[Pkg] FFI: FFI-Kernel-mt.160.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Wed May 19 08:34:08 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Kernel to project FFI:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: FFI-Kernel-mt.160
Author: mt
Time: 19 May 2021, 10:34:07.057615 am
UUID: 5179b160-697d-7b46-9e83-dbccf3a05953
Ancestors: FFI-Kernel-mt.159

Clean-up the extension protocol on ByteArray and ExternalAddress:
- Explicit read/write methods for integers are no longer used but replaced through FFIAtomicReadWriteSend, which also speeds up dynamic reads (i.e. through ExternalData) about 3x
- Protocol retained as "*FFI-Kernel-examples" in ByteArray and ExternalAddress
- Generated field accessors in ExternalStructure now use the primitives #integerAt:(put:)size:length: directly, which also speeds up such static reads a little bit.
- ByteArrayReadWriter benefits from this change by a simpler implementation without a tricky DNU
- Extra mappings over integer types - i.e. bool, char, schar - are now encapsulated in CharacterReadWriteSend and BooleanReadWriteSend.

Other minor changes:
- Unknown types now show their soon-to-be-known type name
- External types can be asked for #isBoolType just like #isIntegerType and #isFloatTpye and #isCharType
- In ExternalType, AtomicSelectors got replaced with AtomicSends

The postscript should re-build all types and re-define all field accessors. If not do-it:

ExternalType resetAllTypes.
ExternalStructure defineAllFields.

