[Pkg] The Trunk: Tools-mt.998.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sun Oct 11 11:38:54 UTC 2020

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-mt.998
Author: mt
Time: 11 October 2020, 1:38:51.865652 pm
UUID: d8edf299-848e-494f-9ef9-fa7c89d1725d
Ancestors: Tools-eem.997

Refactoring 'Active' variables -- Step 2 of 2. Removes all uses of Active(World|Hand|Event) by replacing those with "self current(World|Hand|Event)" or "Project current world" when required to not add/cement Morphic dependency.

See http://forum.world.st/Changeset-Eliminating-global-state-from-Morphic-td5121690.html

=============== Diff against Tools-eem.997 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ObjectExplorer>>step (in category 'monitoring') -----
  	"Let all views know that some of my objects need to be updated."
  	self monitorList do: [ :object |
  		object ifNotNil: [self changed: #objectChanged with: object]].
  	self monitorList ifEmpty: [ 
+ 		self world stopStepping: self selector: #step ].!
- 		ActiveWorld stopStepping: self selector: #step ].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ObjectExplorer>>views (in category 'accessing - view') -----
+ 	^ self findDeepSubmorphsIn: self world that: [:morph | 
- 	^ self findDeepSubmorphsIn: ActiveWorld that: [:morph | 
  		morph modelOrNil = self]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ObjectExplorer>>world (in category 'monitoring') -----
+ 	^ Project current world!
- 	^ActiveWorld!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>defaultDesktopCommandKeyTriplets (in category '*Tools') -----
  	"Answer a list of triplets of the form
  		<key> <receiver> <selector>   [+ optional fourth element, a <description> for use in desktop-command-key-help]
  	that will provide the default desktop command key handlers.  If the selector takes an argument, that argument will be the command-key event"
  	"World initializeDesktopCommandKeySelectors"
  	| noviceKeys expertKeys |
  	noviceKeys := {
+ 		{$o. self. #activateObjectsTool. 'Activate the "Objects Tool"' translated}.
+ 		{$r. self. #restoreMorphicDisplay. 'Redraw the screen' translated}.
+ 		{$z. self. #undoOrRedoCommand. 'Undo or redo the last undoable command' translated}.
+ 		{$F. Project current. #toggleFlapsSuppressed. 'Toggle the display of flaps' translated}.
+ 		{$N. self. #toggleClassicNavigatorIfAppropriate. 'Show/Hide the classic Navigator, if appropriate' translated}.
+ 		{$M. self. #toggleShowWorldMainDockingBar. 'Show/Hide the Main Docking Bar' translated}.
+ 		{$]. Smalltalk. #saveSession. 'Save the image.' translated}.
- 		{ $o.	ActiveWorld.						#activateObjectsTool.						'Activate the "Objects Tool"'}.
- 		{ $r.	ActiveWorld.						#restoreMorphicDisplay.					'Redraw the screen'}.		
- 		{ $z.	self.								#undoOrRedoCommand.					'Undo or redo the last undoable command'}.
- 		{ $F.	Project current.					#toggleFlapsSuppressed.					'Toggle the display of flaps'}.
- 		{ $N.	self.								#toggleClassicNavigatorIfAppropriate.	'Show/Hide the classic Navigator, if appropriate'}.
- 		{ $M.	self.								#toggleShowWorldMainDockingBar.		'Show/Hide the Main Docking Bar'}.
- 		{ $].	Smalltalk.							#saveSession.								'Save the image.'}.
+ 	Preferences noviceMode ifTrue: [^ noviceKeys].
- 	Preferences noviceMode ifTrue:[^ noviceKeys].
  	expertKeys := {
+ 		{$b. SystemBrowser. #defaultOpenBrowser. 'Open a new System Browser' translated}.
+ 		{$k. Workspace. #open. 'Open a new Workspace' translated}.
+ 		{$m. self. #putUpNewMorphMenu. 'Put up the "New Morph" menu' translated}.
+ 		{$O. self. #findAMonticelloBrowser. 'Bring a Monticello window into focus.' translated}.
+ 		{$t. self. #findATranscript:. 'Make a System Transcript visible' translated}.
+ 		{$w. SystemWindow. #closeTopWindow. 'Close the topmost window' translated}.
+ 		{Character escape. SystemWindow. #closeTopWindow. 'Close the topmost window' translated}.
+ 		{$C. self. #findAChangeSorter:. 'Make a Change Sorter visible' translated}.
+ 		{$L. self. #findAFileList:. 'Make a File List visible' translated}.
+ 		{$P. self. #findAPreferencesPanel:. 'Activate the Preferences tool' translated}.
+ 		{$R. Utilities. #browseRecentSubmissions. 'Make a Recent Submissions browser visible' translated}.
+ 		{$W. self. #findAMessageNamesWindow:. 'Make a MessageNames tool visible' translated}.
+ 		{$Z. ChangeList. #browseRecentLog. 'Browse recently-logged changes' translated}.
+ 		{$\. SystemWindow. #sendTopWindowToBack. 'Send the top window to the back' translated}.
+ 		{$_. Smalltalk. #quitPrimitive. 'Quit the image immediately.' translated}.
+ 		{$-. Preferences. #decreaseFontSize. 'Decrease all font sizes' translated}.
+ 		{$+. Preferences. #increaseFontSize. 'Increase all font sizes' translated}.
- 		{ $b.	SystemBrowser.					#defaultOpenBrowser.						'Open a new System Browser'}.
