[Pkg] The Trunk: Morphic-nice.1632.mcz

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Tue Mar 3 21:24:11 UTC 2020

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-nice.1632
Author: nice
Time: 3 March 2020, 10:24:06.755329 pm
UUID: dda12d07-80d5-4d83-b676-75c40f56a5fd
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1631, Morphic-nice.1625

Merge Morphic-nice.1625

Free our mind from un-initialized LayoutFrame. There should not be any such thing.

Require Graphics-nice.427

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1631 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BorderedMorph>>addMorph:fullFrame: (in category 'resize handling') -----
  addMorph: aMorph fullFrame: aLayoutFrame
  	"Add aMorph according to aLayoutFrame."
  	self cellGap > 0 ifTrue: [
  		| left right bottom top spacing |
  		spacing := self cellGap.
+ 		left := aLayoutFrame leftOffset.
+ 		right := aLayoutFrame rightOffset.
- 		left := aLayoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [0].
- 		right := aLayoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [0].
+ 		bottom := aLayoutFrame bottomOffset.
+ 		top := aLayoutFrame topOffset.
- 		bottom := aLayoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [0].
- 		top := aLayoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [0].
  		"Add a spacing to the frame if it is not top or leftmost."
  		aLayoutFrame leftFraction = 0
  			ifFalse: [left := left + spacing]
  			ifTrue: [
  				"Expect another, resizable widget besides me if I have a fixed width."
  				aLayoutFrame hasFixedWidth ifTrue: [right := right - spacing]].
  		aLayoutFrame topFraction = 0
  			ifFalse: [top := top + spacing]
  			ifTrue: [
  				"Expect another, resizable widget besides me if I have a fixed height."
  				aLayoutFrame hasFixedHeight ifTrue: [bottom := bottom - spacing]].
  			topOffset: top;
  			bottomOffset: bottom;
  			leftOffset: left;
  			rightOffset: right].
  	super addMorph: aMorph fullFrame: aLayoutFrame.
  	self wantsPaneSplitters ifTrue: [self addPaneSplitters].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BorderedMorph>>addPaneHSplitterAtBottomOfRow: (in category 'resize handling') -----
  addPaneHSplitterAtBottomOfRow: someMorphs
  	| targetY minX maxX splitter |
  	targetY := someMorphs first layoutFrame bottomFraction.
  	minX := (someMorphs detectMin: [:each | each layoutFrame leftFraction]) layoutFrame leftFraction.
  	maxX := (someMorphs detectMax: [:each | each layoutFrame rightFraction]) layoutFrame rightFraction.
  	splitter := ProportionalSplitterMorph new beSplitsTopAndBottom; yourself.
  	splitter layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame
  		fractions: (minX @ targetY corner: maxX @ targetY)
+ 		offsets: (someMorphs first layoutFrame leftOffset @ 0 
+ 			corner: someMorphs first layoutFrame rightOffset @ AbstractResizerMorph gripThickness)).
- 		offsets: ((someMorphs first layoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [0]) @ 0 
- 			corner: (someMorphs first layoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [0]) @ AbstractResizerMorph gripThickness)).
  	self addMorphBack: (splitter position: self position).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BorderedMorph>>addPaneVSplitterAtRightOfColumn: (in category 'resize handling') -----
  addPaneVSplitterAtRightOfColumn: someMorphs
  	| targetX minY maxY splitter |
  	targetX := someMorphs first layoutFrame rightFraction.
  	minY := (someMorphs detectMin: [:each | each layoutFrame topFraction]) layoutFrame topFraction.
  	maxY := (someMorphs detectMax: [:each | each layoutFrame bottomFraction]) layoutFrame bottomFraction.
  	splitter := ProportionalSplitterMorph new beSplitsLeftAndRight; yourself.
  	splitter layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame
  		fractions: (targetX @ minY corner: targetX @ maxY)
+ 		offsets: (0 @ (someMorphs first layoutFrame topOffset)
+ 			corner: (AbstractResizerMorph gripThickness@ (someMorphs first layoutFrame bottomOffset)))).
- 		offsets: (0 @ (someMorphs first layoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [0])
- 			corner: (AbstractResizerMorph gripThickness@ (someMorphs first layoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [0])))).
  	self addMorphBack: (splitter position: self position).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BorderedMorph>>linkSubmorphsToSplitters (in category 'resize handling') -----
  	self splitters do: [:splitter |
  		splitter splitsTopAndBottom ifTrue: [
  			self submorphsDo: [:morph |
  					((morph ~= splitter
  						and: [morph layoutFrame bottomFraction = splitter layoutFrame topFraction])
  						and: [morph layoutFrame hasFixedHeight not
+ 							or: [(morph layoutFrame topOffset) < 0]])
- 							or: [(morph layoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [0]) < 0]])
  								ifTrue: [splitter addLeftOrTop: morph].
  					((morph ~= splitter