=============== Diff against FFI-Kernel-mt.159 ===============

Item was added:
+ IntegerReadWriteSend subclass: #BooleanReadWriteSend
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'FFI-Kernel-Support'!
+ !BooleanReadWriteSend commentStamp: 'mt 5/19/2021 10:17' prior: 0!
+ I am a specialization for the atomic 'bool' type, which maps to 'byte' but adds extra pre- and post-processing to read and write instances of Boolean, i.e. true and false.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BooleanReadWriteSend class>>fromType: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ fromType: type
+ 	^ super fromType: ExternalType byte!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BooleanReadWriteSend>>handle:at: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: handle at: byteOffset
+ 	^ (super handle: handle at: byteOffset) ~= 0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BooleanReadWriteSend>>handle:at:put: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: handle at: byteOffset put: aBoolean
+ 	super
+ 		handle: handle
+ 		at: byteOffset
+ 		put: (aBoolean ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0]).
+ 	^ aBoolean!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BooleanReadWriteSend>>template (in category 'compiling') -----
+ template
+ 	^ self isReading
+ 		ifTrue: ['(', super template, ') ~= 0']
+ 		ifFalse: [super template copyReplaceAll: '{3}' with: '({3} ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0])']!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>booleanAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>booleanAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  booleanAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType bool handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	"Booleans are just integers in C word"
- 	^(self integerAt: byteOffset size: 1 signed: false) ~= 0!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>booleanAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>booleanAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  booleanAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType bool handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"Booleans are just integers in C word"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset put: (value ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]) size: 1 signed: false!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>doubleAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
+ doubleAt: byteOffset	
+ 	"Primitive. Return a float value from the receiver.
+ 	- FAILS IF the receiver has not enough bytes for an IEEE 754 (64 bits) floating point number.
+ 	- NOTE that this primitive will access memory in the outer space if invoked from ExternalAddress.
+ 	- SEE Float class >> #fromIEEE64Bit: and Float >> #asIEEE64BitWord"
- doubleAt: byteOffset
  	<primitive:'primitiveFFIDoubleAt' module:'SqueakFFIPrims'>
+ 	<ffiAtomicRead: #( double )>
+ 	"Examples:
+ 		ExternalType double handle: #[ 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 0 ] at: 1.
+ 		ExternalType double handle: #[ 0 0 0 255 ] at: 1. --- Error.
+ 	"
+ 	^ self primitiveFailed!
- 	^self primitiveFailed!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>doubleAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  doubleAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"Primitive. Store the given value as IEEE 754 (64 bits) floating point number.
+ 	- FAILS IF the receiver has not enough bytes for that representation.
+ 	- NOTE that this primitive will access memory in the outer space if invoked from ExternalAddress.
+ 	- SEE Float class >> #fromIEEE64Bit: and Float >> #asIEEE64BitWord"
  	<primitive:'primitiveFFIDoubleAtPut' module:'SqueakFFIPrims'>
+ 	<ffiAtomicWrite: #( double )>
+ 	"Examples:
+ 		ExternalType double allocate value: 123.4567890; explore
+ 		ExternalType double allocate value: 0.0001; explore
+ 	"
+ 	^ self primitiveFailed!
- 	^self primitiveFailed!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>floatAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  floatAt: byteOffset
+ 	"Primitive. Return a float value from the receiver.
+ 	- FAILS IF the receiver has not enough bytes for an IEEE 754 (32 bits) floating point number.
+ 	- NOTE that this primitive will access memory in the outer space if invoked from ExternalAddress.
+ 	- SEE Float class >> #fromIEEE32Bit: and Float >> #asIEEE32BitWord"
  	<primitive:'primitiveFFIFloatAt' module:'SqueakFFIPrims'>
+ 	<ffiAtomicRead: #( float )>
+ 	"Examples:
+ 		ExternalType float handle: #[ 0 0 0 255 ] at: 1.
+ 		ExternalType float handle: #[ 0 0 255 ] at: 1. --- Error.
+ 	"
+ 	^ self primitiveFailed!
- 	^self primitiveFailed!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>floatAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  floatAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"Primitive. Store the given value as IEEE 754 (32 bits) floating point number.
+ 	- FAILS IF the receiver has not enough bytes for that representation.
+ 	- NOTE that this primitive will access memory in the outer space if invoked from ExternalAddress.
+ 	- SEE Float class >> #fromIEEE32Bit: and Float >> #asIEEE32BitWord"
  	<primitive:'primitiveFFIFloatAtPut' module:'SqueakFFIPrims'>
+ 	<ffiAtomicWrite: #( float )>
+ 	"Examples:
+ 		ExternalType float allocate value: 123.4567890; explore
+ 		ExternalType float allocate value: 0.0001; explore
+ 	"
+ 	^ self primitiveFailed!
- 	^self primitiveFailed!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>integerAt:put:size:signed: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: nBytes signed: aBoolean
+ 	"Primitive. Store the given value as integer of nBytes size in the receiver.
+ 	- BYTE ORDER is Smalltalk order, which is little-endian.
+ 	- FAILS IF the value is out of range.
+ 	- NOTE that this primitive will access memory in the outer space if invoked from ExternalAddress."
- 	"Primitive. Store the given value as integer of nBytes size
- 	in the receiver. Fail if the value is out of range.
- 	Note: This primitive will access memory in the outer space if
- 	invoked from ExternalAddress."
  	<primitive: 'primitiveFFIIntegerAtPut' module:'SqueakFFIPrims'>
+ 	<ffiAtomicWrite: #( int8_t uint8_t int16_t uint16_t int32_t uint32_t int64_t uint64_t ) >
+ 	"Examples:
+ 		ExternalType int32_t allocate value: -1; explore.
+ 		ExternalType uint32_t allocate value: 1; explore.
+ 	"
+ 	^ self primitiveFailed!
- 	^self primitiveFailed!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>integerAt:size:signed: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  integerAt: byteOffset size: nBytes signed: aBoolean
  	"Primitive. Return an integer of nBytes size from the receiver.
+ 	- BYTE ORDER is Smalltalk order, which is little-endian.
+ 	- FAILS IF the receiver has not enough bytes.
+ 	- NOTE that this primitive will access memory in the outer space if invoked from ExternalAddress."
- 	Note: This primitive will access memory in the outer space if
- 	invoked from ExternalAddress."
  	<primitive: 'primitiveFFIIntegerAt' module:'SqueakFFIPrims'>
+ 	<ffiAtomicRead: #( int8_t uint8_t int16_t uint16_t int32_t uint32_t int64_t uint64_t ) >
+ 	"Examples:
+ 		ExternalType int32_t handle: #[ 255 0 0 255 ] at: 1.
+ 		ExternalType uint32_t handle: #[ 255 0 0 255 ] at: 1.	
+ 	"
+ 	^ self primitiveFailed!
- 	^self primitiveFailed!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>longPointerAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-deprecated') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>longPointerAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-pointers') -----
  longPointerAt: byteOffset
  	"Answer an 8-byte pointer object stored at the given byte address"
  	self deprecated: 'Use #pointerAt:length:'.
  	^ self pointerAt: byteOffset length: 8!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>longPointerAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-deprecated') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>longPointerAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-pointers') -----
  longPointerAt: byteOffset put: value
  	"Store an 8-byte pointer object at the given byte address"
  	self deprecated: 'Use #pointerAt:put:length:'.	
  	^ self pointerAt: byteOffset put: value length: 8!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>pointerAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>pointerAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-pointers') -----
  pointerAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType void asPointerType handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	"Answer a pointer object stored at the given byte address"
- 	^ self pointerAt: byteOffset length: ExternalAddress wordSize!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>pointerAt:length: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
+ pointerAt: byteOffset length: length
+ 	"Return a pointer of the given length starting at the indicated byte offset."
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>pointerAt:length: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-pointers') -----
- pointerAt: byteOffset length: numBytes	"^ <ExternalAddress>"
- 	"Answer a pointer object of numBytes length stored at the given byte address"
+ 	| pointer startByteOffset |
+ 	pointer := ExternalAddress basicNew: length.
+ 	startByteOffset := byteOffset - 1.
+ 	1 to: length do: [:pointerByteOffset |
+ 		pointer
+ 			basicAt: pointerByteOffset
+ 			put: (self unsignedByteAt: startByteOffset + pointerByteOffset)].
+ 	^ pointer!
- 	| addr |
- 	addr := ExternalAddress basicNew: numBytes.
- 	1 to: numBytes do: [:index |
- 		addr
- 			basicAt: index
- 			put: (self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset+index-1)].
- 	^addr!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>pointerAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>pointerAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-pointers') -----
  pointerAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType void asPointerType handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"Store a pointer object at the given byte address"
- 	^ self pointerAt: byteOffset put: value length: ExternalAddress wordSize!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>pointerAt:put:length: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
+ pointerAt: byteOffset put: pointer length: length
+ 	"Store a pointer of the given length starting at the indicated byte offset."
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>pointerAt:put:length: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-pointers') -----
- pointerAt: byteOffset put: value length: numBytes
- 	"Store a pointer object with numBytes lengeth at the given byte address"
+ 	| startByteOffset |
+ 	self assert: [pointer isExternalAddress].
+ 	startByteOffset := byteOffset - 1.
+ 	1 to: length do: [:pointerByteOffset |
- 	self assert: [value isExternalAddress].
- 	1 to: numBytes do: [:index |
+ 			unsignedByteAt: startByteOffset + pointerByteOffset
+ 			put: (pointer basicAt: pointerByteOffset)].
+ 	^ pointer!
- 			unsignedByteAt: byteOffset + index - 1
- 			put: (value basicAt: index)].
- 	^ value!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>shortPointerAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-deprecated') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>shortPointerAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-pointers') -----
  shortPointerAt: byteOffset
  	"Answer a 4-byte pointer object stored at the given byte address"
  	self deprecated: 'Use #pointerAt:length:'.
  	^ self pointerAt: byteOffset length: 4!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>shortPointerAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-deprecated') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>shortPointerAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-pointers') -----
  shortPointerAt: byteOffset put: value
  	"Store a 4-byte pointer object at the given byte address"
  	self deprecated: 'Use #pointerAt:put:length:'.
  	^ self pointerAt: byteOffset put: value length: 4!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedCharAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedCharAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  signedCharAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType signedChar handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	^(self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset) asCharacter!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedCharAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedCharAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  signedCharAt: byteOffset put: aCharacter
+ 	^ ExternalType signedChar handle: self at: byteOffset put: aCharacter!
- 	^self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset put: aCharacter asciiValue!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedLongAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedLongAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  signedLongAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType int32_t handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	"Return a 32bit signed integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset size: 4 signed: true!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedLongAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedLongAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  signedLongAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType int32_t handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"Store a 32bit signed integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 4 signed: true!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedLongLongAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedLongLongAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  signedLongLongAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType int64_t handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	| int |
