[Pkg] FFI: FFI-Tools-mt.22.mcz

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Sat May 1 16:32:23 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Tools to project FFI:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: FFI-Tools-mt.22
Author: mt
Time: 1 May 2021, 6:32:23.937408 pm
UUID: 6c3060d1-8b56-c74a-99be-d36a04e838cb
Ancestors: FFI-Tools-mt.21

Adds interface to enumerate fields (name and type) in structure types. Use that interface to show more structure in ObjectExplorer on such types.

I could not really decide on whether to prepend or append those new fields in the object explorer. For a larger structure type, you might have to scroll down to discover the basic "compiledSpec" etc. ...

=============== Diff against FFI-Tools-mt.21 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalStructureType>>allTypesDo:seen: (in category '*FFI-Tools-enumerating') -----
+ allTypesDo: aBlock seen: seenObjects
+ 	"Overridden to support cyclic typedefs."
+ 	(seenObjects ifAbsentAdd: self) ifFalse: [^ self].
+ 	super allTypesDo: aBlock seen: seenObjects.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalStructureType>>explorerContents (in category '*FFI-Tools') -----
+ 	| basicExplorerFields originalTypeField fieldTypeFields |
- 	| basicExplorerFields originalTypeField |
  	basicExplorerFields := super explorerContents.
+ 	self isTypeAlias ifTrue: [
+ 		originalTypeField := ObjectExplorerWrapper
+ 			with: self originalType
+ 			name: '_originalType'
+ 			model: self.
+ 		^ {originalTypeField}, basicExplorerFields].
+ 	fieldTypeFields := Array streamContents: [:s |
+ 		self typesDo: [:type :fieldName |
+ 			s nextPut: (ObjectExplorerWrapper
+ 				with: type
+ 				name: (fieldName ifNil: ['__'] ifNotNil: ['_', fieldName])
+ 				model: self)]].
+ 	^ fieldTypeFields, basicExplorerFields!
- 	self isTypeAlias ifFalse: [^ basicExplorerFields].
- 	originalTypeField := ObjectExplorerWrapper
- 		with: self originalType
- 		name: '_originalType'
- 		model: self.
- 	^ {originalTypeField}, basicExplorerFields!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalStructureType>>typesDo: (in category '*FFI-Tools-enumerating') -----
+ typesDo: block
+ 	self assert: [self isPointerType not].
+ 	self assert: [self referentClass notNil].
+ 	(self isTypeAlias
+ 		ifTrue: [
+ 			"Add a custom role to emphasize it in #allTypes."
+ 			{{#'_aliasFor' . self referentClass fields second}}]
+ 		ifFalse: [self referentClass fields])
+ 			do: [:spec |
+ 				| fieldName typeName type |
+ 				fieldName := spec first.
+ 				typeName := spec second.
+ 				type := ExternalType typeNamed: typeName.
+ 				block cull: type cull: fieldName].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType>>allTypes (in category '*FFI-Tools-enumerating') -----
+ allTypes
+ 	^ Array streamContents: [:s |
+ 			self allTypesDo: [:type :fieldName |
+ 				s nextPut: fieldName -> type]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType>>allTypesDo: (in category '*FFI-Tools-enumerating') -----
+ allTypesDo: block
+ 	self allTypesDo: block seen: IdentitySet new.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType>>allTypesDo:seen: (in category '*FFI-Tools-enumerating') -----
+ allTypesDo: aBlock seen: seenObjects
+ 	self typesDo: [:type :fieldName |
+ 		aBlock cull: type cull: fieldName.
+ 		type allTypesDo: aBlock seen: seenObjects].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType>>types (in category '*FFI-Tools-enumerating') -----
+ types
+ 	^ Array streamContents: [:s |
+ 			self typesDo: [:type :fieldName | s nextPut: fieldName -> type]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType>>typesDo: (in category '*FFI-Tools-enumerating') -----
+ typesDo: block
+ 	self isPointerType
+ 		ifTrue: [ self asNonPointerType typesDo: block ]
+ 		ifFalse: [ "Atomic. There are no more types here." ].!

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