[Pkg] The Trunk: SystemReporter-mt.42.mcz

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Mon Feb 24 14:20:21 UTC 2020

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of SystemReporter to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SystemReporter-mt.42
Author: mt
Time: 24 February 2020, 3:20:21.174903 pm
UUID: bb593140-0aec-7b4d-a7c2-079a794d6db1
Ancestors: SystemReporter-eem.40

Makes "Image Preferences" work again in the system reporter tool by ignoring Deprecation warnings.

This is only a quickfix for the release. We might want to think about whether to mark deprecated preferences visually or maybe even skip them in the report.

=============== Diff against SystemReporter-eem.40 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SystemReporter>>reportPreferences: (in category 'reporting') -----
  reportPreferences: aStream
  	| booleanPrefs prefs valuePrefs attribute falseTA trueTA |
  	prefs := Preferences dictionaryOfPreferences.
  	booleanPrefs := prefs select: [:each | each type = #Boolean].
  	valuePrefs := prefs select: [:each | each type = #Number or: [each type = #String]].
  	trueTA := TextColor black.
  	falseTA := TextColor gray.
  	booleanPrefs := booleanPrefs sorted: [:a :b | a name <= b name].  
  	self header: 'Boolean Preferences' on: aStream.
+ 	booleanPrefs do: [:each | | prefValue |
+ 		[prefValue := each preferenceValue]
+ 			on: Deprecation do: [:ex | ex resume].
+ 		attribute := prefValue ifTrue: [trueTA] ifFalse: [falseTA].
- 	booleanPrefs do: [:each |
- 		attribute := each preferenceValue ifTrue: [trueTA] ifFalse: [falseTA].
  		aStream withAttribute: attribute do: [	
  			nextPutAll: each name;
+ 			nextPutAll: prefValue printString;
- 			nextPutAll: each preferenceValue printString;
  	aStream cr.
  	self header: 'Value Preferences' on: aStream.
+ 	valuePrefs do: [:each | | prefValue |
+ 		[prefValue := each preferenceValue]
+ 			on: Deprecation do: [:ex | ex resume].
- 	valuePrefs do: [:each |
  			nextPutAll: each name;
+ 			nextPutAll: prefValue printString;
- 			nextPutAll: each preferenceValue printString;

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