- 	int := self unsignedLongLongAt: byteOffset.
- 	int > 16r7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ifTrue: [^int - 16r10000000000000000].
- 	^int!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedLongLongAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedLongLongAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  signedLongLongAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType int64_t handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	self unsignedLongLongAt: byteOffset put: (value < 0
- 		ifTrue: [ value + 16r10000000000000000 ]
- 		ifFalse: [ value ])!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedShortAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedShortAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  signedShortAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType int16_t handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	"Return a 16bit signed integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset size: 2 signed: true!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedShortAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>signedShortAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  signedShortAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType int16_t handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"Store a 16bit signed integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 2 signed: true!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>structAt:length: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  structAt: byteOffset length: length
  	"Return a structure of the given length starting at the indicated byte offset."
+ 	| value startByteOffset |
- 	| value |
  	value := ByteArray new: length.
+ 	startByteOffset := byteOffset - 1.
+ 	1 to: length do: [:valueByteOffset |
+ 		value
+ 			unsignedByteAt: valueByteOffset
+ 			put: (self unsignedByteAt: startByteOffset + valueByteOffset)].
+ 	^ value!
- 	1 to: length do:[:i|
- 		value unsignedByteAt: i put: (self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset+i-1)].
- 	^value!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>structAt:put:length: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  structAt: byteOffset put: value length: length
  	"Store a structure of the given length starting at the indicated byte offset."
+ 	| startByteOffset |
+ 	startByteOffset := byteOffset - 1.
+ 	1 to: length do: [:valueByteOffset |
+ 		self
+ 			unsignedByteAt: startByteOffset + valueByteOffset
+ 			put: (value unsignedByteAt:valueByteOffset)].
+ 	^ value!
- 	1 to: length do:[:i|
- 		self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset+i-1 put: (value unsignedByteAt: i)].
- 	^value!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedByteAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedByteAt: byteOffset
+ 	"Same as #byteAt: but different primitive to support ExternalAddress."
+ 	^ self integerAt: byteOffset size: 1 signed: false!
- 	"Return a 8bit unsigned integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset size: 1 signed: false!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedByteAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedByteAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"Same as #byteAt: but different primitive to support ExternalAddress."
+ 	^ self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 1 signed: false!
- 	"Store a 8bit unsigned integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 1 signed: false!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedCharAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedCharAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedCharAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType unsignedChar handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	^(self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset) asCharacter!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedCharAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedCharAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedCharAt: byteOffset put: aCharacter
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType unsignedChar handle: self at: byteOffset put: aCharacter!
- 	^self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset put: aCharacter asciiValue!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedLongAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedLongAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedLongAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType uint32_t handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	"Return a 32bit unsigned integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset size: 4 signed: false!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedLongAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedLongAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedLongAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType uint32_t handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"Store a 32bit signed integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 4 signed: false!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedLongLongAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedLongLongAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedLongLongAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType uint64_t handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	"Answer a 64-bit integer in Smalltalk order (little-endian)."
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset size: 8 signed: false!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedLongLongAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedLongLongAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedLongLongAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType uint64_t handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"I store 64-bit integers in Smalltalk (little-endian) order."
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 8 signed: false!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedShortAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedShortAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedShortAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType uint16_t handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	"Return a 16bit unsigned integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset size: 2 signed: false!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedShortAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel-examples') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>unsignedShortAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  unsignedShortAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType uint16_t handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"Store a 16bit unsigned integer starting at the given byte offset"
- 	^self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 2 signed: false!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>voidAt: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
- voidAt: byteOffset
- 	"no accessors for void"
- 	^self shouldNotImplement!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ByteArray>>voidAt:put: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
- voidAt: byteOffset put: value
- 	"no accessors for void"
- 	^self shouldNotImplement!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArray>>zeroMemory: (in category '*FFI-Kernel') -----
  zeroMemory: numBytes
  	1  to: numBytes do: [:index |
+ 		self unsignedByteAt: index put: 0].!
- 		self byteAt: index put: 0].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>copy (in category 'copying') -----
+ 	"Materialize the current array segment. See ExternalStructure >> #postCopy"
  	^ byteArray copyFrom: byteOffset + 1 to: byteOffset + byteSize !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'system primitives') -----
  doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
- 	| selector args |
- 	selector := aMessage selector.
- 	args := aMessage arguments.
- 	args size caseOf: {
- 		[ 1 ] -> [ (selector endsWith: 'At:') ifTrue: [ args at: 1 put: args first  + byteOffset ] ].
- 		[ 2 ] -> [ (selector endsWith: 'length:')
- 			ifTrue: [
- 				args at: 1 put: args first + byteOffset.
- 				(args first + args second - 1) > (byteOffset + byteSize)
- 					ifTrue: [self errorSubscriptBounds: args first + args second - 1] ]
- 			ifFalse: [(selector endsWith: 'put:') ifTrue: [
- 				args at: 1 put: args first + byteOffset	]] ].
- 		[ 3 ] -> [ (selector endsWith: 'length:')
- 			ifTrue: [
- 				args at: 1 put: args first + byteOffset.
- 				(args first + args third - 1) > (byteSize + byteSize)
- 					ifTrue: [self errorSubscriptBounds: args first + args third - 1]]] 
- 		} otherwise: []. 				
  	^ aMessage sendTo: byteArray!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>doubleAt: (in category 'read/write atomics') -----
+ doubleAt: oByteOffset
+ 	^ byteArray doubleAt: oByteOffset + byteOffset!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>doubleAt:put: (in category 'read/write atomics') -----
+ doubleAt: oByteOffset put: value
+ 	^ byteArray doubleAt: oByteOffset + byteOffset put: value!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>floatAt: (in category 'read/write atomics') -----
+ floatAt: oByteOffset 
+ 	^ byteArray floatAt: oByteOffset + byteOffset!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>floatAt:put: (in category 'read/write atomics') -----
+ floatAt: oByteOffset put: value
+ 	^ byteArray floatAt: oByteOffset + byteOffset put: value!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>integerAt:put:size:signed: (in category 'read/write atomics') -----
+ integerAt: oByteOffset put: value size: nBytes signed: aBoolean
+ 	^ byteArray integerAt: oByteOffset + byteOffset put: value size: nBytes signed: aBoolean!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>integerAt:size:signed: (in category 'read/write atomics') -----
+ integerAt: oByteOffset size: nBytes signed: aBoolean
+ 	^ byteArray integerAt: oByteOffset + byteOffset size: nBytes signed: aBoolean.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>perform:with: (in category 'message handling') -----
- perform: aSymbol with: anObject 
- 	"Needed because of AtomicSelectors. See ExternalType >> #handle:at:."
- 	<primitive: 83>
- 	^ self perform: aSymbol withArguments: { anObject }!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>perform:with:with: (in category 'message handling') -----
- perform: aSymbol with: firstObject with: secondObject 
- 	"Needed because of AtomicSelectors. See ExternalType >> #handle:at:put:."
- 	<primitive: 83>
- 	^ self perform: aSymbol withArguments: { firstObject. secondObject }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>perform:with:with:with: (in category 'message handling') -----
+ perform: aSymbol with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject 
+ 	"Needed because of AtomicSelectors. See FFIAtomicReadWriteSend >> #handle:at:."
+ 	<primitive: 83>
+ 	^ self perform: aSymbol withArguments: { firstObject. secondObject. thirdObject }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>perform:with:with:with:with: (in category 'message handling') -----
+ perform: aSymbol with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject with: fourthObject
+ 	"Needed because of AtomicSelectors. See FFIAtomicReadWriteSend >> #handle:at:put:."
+ 	<primitive: 83>
+ 	^ self perform: aSymbol withArguments: { firstObject. secondObject. thirdObject. fourthObject }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>pointerAt:length: (in category 'read/write pointers') -----
+ pointerAt: oByteOffset length: numBytes
+ 	^ byteArray pointerAt: oByteOffset + byteOffset length: numBytes!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>pointerAt:put:length: (in category 'read/write pointers') -----
+ pointerAt: oByteOffset put: value length: numBytes
+ 	^ byteArray pointerAt: oByteOffset + byteOffset put: value length: numBytes!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>structAt:length: (in category 'read/write structs') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>structAt:length: (in category 'structs') -----
  structAt: newByteOffset length: newLength
  	^ ByteArrayReadWriter new
  		setArray: byteArray
  		offset: byteOffset + newByteOffset - 1
  		size: newLength!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>structAt:put:length: (in category 'read/write structs') -----
- ----- Method: ByteArrayReadWriter>>structAt:put:length: (in category 'structs') -----
  structAt: newByteOffset put: value length: newLength
  	(newByteOffset + newLength > byteSize)
  		ifTrue: [self errorSubscriptBounds: newByteOffset + newLength].
  	^ byteArray
  		structAt: byteOffset + newByteOffset - 1
  		put: value
  		length: newLength!

