[Pkg] The Trunk: Morphic-ct.1768.mcz

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Sat May 1 05:09:24 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-ct.1768
Author: ct
Time: 30 April 2021, 8:02:20.035293 pm
UUID: 2c143938-6557-0b42-973c-6453d49680cf
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1767

Fixes a GrafPort bug when drawing round rectangle frames. In the past, the horizontal segments were too wide.

Original snippet to reproduce (provided by Marcel, mt):

	morph := Morph new.
		extent: 500 at 500;
		borderWidth: 50;
		borderColor: Color red;
		cornerStyle: #rounded;
		cornerRadius: 20;
	morph openInHand.

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1767 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GrafPort>>frameRoundRect:radius:borderWidth: (in category 'drawing support') -----
  frameRoundRect: aRectangle radius: radius borderWidth: borderWidth
  	| nextY outer nextOuterX ovalDiameter rectExtent rectOffset rectX rectY rectWidth rectHeight ovalRadius ovalRect innerRadius innerDiameter innerRect inner nextInnerX wp |
  	aRectangle area <= 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
  	ovalDiameter := (radius * 2) asPoint min: aRectangle extent.
  	(ovalDiameter x <= 0 or:[ovalDiameter y <= 0]) ifTrue:[
  		^self fillRect: aRectangle offset: 0 at 0.
  	"force diameter to be even - this simplifies lots of stuff"
  	ovalRadius := (ovalDiameter x // 2) @ (ovalDiameter y // 2).
  	(ovalRadius x <= 0 or:[ovalRadius y <= 0]) ifTrue:[
  		^self fillRect: aRectangle offset: 0 at 0.
  	wp := borderWidth asPoint.
  	ovalDiameter := ovalRadius * 2.
  	innerRadius := ovalRadius - borderWidth max: 0 at 0.
  	innerDiameter := innerRadius * 2.
  	rectExtent := aRectangle extent - ovalDiameter.
  	rectWidth := rectExtent x.
  	rectHeight := rectExtent y.
  	rectOffset := aRectangle origin + ovalRadius.
  	rectX := rectOffset x.
  	rectY := rectOffset y.
  	ovalRect := 0 at 0 extent: ovalDiameter.
  	innerRect := 0 at 0 extent: innerDiameter.
  	height := 1.
  	outer := EllipseMidpointTracer new on: ovalRect.
  	inner := EllipseMidpointTracer new on: innerRect.
  	nextY := ovalRadius y.
  	1 to: (wp y min: nextY) do:[:i|
  		nextOuterX := outer stepInY.
  		width := nextOuterX * 2 + rectWidth.
  		destX := rectX - nextOuterX.
  		destY := rectY - nextY.
  		self copyBits.
  		destY := rectY + nextY + rectHeight - 1.
  		self copyBits.
  		nextY := nextY - 1.
  	[nextY > 0] whileTrue:[
  		nextOuterX := outer stepInY.
  		nextInnerX := inner stepInY.
  		destX := rectX - nextOuterX.
  		destY := rectY - nextY.
  		width := nextOuterX - nextInnerX.
  		self copyBits.
  		destX := rectX + nextInnerX + rectWidth.
  		self copyBits.
  		destX := rectX - nextOuterX.
  		destY := rectY + nextY + rectHeight-1.
  		self copyBits.
  		destX := rectX + nextInnerX + rectWidth.
  		self copyBits.
  		nextY := nextY - 1.
  	destX := aRectangle left.
  	destY := rectOffset y.
  	height := rectHeight.
  	width := wp x.
  	self copyBits.
  	destX := aRectangle right - width.
  	self copyBits.
  	innerRadius y = 0 ifTrue:[
  		destX := aRectangle left + wp x.
  		destY := rectY.
+ 		width := aRectangle width - (wp x * 2).
- 		width := rectWidth.
  		height := wp y - ovalRadius y.
  		self copyBits.
  		destY := aRectangle bottom - wp y.
  		self copyBits.

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