  						and: [morph layoutFrame topFraction = splitter layoutFrame bottomFraction])
  						and: [morph layoutFrame hasFixedHeight not
+ 							or: [(morph layoutFrame bottomOffset) > 0]])
- 							or: [(morph layoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [0]) > 0]])
  								ifTrue: [splitter addRightOrBottom: morph]]].
  		splitter splitsLeftAndRight ifTrue: [
  			self submorphsDo: [:morph |
  					((morph ~= splitter
  						and: [morph layoutFrame rightFraction = splitter layoutFrame leftFraction])
  						and: [morph layoutFrame hasFixedWidth not
+ 							or: [(morph layoutFrame leftOffset) < 0]])
- 							or: [(morph layoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [0]) < 0]])
  								ifTrue: [splitter addLeftOrTop: morph].
  					((morph ~= splitter 
  						and: [morph layoutFrame leftFraction = splitter layoutFrame rightFraction])
  						and: [morph layoutFrame hasFixedWidth not
+ 							or: [(morph layoutFrame rightOffset) > 0]])
- 							or: [(morph layoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [0]) > 0]])
  								ifTrue: [splitter addRightOrBottom: morph]]]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ProportionalSplitterMorph>>balanceOffsets (in category 'events') -----
  	| fdx fdy |
  	(self hasProperty: #fullDelta) ifFalse: [^ self].
  	fdx := (self valueOfProperty: #fullDelta) x.
  	fdy := (self valueOfProperty: #fullDelta) y.
  	self layoutFrame hasFixedHeight ifTrue: [
  		| otop obot ctop cbot topf |
  		otop := (owner submorphs detect: [:m | 
  					m layoutFrame topFraction isZero] ifNone: [^ self]) in: [:tm | 
+ 						tm top - (tm layoutFrame topOffset)].
- 						tm top - (tm layoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [0])].
  		obot := (owner submorphs detect: [:m | 
  					m layoutFrame bottomFraction = 1] ifNone: [^ self]) in: [:tm | 
+ 						tm bottom - (tm layoutFrame bottomOffset)].
- 						tm bottom - (tm layoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [0])].
  		ctop := (self layoutFrame topFraction * (obot - otop)) rounded 
+ 					+ otop + (self layoutFrame topOffset).
- 					+ otop + (self layoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [0]).
  		cbot := (self layoutFrame bottomFraction * (obot - otop)) rounded 
+ 					+ otop + (self layoutFrame bottomOffset).
- 					+ otop + (self layoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [0]).
  		topf := self layoutFrame topFraction.
  		self layoutFrame topFraction:  ((ctop + cbot) * 0.5 - otop) / (obot - otop) asFloat.
  		self layoutFrame bottomFraction: self layoutFrame topFraction.
  		self layoutFrame topOffset: self layoutFrame topOffset - fdy.
  		self layoutFrame bottomOffset: self layoutFrame bottomOffset - fdy.
  		(leftOrTop copy union: rightOrBottom) do: [:m |
  			(m layoutFrame topFraction closeTo: topf) ifTrue: [
  				m layoutFrame topFraction: self layoutFrame topFraction.
  				m layoutFrame topOffset: m layoutFrame topOffset - fdy].
  			(m layoutFrame bottomFraction closeTo: topf) ifTrue: [
  				m layoutFrame bottomFraction: self layoutFrame topFraction.
  				m layoutFrame bottomOffset: m layoutFrame bottomOffset - fdy]]] .
  	self layoutFrame hasFixedWidth ifTrue: [
  		| oleft oright cleft cright leftf |
  		oleft := (owner submorphs detect: [:m | 
  			m layoutFrame leftFraction isZero] ifNone: [^ self]) in: [:tm | 
+ 				tm left - (tm layoutFrame leftOffset)].
- 				tm left - (tm layoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [0])].
  		oright := (owner submorphs detect: [:m | 
  			m layoutFrame rightFraction = 1] ifNone: [^ self]) in: [:tm | 
+ 				tm right - (tm layoutFrame rightOffset)].
- 				tm right - (tm layoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [0])].
  		cleft := (self layoutFrame leftFraction * (oright - oleft)) rounded 
+ 					+ oleft + (self layoutFrame leftOffset).
- 					+ oleft + (self layoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [0]).
  		cright := (self layoutFrame rightFraction * (oright - oleft)) rounded 
+ 					+ oleft + (self layoutFrame rightOffset).
- 					+ oleft + (self layoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [0]).
  		leftf := self layoutFrame leftFraction.
  		self layoutFrame leftFraction: ((cleft + cright) * 0.5 - oleft) / (oright - oleft) asFloat.
  		self layoutFrame rightFraction: self layoutFrame leftFraction.
  		self layoutFrame leftOffset: self layoutFrame leftOffset - fdx.
  		self layoutFrame rightOffset: self layoutFrame rightOffset - fdx.
  		(leftOrTop copy union: rightOrBottom) do: [:m |
  			(m layoutFrame leftFraction closeTo: leftf) ifTrue: [
  				m layoutFrame leftFraction: self layoutFrame leftFraction.
  				m layoutFrame leftOffset: m layoutFrame leftOffset - fdx].
  			(m layoutFrame rightFraction closeTo: leftf) ifTrue: [
  				m layoutFrame rightFraction: self layoutFrame leftFraction.
  				m layoutFrame rightOffset: 	m layoutFrame rightOffset - fdx.]]] .
  	self removeProperty: #fullDelta.
  	owner layoutChanged