Item was added:
+ IntegerReadWriteSend subclass: #CharacterReadWriteSend
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'FFI-Kernel-Support'!
+ !CharacterReadWriteSend commentStamp: 'mt 5/19/2021 10:18' prior: 0!
+ I am a specialization for the atomic 'char' and 'schar' types, which both map to (unsigned) 'byte' but add extra pre- and post-processing to read and write instances of Character such as $A and $Z.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterReadWriteSend class>>fromType: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ fromType: type
+ 	^ super fromType: ExternalType byte!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterReadWriteSend>>handle:at: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: handle at: byteOffset
+ 	^ (super handle: handle at: byteOffset) asCharacter!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterReadWriteSend>>handle:at:put: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: handle at: byteOffset put: aCharacter
+ 	super
+ 		handle: handle
+ 		at: byteOffset
+ 		put: aCharacter asciiValue.
+ 	^ aCharacter!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterReadWriteSend>>template (in category 'compiling') -----
+ template
+ 	^ self isReading
+ 		ifTrue: ['(', super template, ') asCharacter']
+ 		ifFalse: [super template copyReplaceAll: '{3}' with: '{3} asciiValue']!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalAddress>>byteAt: (in category 'accessing') -----
  byteAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Please use #unsignedByteAt: directly.
+ 	Overwritten to go through a different primitive since the receiver describes data in the outside world."
- 	"Overwritten to to through a different primitive since the receiver describes data in the outside world."
+ 	^ self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset!
- 	^ self integerAt: byteOffset size: 1 signed: false!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalAddress>>byteAt:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
  byteAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Please use #unsignedByteAt:put: directly.
+ 	Overwritten to go through a different primitive since the receiver describes data in the outside world."
+ 	^ self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"Overwritten to go through a different primitive since the receiver describes data in the outside world."
- 	^ self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 1 signed: false!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ExternalAddress>>signedByteAt: (in category 'examples') -----
- ----- Method: ExternalAddress>>signedByteAt: (in category 'accessing') -----
  signedByteAt: byteOffset
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType uint8_t handle: self at: byteOffset!
- 	"Overwritten to go through a different primitive since the receiver describes data in the outside world."
- 	^ self integerAt: byteOffset size: 1 signed: true!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ExternalAddress>>signedByteAt:put: (in category 'examples') -----
- ----- Method: ExternalAddress>>signedByteAt:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
  signedByteAt: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"For documentation and convenient exploration only. Type-safe access to byte arrays or external addresses SHOULD happen via external objects that have a type set such as instances of ExternalStructure and ExternalData."
+ 	^ ExternalType int8_t handle: self at: byteOffset put: value!
- 	"Overwritten to go through a different primitive since the receiver describes data in the outside world."
- 	^ self integerAt: byteOffset put: value size: 1 signed: true!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalAddress>>structAt:length: (in category 'accessing') -----
  structAt: byteOffset length: length
+ 	"Overwritten to not read bytes but just move the pointer. Ignore the length."
+ 	^ ExternalAddress fromAddress: self movedBy: byteOffset - 1!
- 	"Return the external address of the struct's first field. Ignore length."
- 	^ self + (byteOffset-1)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ExternalAddress>>structAt:put:length: (in category 'accessing') -----
- structAt: byteOffset put: externalAddress length: length
- 	"Read length bytes from externalAddress and write it at this external address (plus byteOffset)."
- 	| start |
- 	start := self + (byteOffset-1).
- 	1 to: length do: [:targetOffset |
- 		start
- 			byteAt: targetOffset
- 			put: (externalAddress byteAt: targetOffset)].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalAtomicType>>handle:at: (in category 'external data') -----
  handle: handle at: byteOffset
  	^ referentClass
  		ifNil: [ "Genuine atomics"
+ 			(AtomicSends at: self atomicType + 1) first
+ 				handle: handle
+ 				at: byteOffset]
- 			handle
- 				perform: (AtomicSelectors at: self atomicType)
- 				with: byteOffset]
  		ifNotNil: [ "Alias to atomics"
  			referentClass fromHandle: (handle
  				structAt: byteOffset
  				length: self byteSize)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalAtomicType>>handle:at:put: (in category 'external data') -----
  handle: handle at: byteOffset put: value
  	^ referentClass
  		ifNil: ["genuine atomic"
+ 			(AtomicSends at: self atomicType + 1) second
+ 				handle: handle
+ 				at: byteOffset
+ 				put: value]
- 			handle
- 				perform: ((AtomicSelectors at: self atomicType), 'put:') asSymbol
- 				with: byteOffset
- 				with: value]
  		ifNotNil: ["type alias"
  				structAt: byteOffset
  				put: value getHandle
  				length: self byteSize]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalAtomicType>>readFieldAt: (in category 'external structure') -----
  readFieldAt: byteOffset
  	^ referentClass
  		ifNil: [ "Genuine atomics"
+ 			'^ ', (AtomicSends at: self atomicType + 1) first template
- 			'^ handle {1} {2}'
  				format: {
+ 					'handle'.
- 					AtomicSelectors at: self atomicType.
  		ifNotNil: [ "Type alias"
  			'^ {1} fromHandle: (handle structAt: {2} length: {3})'
  				format: {
  					referentClass name.
  					self byteSize}]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalAtomicType>>writeFieldAt:with: (in category 'external structure') -----
  writeFieldAt: byteOffset with: valueName
  	^ referentClass
  		ifNil: ["genuine atomics"
+ 			(AtomicSends at: self atomicType + 1) second template, '.'
- 			'handle {1} {2} put: {3}.'
  				format: {
+ 					'handle'.
- 					AtomicSelectors at: self atomicType.
  		ifNotNil: ["type alias"
  			'handle structAt: {1} put: {2} getHandle length: {3}.'
  				format: {
  					self byteSize}]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalStructureType>>readAlias (in category 'external structure') -----
  	^ '^ {1} fromHandle: handle'
  		format: {referentClass name}!

