[Pkg] The Trunk: 60Deprecated-pre.83.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Mon Oct 26 17:39:20 UTC 2020

Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of 60Deprecated to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 60Deprecated-pre.83
Author: pre
Time: 26 October 2020, 6:39:16.338595 pm
UUID: 440cec82-c788-7840-a57c-bc79a5111b3f
Ancestors: 60Deprecated-mt.82

Deprecates seven methods that should be deprecated according to their method comments. Complements the commits to Morphic and Morphic-Extras.

=============== Diff against 60Deprecated-mt.82 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Canvas>>image:at: (in category '*60Deprecated-drawing') -----
+ image: aForm at: aPoint
+ 	"Note: This protocol is deprecated. Use #paintImage: instead."
+ 	self deprecated: 'Use #paintImage: or #drawImage: instead'.
+ 	self image: aForm
+ 		at: aPoint
+ 		sourceRect: aForm boundingBox
+ 		rule: Form paint.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Canvas>>image:at:rule: (in category '*60Deprecated-drawing') -----
+ image: aForm at: aPoint rule: combinationRule
+ 	"Note: This protocol is deprecated. Use one of the explicit image drawing messages (#paintImage, #drawImage) instead."
+ 	self deprecated: 'Use #paintImage: or #drawImage: instead'.
+ 	self image: aForm
+ 		at: aPoint
+ 		sourceRect: aForm boundingBox
+ 		rule: combinationRule.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Canvas>>imageWithOpaqueWhite:at: (in category '*60Deprecated-drawing') -----
+ imageWithOpaqueWhite: aForm at: aPoint
+ 	"Note: This protocol is deprecated. Use #drawImage: instead"
+ 	self deprecated: 'Use #paintImage: or #drawImage: instead'.
+ 	self image: aForm
+ 		at: aPoint
+ 		sourceRect: (0 at 0 extent: aForm extent)
+ 		rule: Form over.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FancyMailComposition>>breakLinesInMessage: (in category '*60Deprecated-private') -----
+ breakLinesInMessage: message
+ 	"reformat long lines in the specified message into shorter ones"
+ 	self deprecated: 'This should not be done by the mail composition, by now the MailMessage takes care of it'.
+ 	message body  mainType = 'text' ifTrue: [
+ 		"it's a single-part text message.  reformat the text"
+ 		| newBodyText |
+ 		newBodyText := self breakLines: message bodyText  atWidth: 72.
+ 		message body: (MIMEDocument contentType: message body contentType content: newBodyText).
+ 		^self ].
+ 	message body isMultipart ifTrue: [
+ 		"multipart message; process the top-level parts.  HACK: the parts are modified in place"
+ 		message parts do: [ :part |
+ 			part body mainType = 'text' ifTrue: [
+ 				| newBodyText |
+ 				newBodyText := self breakLines: part bodyText atWidth: 72.
+ 				part body: (MIMEDocument contentType: part body contentType content: newBodyText) ] ].
+ 		message regenerateBodyFromParts. ].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>fullCopy (in category '*60Deprecated-copying') -----
+ fullCopy
+ 	"Deprecated, but maintained for backward compatibility with existing code (no senders in the base 3.0 image).   Calls are revectored to #veryDeepCopy, but note that #veryDeepCopy does not do exactly the same thing that the original #fullCopy did, so beware!!"
+ 	self deprecated: 'Use #veryDeepCopy instead'.
+ 	^ self veryDeepCopy!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: NewParagraph>>lineIndexForCharacter: (in category '*60Deprecated-private') -----
+ lineIndexForCharacter: characterIndex
+ 	self deprecated: 'Use #lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: instead'.
+ 	^self lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: characterIndex !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: PostscriptCanvas>>text:at:font:color:justified:parwidth: (in category '*60Deprecated-private') -----
+ text: s at:point font: fontOrNil color: c justified:justify parwidth:parwidth
+ 	self deprecated: 'Use #textStyled:at:font:color:justified:parwidth: instead'.
+ 	self flag: #bob.		"deprecated in favor of #textStyled......."
+ 	self setFont:(fontOrNil ifNil:[self defaultFont]).
+ 	self comment:' text color: ',c printString.
+ 	self setColor:c.
+ 	self comment:'  origin ',  origin printString.
+      self moveto: point.
+ 	target print:' (';
+      	 print:s asPostscript; print:') '.
+ 		justify ifTrue:[
+ 			target write:parwidth; print:' jshow'; cr.
+ 		] ifFalse:[
+ 			target print:'show'.
+ 		].
+ 		target cr.
+ !

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