[Pkg] The Trunk: Kernel-eem.1296.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Wed Feb 19 03:43:19 UTC 2020

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-eem.1296
Author: eem
Time: 18 February 2020, 7:43:15.608431 pm
UUID: 78e95030-3521-4dd9-b26c-2c8c7939010b
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1295, Kernel-tonyg.1293

Fix a bug in allMethodCategoriesIntegratedThrough: which can cause an error in the Debugger when prompting to define a new method.

Fix bugs in CompiledCode>>messagesDo:/selectorsDo: and define the former in terms of the latter (since the former is a misnomer).

Fix a bug in the definition of CompiledMethod>>hasSameLiteralsAs: which should not be confused by the methodClass literal.

Fix perform:with:with:with:with:with:'s comment.

=============== Diff against Kernel-tonyg.1293 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Behavior>>instSpec (in category 'testing') -----
  	"Answer the instance specification part of the format that defines what kind of object
  	 an instance of the receiver is.  The formats are
  			0	= 0 sized objects (UndefinedObject True False et al)
  			1	= non-indexable objects with inst vars (Point et al)
  			2	= indexable objects with no inst vars (Array et al)
  			3	= indexable objects with inst vars (Context BlockClosure AdditionalMethodState et al)
  			4	= weak indexable objects with inst vars (WeakArray et al)
  			5	= weak non-indexable objects with inst vars (ephemerons) (Ephemeron)
  			6	= unused
  			7	= immediates (SmallInteger, Character)
  			8	= unused
+ 			9	= 64-bit indexable	(DoubleWordArray et al)
+ 		10-11	= 32-bit indexable	(WordArray et al)			(includes one odd bit, unused in 32-bit instances)
+ 		12-15	= 16-bit indexable	(DoubleByteArray et al)		(includes two odd bits, one unused in 32-bit instances)
+ 		16-23	= 8-bit indexable	(ByteArray et al)			(includes three odd bits, one unused in 32-bit instances)
+ 		24-31	= compiled code	(CompiledCode et al)		(includes three odd bits, one unused in 32-bit instances)
- 			9	= 64-bit indexable
- 		10-11	= 32-bit indexable (Bitmap)					(plus one odd bit, unused in 32-bits)
- 		12-15	= 16-bit indexable							(plus two odd bits, one unused in 32-bits)
- 		16-23	= 8-bit indexable							(plus three odd bits, one unused in 32-bits)
- 		24-31	= compiled methods (CompiledMethod)	(plus three odd bits, one unused in 32-bits)
  	 Note that in the VM instances also have a 5 bit format field that relates to their class's format.
  	 Formats 11, 13-15, 17-23 & 25-31 are unused in classes but used in instances to define the
  	 number of elements missing up to the slot size.  For example, a 2-byte ByteString instance
+ 	 has format 18 in 32 bits, since its size is one 32-bit slot - 2 bytes ((18 bitAnd: 3) = 2), and
+ 	 22 in 64 bits, since its size is one 64-bit slot - 6 bytes ((22 bitAnd: 7) = 6).
+ 	 Formats 24-31 are for compiled code which is a combination of pointers and bytes.  The number of pointers is
+ 	 determined by literal count field of the method header, which is the first field of the object and must be a SmallInteger. 
+ 	 The literal count field occupies the least significant 15 bits of the method header, allowing up to 32,767 pointer fields,
+ 	 not including the header."
- 	 has format 18 in 32-bits, since its size is one 32-bit slot - 2 bytes ((18 bitAnd: 3) = 2), and
- 	 22 in 64 bits, since its size is one 64-bit slot - 6 bytes ((22 bitAnd: 7) = 6)."
  	^(format bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16r1F!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClassDescription>>allMethodCategoriesIntegratedThrough: (in category 'accessing method dictionary') -----
  allMethodCategoriesIntegratedThrough: mostGenericClass
  	"Answer a list of all the method categories of the receiver and all its superclasses, up through mostGenericClass"
  	| aColl |
+ 	aColl := Set new.
- 	aColl := OrderedCollection new.
  	self withAllSuperclasses do:
  		[:aClass |
+ 		(aClass includesBehavior: mostGenericClass) ifTrue:
+ 			[aColl addAll: aClass organization categories]].
- 			(aClass includesBehavior: mostGenericClass)
- 				ifTrue:	[aColl addAll: aClass organization categories]].
  	aColl remove: 'no messages' asSymbol ifAbsent: [].
+ 	^aColl asArray sort: [:a :b | a asLowercase < b asLowercase]
- 	^aColl asSet asArray sort: [:a :b | a asLowercase < b asLowercase]
  "ColorTileMorph allMethodCategoriesIntegratedThrough: TileMorph"!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompiledCode>>messagesDo: (in category 'scanning') -----
  messagesDo: workBlock
+ 	"Evaluate aBlock with all the message selectors sent by me. Duplicate seletors are possible."
- 	"Evaluate aBlock with all the message selectors sent by me. Duplicate sends possible."
+ 	"If anything should be deprecated it is messagesDo:; it can be an extension in AST/Refactoring.