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #ExternalType
  	instanceVariableNames: 'compiledSpec referentClass referencedType byteAlignment'
+ 	classVariableNames: 'ArrayClasses ArrayTypes AtomicSends AtomicTypeNames AtomicTypes ExtraTypeChecks StructTypes UseArrayClasses'
- 	classVariableNames: 'ArrayClasses ArrayTypes AtomicSelectors AtomicTypeNames AtomicTypes ExtraTypeChecks StructTypes UseArrayClasses'
  	poolDictionaries: 'FFIConstants'
  	category: 'FFI-Kernel'!
  !ExternalType commentStamp: 'mt 6/5/2020 18:25' prior: 0!
  An external type represents the type of external objects.
  Instance variables:
  	compiledSpec	<WordArray>		Compiled specification of the external type
  	referentClass	<Behavior | nil>	Class type of argument required
  	referencedType	<ExternalType>	Associated (non)pointer type with the receiver
  	byteAlignment	<Integer | nil>		The desired alignment for a field of the external type within a structure.  If nil it has yet to be computed.
  Compiled Spec:
  The compiled spec defines the type in terms which are understood by the VM. Each word is defined as:
  	bits 0...15 	- byte size of the entity
  	bit 16		- structure flag (FFIFlagStructure)
  				  This flag is set if the following words define a structure
  	bit 17		- pointer flag (FFIFlagPointer)
  				  This flag is set if the entity represents a pointer to another object
  	bit 18		- atomic flag (FFIFlagAtomic)
  				  This flag is set if the entity represents an atomic type.
  				  If the flag is set the atomic type bits are valid.
  	bits 19...23	- unused
  	bits 24...27	- atomic type (FFITypeVoid ... FFITypeDoubleFloat)
  	bits 28...31	- unused
  Note that all combinations of the flags FFIFlagPointer, FFIFlagAtomic, and FFIFlagStructure are invalid, EXCEPT from the following:
  	FFIFlagPointer + FFIFlagAtomic:
  		This defines a pointer to an atomic type (e.g., 'char*', 'int*').
  		The actual atomic type is represented in the atomic type bits.
  	FFIFlagPointer + FFIFlagStructure:
  		This defines a structure which is a typedef of a pointer type as in
  			typedef void* VoidPointer;
  			typedef Pixmap* PixmapPtr;
  		It requires a byte size of four or eight (e.g. a 32-bit or 64-bit pointer) to work correctly.
  [Note: Other combinations may be allowed in the future]

