[Pkg] The Trunk: CollectionsTests-ul.344.mcz

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Sun Oct 4 22:32:39 UTC 2020

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of CollectionsTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CollectionsTests-ul.344
Author: ul
Time: 28 September 2020, 11:52:49.129468 pm
UUID: 82e7d021-2a4e-4e58-8758-c4e8838805cf
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-eem.342

Hashed collections:
- updated tests to send #array and #size instead of #capacity
- added a few tests for #capacity

=============== Diff against CollectionsTests-eem.342 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DictionaryTest>>testArraySizeOfNew (in category 'tests - basic') -----
+ testArraySizeOfNew
+ 	"Test the special cases implemented in HashedCollection class >> #new and #new: using Dictionary as an example because HashedCollection is abstract."
+ 	| goodPrimes |
+ 	goodPrimes := HashedCollection goodPrimes.
+ 	self assert: (goodPrimes includes: Dictionary new array size).
+ 	0 to: 100 do: [ :size |
+ 		| dictionary |
+ 		dictionary := Dictionary new: size.
+ 		self assert: (goodPrimes includes: dictionary array size).
+ 		self assert: dictionary capacity >= size ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: DictionaryTest>>testCapcityOfNew (in category 'tests - basic') -----
- testCapcityOfNew
- 	"Test the special cases implemented in HashedCollection class >> #new and #new: using Dictionary as an example because HashedCollection is abstract."
- 	| goodPrimes |
- 	goodPrimes := HashedCollection goodPrimes.
- 	self assert: (goodPrimes includes: Dictionary new capacity).
- 	0 to: 100 do: [ :size |
- 		| dictionary |
- 		dictionary := Dictionary new: size.
- 		self assert: (goodPrimes includes: dictionary capacity) ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: HashedCollectionTest>>testArraySize (in category 'tests - integrity') -----
+ testArraySize
+ 	| inconsistentCollections |
+ 	inconsistentCollections := HashedCollection allSubInstances reject: [ :each |
+ 		each class == MethodDictionary "MethodDictionary is the only HashedCollection which doesn't have prime array size"
+ 			ifTrue: [ each array size isPowerOfTwo ]
+ 			ifFalse: [ each array size isPrime ] ].
+ 	self assert: inconsistentCollections isEmpty!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HashedCollectionTest>>testCapacity (in category 'tests - integrity') -----
+ 	self assert: (HashedCollection allSubInstances allSatisfy: [ :each |
+ 		 each array size * 3 // 4 = each capacity ])!
- 	| inconsistentCollections |
- 	inconsistentCollections := HashedCollection allSubInstances reject: [ :each |
- 		each class == MethodDictionary "MethodDictionary is the only HashedCollection which doesn't have prime array size"
- 			ifTrue: [ each capacity isPowerOfTwo ]
- 			ifFalse: [ each capacity isPrime ] ].
- 	self assert: inconsistentCollections isEmpty!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: OrderedDictionaryTest>>testGrow (in category 'tests') -----
+ 		assert: 11 equals: sut array size; "next prime number to 7; see #setUp"
+ 		assert: sut capacity = (sut instVarNamed: #order) size;
+ 		assert: sut array size >(sut instVarNamed: #order) size. "save memory"
- 		assert: 11 equals: sut capacity; "next prime number to 7; see #setUp"
- 		assert: sut capacity > (sut instVarNamed: #order) size. "save memory"
+ 	1 to: sut array size do: [:ea |
- 	1 to: sut capacity do: [:ea |
  		sut at: ea put: nil].
+ 		assert: sut array size > 11;
+ 		assert: sut capacity = (sut instVarNamed: #order) size;
+ 		assert: sut array size > (sut instVarNamed: #order) size. "save memory"!
- 		assert: sut capacity > 11;
- 		assert: sut capacity > (sut instVarNamed: #order) size. "save memory"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SetTest>>testCapacity (in category 'tests') -----
+ testCapacity
+ 	| set capacity |
+ 	set := Set new.
+ 	self assert: set size = 0.
+ 	10 timesRepeat: [
+ 		capacity := set capacity.
+ 		self assert: set size < capacity.
+ 		set size + 1 to: capacity do: [ :i |
+ 			set add: i.
+ 			self assert: set capacity = capacity ].
+ 		self assert: set size equals: capacity.
+ 		set add: set capacity + 1.
+ 		self assert: set capacity > capacity ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WeakIdentityKeyDictionaryTest>>testFinalizeValuesWhenLastChainContinuesAtFront (in category 'tests') -----
+ 	| objectWithHashModulo dictionary arraySize a b c |
- 	| objectWithHashModulo dictionary capacity a b c |
  	objectWithHashModulo := [ :requestedHash :modulo |
  		| object |
  			object := Object new.
  			object hash \\ modulo = requestedHash ] whileFalse.
  		object ].
  	dictionary := self classToBeTested new.
+ 	arraySize := dictionary array size.
+ 	a := objectWithHashModulo value: arraySize - 2 value: arraySize.
- 	capacity := dictionary capacity.
- 	a := objectWithHashModulo value: capacity - 2 value: capacity.
  	dictionary at: a put: 1.
+ 	b := objectWithHashModulo value: arraySize - 1 value: arraySize.
- 	b := objectWithHashModulo value: capacity - 1 value: capacity.
  	dictionary at: b put: 2.
+ 	c := objectWithHashModulo value: arraySize - 2 value: arraySize.
- 	c := objectWithHashModulo value: capacity - 2 value: capacity.
  	dictionary at: c put: 3.
+ 	self assert: dictionary array size = arraySize.
+ 	self assert: (dictionary array at: arraySize - 1) key == a.
+ 	self assert: (dictionary array at: arraySize) key == b.
- 	self assert: dictionary capacity = capacity.
- 	self assert: (dictionary array at: capacity - 1) key == a.
- 	self assert: (dictionary array at: capacity) key == b.
  	self assert: (dictionary array at: 1) key == c.
  	a := nil.
  	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
  	dictionary finalizeValues.
  	self assert: (dictionary includesKey: b).
  	self assert: (dictionary includesKey: c).
+ 	self assert: dictionary slowSize = 2!
- 	self assert: dictionary slowSize = 2.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WeakSetTest>>testIncludes (in category 'tests') -----
  	| weakSet transientFakeNilObject |
  	weakSet := WeakSet new.
  	#(true nil 1) do: [ :each |
  		self deny: (weakSet includes: each) ].
  	weakSet add: true.
  	self assert: (weakSet includes: true).
  	weakSet remove: true.
  	self deny: (weakSet includes: true).
+ 	transientFakeNilObject := ((1 to: 1000) detect: [ :each | each asString hash - nil hash \\ weakSet array size = 0 ]) asString. "this string will occupy the same slot as nil would"
- 	transientFakeNilObject := ((1 to: 1000) detect: [ :each | each asString hash - nil hash \\ weakSet capacity = 0 ]) asString. "this string will occupy the same slot as nil would"
  	weakSet add: transientFakeNilObject.
  	transientFakeNilObject := transientFakeNilObject copy.
  	Smalltalk garbageCollect. "get rid of transientFakeNilObject"
  	self deny: (weakSet includes: transientFakeNilObject).
  	self deny: (weakSet includes: nil)

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