+ 	 This method enumerates over selectors, not messages.  c.f. Behavior>>selectorsDo: etc"
+ 	^self selectorsDo: workBlock!
- 	| scanner selector  |
- 	self isQuick ifTrue: [^ self].
- 	self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | 
- 		scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode.
- 		scanner scanFor: [ :x | 
- 			(selector := scanner selectorToSendOrSelf) == scanner
- 				ifFalse: [workBlock value: selector].
- 			false "keep scanning" ] ].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CompiledCode>>selectorsDo: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ selectorsDo: workBlock
+ 	"Evaluate aBlock with all the message selectors sent by me. Duplicate selectors are possible."
+ 	| encoderClass |
+ 	self isQuick ifTrue: [^self].
+ 	encoderClass := self encoderClass.
+ 	self codeLiteralsDo:
+ 		[:compiledCode | | scanner limit |
+ 		limit := compiledCode size - 1.
+ 		(scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode) scanFor:
+ 			[:byte| | selector |
+ 			(selector := scanner selectorToSendOrSelf) ~~ scanner ifTrue:
+ 				[workBlock value: selector].
+ 			((encoderClass isExtension: byte)
+ 			 and: [scanner pc < limit]) ifTrue:
+ 				[scanner pc: scanner pc + (encoderClass bytecodeSize: (compiledCode at: scanner pc + 2))].
+ 			false "keep scanning"]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompiledCode>>sendsMessage: (in category 'testing') -----
+ sendsMessage: aSelector
+ 	"eem: this should be deprecated. This method does not check if a method sends a message;
+ 	 it checks if a method sends a message with a particular selector."
+ 	self flag: #todo.
- sendsMessage: aSelector 
  	self messagesDo: [:selector |
  		selector = aSelector ifTrue: [^ true]].
  	^ false!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompiledCode>>sendsSelector: (in category 'testing') -----
  sendsSelector: aSelector 
+ 	"Answer if the receiver sends a message whose selector is aSelector."
+ 	self selectorsDo:
+ 		[:selector | selector = aSelector ifTrue: [^true]].
+ 	self flag: #todo. "The use of #= instead of #== is extremely dubious, and IMO erroneous. eem 2/18/2020"
+ 	^false!
- 	self flag: #todo. "mt: Deprecate? AST/Refactoring project needs it..."
- 	^ self sendsMessage: aSelector!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>hasSameLiteralsAs: (in category 'comparing') -----
  hasSameLiteralsAs: aMethod
  	"Answer whether the receiver has the same sequence of literals as the argument.
  	 Compare the last literal, which is the class association, specially so as not to
  	 differentiate between otherwise identical methods installed in different classes.
  	 Compare the first literal carefully if it is the binding informaiton for an FFI or
  	 external primitive call.  Don't compare all of the state so that linked and unlinked
  	 methods are still considered equal."
  	| numLits |
  	numLits := self numLiterals.
  	numLits = aMethod numLiterals ifFalse: [^false].
  	1 to: numLits do:
  		[:i| | lit1 lit2 |
  		lit1 := self literalAt: i.
  		lit2 := aMethod literalAt: i.
  		(lit1 == lit2 or: [lit1 literalEqual: lit2]) ifFalse:
  			[(i = 1 and: [#(117 120) includes: self primitive])
  					[lit1 isArray
  							[(lit2 isArray and: [(lit1 first: 2) = (lit2 first: 2)]) ifFalse:
  						ifFalse: "ExternalLibraryFunction"
  							[(lit1 analogousCodeTo: lit2) ifFalse:
  					[i = (numLits - 1)
  						ifTrue: "properties"
  							[(self properties analogousCodeTo: aMethod properties)
  								ifFalse: [^false]]
  						ifFalse: "last literal (methodClassAssociation) of class-side methods is not unique"
  								"last literal of CompiledBlock is outerMethod and may not be unique."
  							[(self isCompiledBlock
  							  and: [lit1 isCompiledCode
  							  and: [lit2 isCompiledCode]]) ifTrue:
  							(i = numLits
+ 							 and: [lit1 isVariableBinding and: [lit1 value isBehavior
+ 							 and: [lit2 isVariableBinding and: [lit2 value isBehavior]]]]) ifFalse:
- 							 and: [lit1 isVariableBinding
- 							 and: [lit2 isVariableBinding
- 							 and: [lit1 key == lit2 key
- 							 and: [lit1 value == lit2 value]]]]) ifFalse:

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Object>>perform:with:with:with:with:with: (in category 'message handling') -----
  perform: aSymbol with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject with: fourthObject with: fifthObject
  	"Send the selector, aSymbol, to the receiver with the given arguments.
+ 	Fail if the number of arguments expected by the selector is not five.
- 	Fail if the number of arguments expected by the selector is not four.
  	Primitive. Optional. See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive."
  	<primitive: 83>
  	^ self perform: aSymbol withArguments: { firstObject. secondObject. thirdObject. fourthObject. fifthObject }!

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