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType class>>initializeAtomicSends (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ initializeAtomicSends
+ 	"
+ 	ExternalType initializeAtomicSends.
+ 	"
+ 	AtomicSends ifNil: [
+ 		AtomicSends := Array new: AtomicTypeNames size].
+ 	self atomicTypes withIndexDo: [:type :index |
+ 		AtomicSends at: index put: (FFIAtomicReadWriteSend fromType: type)].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalType class>>initializeDefaultTypes (in category 'class initialization') -----
  	"Create new atomic types and setup the dictionaries. See #resetAllAtomicTypes."
  	AtomicTypes ifNil: [
  		AtomicTypes := Dictionary new. "Strong references required because there is no lazy atomic type initialization like there is for struct types and array types."
  		AtomicTypeNames valuesDo: [:typeName |
  			self newTypeForAtomicNamed: typeName]].
  	self initializeAtomicTypes.
+ 	self initializeAtomicSends.
  	self initializeStructureTypes.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalType class>>initializeFFIConstants (in category 'class initialization') -----
  	"ExternalType initialize"
  	FFIConstants initialize. "ensure proper initialization"
  	AtomicTypeNames := IdentityDictionary new.
- 	AtomicSelectors := IdentityDictionary new.
  		at: FFITypeVoid put: 'void';
  		at: FFITypeBool put: 'bool';
  		at: FFITypeUnsignedByte put: 'byte';
  		at: FFITypeSignedByte put: 'sbyte';
  		at: FFITypeUnsignedShort put: 'ushort';
  		at: FFITypeSignedShort put: 'short';
  		flag: #ffiLongVsInt;
  		at: FFITypeUnsignedInt put: 'ulong';
  		at: FFITypeSignedInt put: 'long';
  		at: FFITypeUnsignedLongLong put: 'ulonglong';
  		at: FFITypeSignedLongLong put: 'longlong';
  		at: FFITypeUnsignedChar put: 'char';
  		at: FFITypeSignedChar put: 'schar';
  		at: FFITypeSingleFloat put: 'float';
  		at: FFITypeDoubleFloat put: 'double';
+ 	yourself.!
- 	yourself.
- 	AtomicSelectors
- 		at: FFITypeVoid put: #voidAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeBool put: #booleanAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeUnsignedByte put: #unsignedByteAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeSignedByte put: #signedByteAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeUnsignedShort put: #unsignedShortAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeSignedShort put: #signedShortAt:;
- 		flag: #ffiLongVsInt;
- 		at: FFITypeUnsignedInt put: #unsignedLongAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeSignedInt put: #signedLongAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeUnsignedLongLong put: #unsignedLongLongAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeSignedLongLong put: #signedLongLongAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeUnsignedChar put: #unsignedCharAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeSignedChar put: #signedCharAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeSingleFloat put: #floatAt:;
- 		at: FFITypeDoubleFloat put: #doubleAt:;
- 	yourself!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalType class>>resetAllAtomicTypes (in category 'housekeeping') -----
  	"Warning: This call is only required if you change the initialization for AtomicTypes."
  	AtomicTypes := nil.
+ 	AtomicSends := nil.
  	StructTypes := nil.
  	ArrayTypes := nil.
  	ArrayClasses := nil.
  	self initializeDefaultTypes.
  	self initializeArrayClasses.
  	self resetAllStructureTypes.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType>>isBoolType (in category 'testing - special') -----
+ isBoolType
+ 	| type |
+ 	type := self atomicType.
+ 	^ type = FFITypeBool!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalUnknownType>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
  printOn: aStream
+ 	aStream
+ 		nextPutAll: '<unknown type>';
+ 		space;
+ 		print: self typeName.!
- 	aStream nextPutAll: '<unknown type>'.!

