19:36 UTC 2020

Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-pre.1197
Author: pre
Time: 16 December 2020, 10:19:29.678215 am
UUID: 2a693e37-3279-b24e-87b6-c277ffbcf2ad
Ancestors: System-mt.1196

Deprecates two methods in Preferences and rewrites one method in SARInstaller to not use a deprecated method.

=============== Diff against System-mt.1196 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Preferences class>>parameterAt:default: (in category 'parameters') -----
- parameterAt: aKey default: defaultValueBlock
- 	"Deprecated interface; no surviving senders in the released image, but clients probably still use"
- 	^ self parameterAt: aKey ifAbsentPut: defaultValueBlock!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: Preferences class>>useFormsInPaintBox (in category 'standard queries') -----
- ----- Method: Preferences class>>useFormsInPaintBox (in category 'prefs - misc') -----
+ 	^ self
+ 		valueOfFlag: #useFormsInPaintBox
+ 		ifAbsent: [false]!
- 	^ self valueOfFlag: #useFormsInPaintBox!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SARInstaller class>>newCardForSqueakMap: (in category 'SqueakMap') -----
  newCardForSqueakMap: aSqueakMap
  	"Answer a new card."
+ 	| newCard |
+ 	newCard := (aSqueakMap newCardWithId: self squeakMapPackageID)
+ 		created: 3236292323
+ 		updated:3236292323
+ 		name: 'SARInstaller for 3.6'
+ 		currentVersion:'16'
+ 		summary: 'Lets you load SAR (Squeak ARchive) files from SqueakMap and the File List. For 3.6 and later images.'
+ 		description:'Support for installing SAR (Squeak ARchive) packages from SqueakMap and the File List.
+ 	For 3.6 and later images.
- 	^(aSqueakMap newCardWithId: self squeakMapPackageID)
- 	created: 3236292323
- 	updated:3236292323
- 	name: 'SARInstaller for 3.6'
- 	currentVersion:'16'
- 	summary: 'Lets you load SAR (Squeak ARchive) files from SqueakMap and the File List. For 3.6 and later images.'
- 	description:'Support for installing SAR (Squeak ARchive) packages from SqueakMap and the File List.
- For 3.6 and later images.
+ 	SMSARInstaller will use this if it''s present to load SAR packages.
- SMSARInstaller will use this if it''s present to load SAR packages.
+ 	Use SARBuilder for making these packages easily.'
+ 		url: 'http://bike-nomad.com/squeak/'
+ 		downloadUrl:'http://bike-nomad.com/squeak/SARInstallerFor36-nk.16.cs.gz'
+ 		author: 'Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com>'
+ 		maintainer:'Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com>'
+ 		registrator:'Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com>'
+ 		password:240495131608326995113451940367316491071470713347
+ 		categories: #('6ba57b6e-946a-4009-beaa-0ac93c08c5d1' '94277ca9-4d8f-4f0e-a0cb-57f4b48f1c8a' 'a71a6233-c7a5-4146-b5e3-30f28e4d3f6b' '8209da9b-8d6e-40dd-b23a-eb7e05d4677b' );
+ 		yourself.
+ 	newCard lastRelease note: 'v16: same as v16 of SARInstaller for 3.4 but doesn''t include any classes other than SARInstaller.
- Use SARBuilder for making these packages easily.'
- 	url: 'http://bike-nomad.com/squeak/'
- 	downloadUrl:'http://bike-nomad.com/squeak/SARInstallerFor36-nk.16.cs.gz'
- 	author: 'Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com>'
- 	maintainer:'Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com>'
- 	registrator:'Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com>'
- 	password:240495131608326995113451940367316491071470713347
- 	categories: #('6ba57b6e-946a-4009-beaa-0ac93c08c5d1' '94277ca9-4d8f-4f0e-a0cb-57f4b48f1c8a' 'a71a6233-c7a5-4146-b5e3-30f28e4d3f6b' '8209da9b-8d6e-40dd-b23a-eb7e05d4677b' );
- 	modulePath: ''
- 	moduleVersion:''
- 	moduleTag:''
- 	versionComment:'v16: same as v16 of SARInstaller for 3.4 but doesn''t include any classes other than SARInstaller.
  To be loaded into 3.6 images only. Will de-register the 3.4 version if it''s registered.
  Added a default (DWIM) mode in which SAR files that are missing both a preamble and postscript have all their members loaded in a default manner.
  Changed the behavior of #extractMemberWithoutPath: to use the same directory as the SAR itself.
  Added #extractMemberWithoutPath:inDirectory:
  Moved several change set methods to the class side.
  Made change set methods work with 3.5 or 3.6a/b
  Now supports the following file types:
  Projects (with or without construction of a ViewMorph)
  Genie gesture dictionaries
  Change sets
  DVS packages
  Monticello packages
  Graphics files (loaded as SketchMorphs)
  Text files (loaded as text editor windows)
  Morph(s) in files
+ Now keeps track of installed members.'.
+ 	^ newCard!
- Now keeps track of installed members.'!

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