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ProportionalSplitterMorph>>repositionBy: (in category 'events') -----
  repositionBy: delta
  	| selfTop selfBottom selfLeft selfRight |
  	self setProperty: #fullDelta toValue: ((self valueOfProperty: #fullDelta) ifNil: [0 at 0]) + delta.
  	leftOrTop do:
  		[ : each | | firstRight firstBottom firstLeft firstTop |
+ 		firstRight := each layoutFrame rightOffset.
+ 		firstBottom := each layoutFrame bottomOffset.
- 		firstRight := each layoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
- 		firstBottom := each layoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
  		each layoutFrame rightOffset: firstRight + delta x.
  		each layoutFrame bottomOffset: firstBottom + delta y.
  		each layoutFrame hasFixedHeight ifTrue: [
+ 			firstTop := each layoutFrame topOffset.
- 			firstTop := each layoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
  			each layoutFrame topOffset: firstTop + delta y ].
  		each layoutFrame hasFixedWidth ifTrue: [
+ 			firstLeft := each layoutFrame leftOffset.
- 			firstLeft := each layoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
  			each layoutFrame leftOffset: firstLeft + delta x. ] ].
  	rightOrBottom do:
  		[ : each | | secondLeft secondTop secondRight secondBottom |
+ 		secondLeft := each layoutFrame leftOffset.
+ 		secondTop := each layoutFrame topOffset.
- 		secondLeft := each layoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
- 		secondTop := each layoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
  		each layoutFrame leftOffset: secondLeft + delta x.
  		each layoutFrame topOffset: secondTop + delta y.
  		each layoutFrame hasFixedHeight ifTrue: [
+ 			secondBottom := each layoutFrame bottomOffset.
- 			secondBottom := each layoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
  			each layoutFrame bottomOffset: secondBottom + delta y. ].
  		each layoutFrame hasFixedWidth ifTrue: [
+ 			secondRight := each layoutFrame rightOffset.
- 			secondRight := each layoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
  			each layoutFrame rightOffset: secondRight + delta x. ] ].
+ 	selfTop := self layoutFrame topOffset.
+ 	selfBottom := self layoutFrame bottomOffset.
+ 	selfLeft := self layoutFrame leftOffset.
+ 	selfRight := self layoutFrame rightOffset.
- 	selfTop := self layoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
- 	selfBottom := self layoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
- 	selfLeft := self layoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
- 	selfRight := self layoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [ 0 ].
  	self layoutFrame
  		 topOffset: selfTop + delta y ;
  		 bottomOffset: selfBottom + delta y ;
  		 leftOffset: selfLeft + delta x ;
  		 rightOffset: selfRight + delta x.
  	self owner layoutChanged.
  	self movements removeFirst; add: (splitsTopAndBottom ifTrue: [ delta y sign ] ifFalse: [ delta x sign ])!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SystemWindow>>convertAlignment (in category 'layout') -----
  	"Primarily Jesse Welton's code to convert old system windows to ones with modern layout scheme"
  	self layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
  	(paneMorphs isNil 
  		or: [paneRects isNil or: [paneMorphs size ~= paneRects size]]) 
  				[self addLabelArea.
  				self putLabelItemsInLabelArea.
  				self setFramesForLabelArea.
  				paneMorphs with: paneRects
  						[:m :r | 
  						| frame |