Item was added:
+ MessageSend subclass: #FFIAtomicReadWriteSend
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'FFI-Kernel-Support'!
+ !FFIAtomicReadWriteSend commentStamp: 'mt 5/19/2021 10:20' prior: 0!
+ I am a message send for reading and writing atomic values from and to byte arrays or external addresses.
+ I can help with code generation through #template.
+ Take a look at ExternalType class >> #initializeAtomicSends.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAtomicReadWriteSend class>>fromType: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ fromType: atomicType
+ 	atomicType isFloatType
+ 		ifTrue: [^ FloatReadWriteSend fromType: atomicType].
+ 	atomicType isIntegerType
+ 		ifTrue: [^ IntegerReadWriteSend fromType: atomicType].
+ 	atomicType isCharType
+ 		ifTrue: [^ CharacterReadWriteSend fromType: atomicType].
+ 	atomicType isBoolType
+ 		ifTrue: [^ BooleanReadWriteSend fromType: atomicType].
+ 	atomicType isVoid
+ 		ifTrue: [^ VoidReadWriteSend fromType: atomicType].
+ 	self error: 'Unkown atomic type!!'.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAtomicReadWriteSend class>>lookupSelectorsFor: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ lookupSelectorsFor: atomicType
+ 	| result |
+ 	result := Array with: nil "read selector" with: nil "write selector".
+ 	ByteArray methodsDo: [:method |
+ 		(method pragmaAt: #ffiAtomicRead:) ifNotNil: [:pragma |
+ 			((pragma argumentAt: 1) anySatisfy: [:typeName |
+ 				(ExternalType atomicTypeNamed: typeName) = atomicType])
+ 					ifTrue: [result at: 1 put: method selector]].
+ 		(method pragmaAt: #ffiAtomicWrite:) ifNotNil: [:pragma |
+ 			((pragma argumentAt: 1) anySatisfy: [:typeName |
+ 				(ExternalType atomicTypeNamed: typeName) = atomicType])
+ 					ifTrue: [result at: 2 put: method selector]].
+ 		(result first notNil and: [result second notNil])
+ 				ifTrue: [^ result "early out"]].
+ 	(result first isNil or: [result second isNil])
+ 		ifTrue: [self error: 'Could not find selectors for both read and write!!'].
+ 	^ result!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAtomicReadWriteSend>>handle:at: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: receiver at: byteOffset
+ 	self subclassResponsibility.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAtomicReadWriteSend>>handle:at:put: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: receiver at: byteOffset put: floatValue
+ 	self subclassResponsibility.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAtomicReadWriteSend>>isReading (in category 'accessing') -----
+ isReading
+ 	self subclassResponsibility.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAtomicReadWriteSend>>isWriting (in category 'accessing') -----
+ isWriting
+ 	^ self isReading not!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAtomicReadWriteSend>>printOn: (in category 'nil') -----
+ printOn: stream
+ 	stream nextPutAll: self template.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAtomicReadWriteSend>>template (in category 'compiling') -----
+ template
+ 	"Answers a source code template to be used to compile this send into an accessor method such as for struct fields."
+ 	| formatIndex result |
+ 	formatIndex := 1.
+ 	result := ((selector findTokens: ':') with: arguments collect: [:token :argument |
+ 		argument
+ 			ifNil: [ formatIndex := formatIndex + 1. token, ': {', formatIndex, '}' ]
+ 			ifNotNil: [ token, ': ', argument asString ]]) joinSeparatedBy: String space.
+ 	^ '{1} ', result!

