[Pkg] The Trunk: Compiler-eem.443.mcz

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Fri Oct 2 19:25:37 UTC 2020

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Compiler-eem.443
Author: eem
Time: 2 October 2020, 12:25:28.42646 pm
UUID: c0b19571-c72e-4d7e-9081-41b61e767e6b
Ancestors: Compiler-eem.442

Decompiler/CompiledCode: startKeysToBlockExtents has moved from CompiledMethod to DebuggerMethodMap.

=============== Diff against Compiler-eem.442 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledBlock>>startKeysToBlockExtents (in category '*Compiler-support') -----
- startKeysToBlockExtents
- 	^self homeMethod startKeysToBlockExtents!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>blockExtentsInto:from:to:method:numberer: (in category '*Compiler-support') -----
- blockExtentsInto: aDictionary from: initialPC to: endPC method: method numberer: numbererBlock
- 	"Support routine for startpcsToBlockExtents"
- 	| pcs extentStart locator scanner blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator |
- 	self flag: 'belongs in DebuggerMethodMap'.
- 	extentStart := numbererBlock value.
- 	locator := BlockStartLocator new.
- 	scanner := InstructionStream new method: method pc: initialPC.
- 	pcs := OrderedCollection new.
- 	[pcs addLast: scanner pc.
- 	 scanner pc <= endPC] whileTrue:
- 		[blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator := scanner interpretNextInstructionFor: locator.
- 		 blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator ~~ locator ifTrue:
- 			 [blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator isInteger
- 				ifTrue:
- 					[self
- 						blockExtentsInto: aDictionary
- 						from: scanner pc
- 						to: scanner pc + blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator - 1
- 						method: method
- 						numberer: numbererBlock.
- 					 scanner pc: scanner pc + blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator]
- 				ifFalse:
- 					[self assert: blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator isCompiledBlock.
- 					 self
- 						blockExtentsInto: aDictionary
- 						from: blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator initialPC
- 						to: blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator endPC
- 						method: blockSizeOrMethodOrLocator
- 						numberer: numbererBlock]]].
- 	aDictionary
- 		at: (method isCompiledBlock
- 				ifTrue: [method]
- 				ifFalse: [initialPC])
- 		put: (extentStart to: numbererBlock value).
- 	^aDictionary!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>startKeysToBlockExtents (in category '*Compiler-support') -----
- startKeysToBlockExtents
- 	"Answer a Dictionary of start key to Interval of blockExtent, using the
- 	 identical numbering scheme described in and orchestrated by
- 	 BlockNode>>analyseArguments:temporaries:rootNode:.  A start key
- 	 identifies a block within a method and is either the startpc for an
- 	 embedded block or the block method itself for a full block. This is
- 	 used in part to find the temp names for any block in a method, as
- 	 needed by the debugger.  The other half is to recompile the method,
- 	 obtaining the temp names for each block extent.  By indirecting through
- 	 the blockExtent instead of using the startpc directly we decouple the
- 	 debugger's access to temp names from the exact bytecode; insulating
- 	 debugging from minor changes in the compiler (e.g. changes in literal
- 	 pooling, adding prefix bytecodes, adding inst vars to CompiledMethod
- 	 in literals towards the end of the literal frame, etc).  If the recompilation
- 	 doesn't produce exactly the same bytecode at exactly the same offset
- 	 no matter; the blockExtents will be the same."
- 	| index |
- 	self flag: 'belongs in DebuggerMethodMap'.
- 	index := 0.
- 	^self
- 		blockExtentsInto: self newBlockStartMap
- 		from: self initialPC
- 		to: self endPC
- 		method: self
- 		numberer: [| value | value := index. index := index + 2. value]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Decompiler>>mapFromBlockKeysIn:toTempVarsFrom:constructor: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  mapFromBlockKeysIn: aMethod toTempVarsFrom: schematicTempNamesString constructor: aDecompilerConstructor
+ 	"Answer a (n Identity) Dictionary from block start key to sequence of TermpVarNode & RemoteTempVarNode"
  	| startMap tempMap |
+ 	"This rather odd construct is to avoid recursion if we used aMethod methodNode startKeysToBlockExtents,
+ 	 which will invoke this Decompiler if a method has no source."
+ 	startMap := (DebuggerMethodMap
+ 					forMethod: aMethod
+ 					methodNode: nil) startKeysToBlockExtents.
- 	startMap := aMethod startKeysToBlockExtents.
  	tempMap := aMethod
  					mapFromBlockKeys: (startMap keys asArray sort: [:a :b| (startMap at: a) first <= (startMap at: b) first])
  					toSchematicTemps: schematicTempNamesString.
  	tempMap keysAndValuesDo:
  		[:startKey :tempNameTupleVector|
  		tempNameTupleVector isEmpty ifFalse:
  			[| subMap numTemps tempVector |
  			subMap := Dictionary new.
  			"Find how many temp slots there are (direct & indirect temp vectors)
  			 and for each indirect temp vector find how big it is."
  			tempNameTupleVector do:
  				tuple last isArray
  						[subMap at: tuple last first put: tuple last last.
  						 numTemps := tuple last first]
  						[numTemps := tuple last]].
  			"create the temp vector for this scope level."
  			tempVector := Array new: numTemps.
  			"fill it in with any indirect temp vectors"
  			subMap keysAndValuesDo:
  				[:index :size|
  				tempVector at: index put: (Array new: size)].
  			"fill it in with temp nodes."
  			tempNameTupleVector do:
  				[:tuple| | itv |
  				tuple last isArray
  						[itv := tempVector at: tuple last first.
  						 itv at: tuple last last
  							put: (aDecompilerConstructor
  									codeTemp: tuple last last - 1
  									named: tuple first)]
  							at: tuple last
  							put: (aDecompilerConstructor
  									codeTemp: tuple last - 1
  									named: tuple first)]].
  			"replace any indirect temp vectors with proper RemoteTempVectorNodes"
  			subMap keysAndValuesDo:
  				[:index :size|
  					at: index
  					put: (aDecompilerConstructor
  							codeRemoteTemp: index
  							remoteTemps: (tempVector at: index))].
  			"and update the entry in the map"
  			tempMap at: startKey put: tempVector]].

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