- 		{ $k.	StringHolder.					#open.										'Open a new, blank Workspace'}.
- 		{ $m.	self.								#putUpNewMorphMenu.					'Put up the "New Morph" menu'}.
- 		{ $O.	self.								#findAMonticelloBrowser.					'Bring a Monticello window into focus.'}.
- 		{ $t.	self.	 							#findATranscript:.							'Make a System Transcript visible'}.
- 		{ $w.	SystemWindow.					#closeTopWindow.							'Close the topmost window'}.
- 		{ Character escape.	SystemWindow.	#closeTopWindow.							'Close the topmost window'}.
- 		{ $C.	self.								#findAChangeSorter:.						'Make a Change Sorter visible'}.
- 		{ $L.	self.								#findAFileList:.								'Make a File List visible'}.
- 		{ $P.	self.								#findAPreferencesPanel:.					'Activate the Preferences tool'}.
- 		{ $R.	Utilities. 								#browseRecentSubmissions.		'Make a Recent Submissions browser visible'}.
- 		{ $W.	self. 								#findAMessageNamesWindow:.			'Make a MessageNames tool visible'}.
- 		{ $Z.	ChangeList. 						#browseRecentLog.							'Browse recently-logged changes'}.
- 		{ $\.	SystemWindow. 					#sendTopWindowToBack.					'Send the top window to the back'}.
- 		{ $_.	Smalltalk.							#quitPrimitive.								'Quit the image immediately.'}.
- 		{ $-.	Preferences. 					#decreaseFontSize.					'Decrease all font sizes'}.
- 		{ $+.	Preferences.					#increaseFontSize.					'Increase all font sizes'}.
+ 	^ noviceKeys, expertKeys!
- 	^ noviceKeys, expertKeys
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableFileList>>startUpWithCaption: (in category 'StandardFileMenu') -----
  startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil
+ 	"Display the menu, slightly offset from the cursor, so that a slight tweak is required to confirm any action."
+ 	^ self
+ 		startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil
+ 		at: (self currentHand ifNil: [Sensor]) cursorPoint!
- 	"Display the menu, slightly offset from the cursor,
- 	so that a slight tweak is required to confirm any action."
- 	^ self startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil at: (ActiveHand ifNil:[Sensor cursorPoint]).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PopUpMenu>>startUpCenteredWithCaption: (in category 'basic control sequence') -----
  startUpCenteredWithCaption: captionOrNil
+ 	"Differs from startUpWithCaption: by appearing with cursor in the menu, and thus ready to act on mouseUp, without requiring user tweak to confirm"
+ 	^ self
+ 		startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil
+ 		at: (self currentHand ifNil: [Sensor]) cursorPoint - (20 @ 0)!
- 	"Differs from startUpWithCaption: by appearing with cursor in the menu,
- 	and thus ready to act on mouseUp, without requiring user tweak to confirm"
- 	^ self startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil at: (ActiveHand ifNil:[Sensor]) cursorPoint - (20 at 0)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PopUpMenu>>startUpWithCaption: (in category 'basic control sequence') -----
  startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil
  	"Display the menu, slightly offset from the cursor,
  	so that a slight tweak is required to confirm any action."
+ 	self flag: #fix. "mt: Could we manage to open pop-up menus in Morphic without accessing self currentHand?"
+ 	^ self
+ 		startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil
+ 		at: (self currentHand ifNil: [Sensor]) cursorPoint!
- 	self flag: #fix. "mt: Could we manage to open pop-up menus in Morphic without accessing ActiveHand?"
- 	^ self startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil at: (ActiveHand ifNil:[Sensor]) cursorPoint!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PopUpMenu>>startUpWithCaption:icon: (in category 'basic control sequence') -----
  startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil icon: aForm
+ 	"Display the menu, slightly offset from the cursor, so that a slight tweak is required to confirm any action."
- 	"Display the menu, slightly offset from the cursor,
- 	so that a slight tweak is required to confirm any action."
  	^ self
  			startUpWithCaption: captionOrNil
  			icon: aForm
+ 			at: (self currentHand ifNil: [Sensor]) cursorPoint!
- 			at: (ActiveHand ifNil:[Sensor]) cursorPoint
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PopUpMenu>>startUpWithoutKeyboard (in category 'basic control sequence') -----
  	"Display and make a selection from the receiver as long as the button  is pressed. Answer the current selection.  Do not allow keyboard input into the menu"
+ 	^ self
+ 		startUpWithCaption: nil
+ 		at: ((self currentHand ifNil: [Sensor]) cursorPoint)
+ 		allowKeyboard: false!
- 	^ self startUpWithCaption: nil at: ((ActiveHand ifNil:[Sensor]) cursorPoint) allowKeyboard: false!

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