Item was added:
+ FFIAtomicReadWriteSend subclass: #FloatReadWriteSend
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'FFI-Kernel-Support'!
+ !FloatReadWriteSend commentStamp: 'mt 5/19/2021 10:19' prior: 0!
+ I am a message send for reading and writing atomic float values from and to byte arrays or external addresses. See #isFloatType and #initializeAtomicSends.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatReadWriteSend class>>fromType: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ fromType: type
+ 	| selectors |
+ 	selectors := self lookupSelectorsFor: type.
+ 	^ {
+ 	self
+ 		receiver: nil "handle" selector: selectors first
+ 		arguments: (Array
+ 			with: nil "byteOffset").
+ 	self
+ 		receiver: nil "handle" selector: selectors second
+ 		arguments: (Array
+ 			with: nil "byteOffset"
+ 			with: nil "aFloat")
+ }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatReadWriteSend>>handle:at: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: receiver at: byteOffset
+ 	^ receiver
+ 		perform: selector
+ 		with: byteOffset!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatReadWriteSend>>handle:at:put: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: receiver at: byteOffset put: floatValue
+ 	receiver
+ 		perform: selector
+ 		with: byteOffset
+ 		with: floatValue.
+ 	^ floatValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FloatReadWriteSend>>isReading (in category 'accessing') -----
+ isReading
+ 	^ selector numArgs = 1!

Item was added:
+ FFIAtomicReadWriteSend subclass: #IntegerReadWriteSend
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'FFI-Kernel-Support'!
+ !IntegerReadWriteSend commentStamp: 'mt 5/19/2021 10:15' prior: 0!
+ I am a message send for reading and writing atomic integer values from and to byte arrays or external addresses. My instances memoize type-specific #byteSize and #isSigned. See #isIntegerType and #initializeAtomicSends.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: IntegerReadWriteSend class>>fromType: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ fromType: type
+ 	"Overwritten to account for byteSize and isSigned."
+ 	| selectors |
+ 	selectors := self lookupSelectorsFor: type.
+ 	^ {
+ 	self
+ 		receiver: nil "handle" selector: selectors first
+ 		arguments: (Array
+ 			with: nil "byteOffset"
+ 			with: type byteSize
+ 			with: type isSigned).
+ 	self
+ 		receiver: nil "handle" selector: selectors second
+ 		arguments: (Array
+ 			with: nil "byteOffset"
+ 			with: nil "integerValue"
+ 			with: type byteSize
+ 			with: type isSigned)
+ }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: IntegerReadWriteSend>>handle:at: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: receiver at: byteOffset
+ 	"Read."
+ 	^ receiver
+ 		perform: selector
+ 		with: byteOffset
+ 		with: (arguments at: 2) "byteSize"
+ 		with: (arguments at: 3) "isSigned"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: IntegerReadWriteSend>>handle:at:put: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: receiver at: byteOffset put: integerValue
+ 	"Write."
+ 	receiver
+ 		perform: selector
+ 		with: byteOffset
+ 		with: integerValue
+ 		with: (arguments at: 3) "byteSize"
+ 		with: (arguments at: 4). "isSigned"
+ 	^ integerValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: IntegerReadWriteSend>>isReading (in category 'accessing') -----
+ isReading
+ 	^ selector numArgs = 3!

Item was added:
+ FFIAtomicReadWriteSend subclass: #VoidReadWriteSend
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'FFI-Kernel-Support'!
+ !VoidReadWriteSend commentStamp: 'mt 5/19/2021 10:19' prior: 0!
+ I am (kind of a) null object for atomic read-write sends. You should never try to read nor write void.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VoidReadWriteSend class>>fromType: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ fromType: type
+ 	^ {
+ 	self receiver: nil selector: #voidAt:.
+ 	self receiver: nil selector: #voidAt:put:}!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VoidReadWriteSend>>handle:at: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: handle at: byteOffset
+ 	"no accessors for void"
+ 	self shouldNotImplement.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VoidReadWriteSend>>handle:at:put: (in category 'evaluating') -----
+ handle: handle at: byteOffset put: value
+ 	"no accessors for void"
+ 	self shouldNotImplement.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VoidReadWriteSend>>isReading (in category 'accessing') -----
+ isReading
+ 	^ selector numArgs = 1!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VoidReadWriteSend>>template (in category 'compiling') -----
+ template
+ 	^ 'self shouldNotImplement'!

Item was changed:
  (PackageInfo named: 'FFI-Kernel') postscript: 'Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: ExternalAddress.
  Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: ExternalObject.
+ "Introduce FFIAtomicReadWriteSend. All types need to be reset and all fields need to be re-defined."
+ ExternalType resetAllTypes.
- ExternalType resetAllTypes..
- "Re-generate all field accessors because in ExternalData, #size: was replaced with #setSet: and a new constructors for content and container types."
  ExternalStructure defineAllFields.

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