[Pkg] The Trunk: Collections-nice.879.mcz

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Sat Mar 7 21:03:29 UTC 2020

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Collections-nice.879
Author: nice
Time: 7 March 2020, 10:03:26.526308 pm
UUID: 0c7a4aea-f6e4-4578-b279-9077302e13cd
Ancestors: Collections-mt.878

Fix copyReplaceAll:with: for a Symbol receiver

self assert: (#at:put: copyReplaceAll: ':' with: '_') = 'at_put_'.

Implementation did try to modify a copy of the Symbol, which was not possible.

=============== Diff against Collections-mt.878 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceAll:with:asTokens: (in category 'private') -----
  copyReplaceAll: oldSubstring with: newSubstring asTokens: ifTokens
  	"Answer a copy of the receiver in which all occurrences of
  	oldSubstring have been replaced by newSubstring.
  	ifTokens (valid for Strings only) specifies that the characters
  	surrounding the recplacement must not be alphanumeric.
  		Bruce Simth,  must be incremented by 1 and not 
  	newSubstring if ifTokens is true.  See example below. "
  	| currentIndex |
  	(ifTokens and: [ self isString not and: [ self isText not ] ]) ifTrue: [
  		self error: 'Token replacement only valid for Strings' ].
  	(currentIndex := self indexOfSubCollection: oldSubstring startingAt: 1) = 0 ifTrue: [ ^self copy ].
  	oldSubstring size = newSubstring size ifTrue: [ "Special case"
  		| string startSearch endIndex |
+ 		string := self species withAll: self.
- 		string := self copy.
  		startSearch := 1.
  			endIndex := currentIndex + oldSubstring size - 1.
  			(ifTokens and: [
  				(currentIndex > 1 and: [ (self at: currentIndex - 1) isAlphaNumeric ])
  					or: [ endIndex < self size and: [ (self at: endIndex + 1) isAlphaNumeric ] ] ])
  				ifFalse: [ "match"
  						replaceFrom: currentIndex
  						to: endIndex
  						with: newSubstring
  						startingAt: 1 ].
  			startSearch := endIndex + 1.
  			(currentIndex := self indexOfSubCollection: oldSubstring startingAt: startSearch) = 0 ] whileFalse.
  		^string ].
  	^self species new: self size streamContents: [ :stream |
  		| startSearch endIndex |
  		startSearch := 1.
  			endIndex := currentIndex + oldSubstring size - 1.
  			(ifTokens and: [
  				(currentIndex > 1 and: [ (self at: currentIndex - 1) isAlphaNumeric ])
  					or: [ endIndex < self size and: [ (self at: endIndex + 1) isAlphaNumeric ] ] ])
  				ifFalse: [ "match"
  						next: currentIndex - startSearch
  							putAll: self
  							startingAt: startSearch;
  						nextPutAll: newSubstring ]
  				ifTrue: [
  						next: currentIndex - startSearch + oldSubstring size
  						putAll: self
  						startingAt: startSearch ].
  			startSearch := endIndex + 1.
  			(currentIndex := self indexOfSubCollection: oldSubstring startingAt: startSearch) = 0 ] whileFalse.
  			next: self size - startSearch + 1
  			putAll: self
  			startingAt: startSearch ]
  "Test case:
  	'test te string' copyReplaceAll: 'te' with: 'longone' asTokens: true   "!

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