  						frame := LayoutFrame new.
  							leftFraction: r left;
  							rightFraction: r right;
  							topFraction: r top;
  							bottomFraction: r bottom.
  						m layoutFrame: frame.
  							hResizing: #spaceFill;
  							vResizing: #spaceFill]].
  	labelArea isNil 
  			[self addLabelArea.
  			self putLabelItemsInLabelArea.
  			self setFramesForLabelArea.
  			paneMorphs ifNotNil: 
  					[paneMorphs do: 
  							[:m | 
  							| frame |
  							frame := m layoutFrame ifNil: [LayoutFrame new].
+ 							frame topOffset: (frame topOffset) - self labelHeight.
- 							frame topOffset: (frame topOffset ifNil: [0]) - self labelHeight.
  							frame bottomFraction ~= 1.0 
+ 									[frame bottomOffset: (frame bottomOffset) - self labelHeight]]]].
- 									[frame bottomOffset: (frame bottomOffset ifNil: [0]) - self labelHeight]]]].
  	label ifNotNil: 
  			[| frame |
  			frame := LayoutFrame new.
  				leftFraction: 0.5;
  				topFraction: 0;
  				leftOffset: label width negated // 2.
  			label layoutFrame: frame].
  	collapseBox ifNotNil: 
  			[| frame |
  			frame := LayoutFrame new.
  				rightFraction: 1;
  				topFraction: 0;
  				rightOffset: -1;
  				topOffset: 1.
  			collapseBox layoutFrame: frame].
  	stripes ifNotNil: 
  			[| frame |
  			frame := LayoutFrame new.
  				leftFraction: 0;
  				topFraction: 0;
  				rightFraction: 1;
  				leftOffset: 1;
  				topOffset: 1;
  				rightOffset: -1.
  			stripes first layoutFrame: frame.
  			stripes first height: self labelHeight - 2.
  			stripes first hResizing: #spaceFill.
  			frame := LayoutFrame new.
  				leftFraction: 0;
  				topFraction: 0;
  				rightFraction: 1;
  				leftOffset: 3;
  				topOffset: 3;
  				rightOffset: -3.
  			stripes last layoutFrame: frame.
  			stripes last height: self labelHeight - 6.
  			stripes last hResizing: #spaceFill].
  	menuBox ifNotNil: 
  			[| frame |
  			frame := LayoutFrame new.
  				leftFraction: 0;
  				leftOffset: 19;
  				topFraction: 0;
  				topOffset: 1.
  			menuBox layoutFrame: frame].
  	closeBox ifNotNil: 
  			[| frame |
  			frame := LayoutFrame new.
  				leftFraction: 0;
  				leftOffset: 4;
  				topFraction: 0;
  				topOffset: 1.
  			closeBox layoutFrame: frame]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SystemWindow>>setPaneRectsFromBounds (in category 'geometry') -----
  	"Reset proportional specs from actual bounds, eg, after reframing panes"
  	| layoutBounds |
  	layoutBounds := self layoutBounds.
  	paneMorphs do:[:m| | box left bottom top frame right |
  		frame := m layoutFrame.
  		box := m bounds.
  		frame ifNotNil:[
+ 			left := box left - layoutBounds left - frame leftOffset.
+ 			right := box right - layoutBounds left - frame rightOffset.
+ 			top := box top - layoutBounds top - frame topOffset.
+ 			bottom := box bottom - layoutBounds top - frame bottomOffset.
- 			left := box left - layoutBounds left - (frame leftOffset ifNil:[0]).
- 			right := box right - layoutBounds left - (frame rightOffset ifNil:[0]).
- 			top := box top - layoutBounds top - (frame topOffset ifNil:[0]).
- 			bottom := box bottom - layoutBounds top - (frame bottomOffset ifNil:[0]).
  			frame leftFraction: (left / layoutBounds width asFloat).
  			frame rightFraction: (right / layoutBounds width asFloat).
  			frame topFraction: (top / layoutBounds height asFloat).
  			frame bottomFraction: (bottom / layoutBounds height asFloat).

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