[Pkg] FFI: FFI-CallbacksTests-mt.1.mcz

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Wed May 26 16:23:09 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-CallbacksTests to project FFI:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: FFI-CallbacksTests-mt.1
Author: mt
Time: 26 May 2021, 6:23:09.127788 pm
UUID: ca368808-aa20-a94f-8756-cb35faf36504

Adds some tests around callbacks using qsort and bsearch from the C standard library.

Complements (and depends on): FFI-Kernel-mt.171 FFI-Callbacks-mt.19 FFI-Tests-mt.50

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'FFI-CallbacksTests'!

TestCase subclass: #FFICallbackTests
	instanceVariableNames: 'lib externalObjects'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FFI-CallbacksTests'!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>expectedFailures (in category 'failures') -----

	^ #(
		test02SortArrayOfDoublesRaw "Checked on 32-bit. Coercing checks are too aggressive or just wrong."
		test04SortArrayOfIntegersRaw "See above."

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>performTest (in category 'running') -----
	"Tests should opt-in to have more control."
	| prior1 prior2 |
	prior1 := ExternalType useArrayClasses.
	prior2 := ExternalData extraSizeChecks.
	[ExternalType useArrayClasses: false.
	ExternalData extraSizeChecks: true.
	super performTest]
		ensure: [
			ExternalType useArrayClasses: prior1.
			ExternalData extraSizeChecks: prior2].!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>setUp (in category 'running') -----

	super setUp.
	lib := CStandardLibrary default.
	externalObjects := OrderedCollection new.!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>tearDown (in category 'running') -----

	externalObjects do: [:ea | ea free].
	super tearDown.!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>test01SortArrayOfDoubles (in category 'tests') -----

	| array unsorted sorted |
	unsorted := #(0.8332389864879751 0.5043604970280617 0.36114975224430435 0.8103526363890933 0.7802893776251926 0.5329258270112472 0.23437693854303543 0.509741853444245 0.0275989539897884 0.548561613276074).
	sorted :=  #(0.0275989539897884 0.23437693854303543 0.36114975224430435 0.5043604970280617 0.509741853444245 0.5329258270112472 0.548561613276074 0.7802893776251926 0.8103526363890933 0.8332389864879751).
	array := ExternalType double allocate: 10.
	1 to: array size do: [:index |
		array at: index put: (unsorted at: index)].

	self deny: (sorted hasEqualElements: array).
		qsort: array
		compare: [:a :b | (a - b) sign].

	self assert: (sorted hasEqualElements: array).!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>test02SortArrayOfDoublesRaw (in category 'tests') -----

	ExternalType useArrayClassesDuring: [self test01SortArrayOfDoubles].!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>test03SortArrayOfIntegers (in category 'tests') -----

	| array unsorted sorted |
	unsorted := #(3036962509 3319035228 2533963671 3440375993 2159145233 2156551592 3216768444 3368770086 3413300624 2615411192).
	sorted := #(2156551592 2159145233 2533963671 2615411192 3036962509 3216768444 3319035228 3368770086 3413300624 3440375993).

	array := ExternalType int64_t allocate: 10.
	1 to: array size do: [:index |
		array at: index put: (unsorted at: index)].

	self deny: (sorted hasEqualElements: array).
		qsort: array
		compare: [:a :b | (a - b) sign].

	self assert: (sorted hasEqualElements: array).!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>test04SortArrayOfIntegersRaw (in category 'tests') -----

	ExternalType useArrayClassesDuring: [self test03SortArrayOfIntegers].!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>test05SortArrayOfPointers (in category 'tests') -----
	"Fill an array with pointers to atomics. Then sort that array. Note that #value reads from and #value: writes into the first element from ExternalData."
	| type array unsorted sorted |
	type := ExternalType int32_t.
	array := type asPointerType allocate: 10.
	unsorted := #(10 9 1 5 4 3 7 6 2 8).
	sorted := #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10).
	1 to: array size do: [:index |
			at: index
			put: ((externalObjects add: type allocateExternal)
				value: (unsorted at: index);
	self deny: (sorted hasEqualElements: (array collect: #value)).
		qsort: array
		compare: [:a :b | (a value - b value) sign].

	self assert: (sorted hasEqualElements: (array collect: #value)).!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>test06SortArrayOfStructs (in category 'tests') -----

	| array unsorted sorted compare |
	unsorted := {58 at 43 . 99 at 90 . 63 at 34 . 19 at 67 . 99 at 18 . 57 at 52 . 5 at 28 . 68 at 46 . 49 at 20 . 90 at 32}.
	sorted := {5 at 28 . 19 at 67 . 49 at 20 . 57 at 52 . 58 at 43 . 63 at 34 . 68 at 46 . 90 at 32 . 99 at 18 . 99 at 90}.
	compare := [:pt1 :pt2 |
		pt1 = pt2 ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [
			(pt1 x <= pt2 x and: [pt1 x ~= pt2 x or: [pt1 y <= pt2 y]])
				ifTrue: [-1] ifFalse: [1]]].

	array := FFITestPoint2 allocate: 10.
	1 to: array size do: [:index |
		array at: index put: (FFITestPoint2 fromPoint: (unsorted at: index))].

	self deny: (sorted hasEqualElements: (array collect: #asPoint)).
		qsort: array
		compare: [:ffiPt1 :ffiPt2 | compare value: ffiPt1 asPoint value: ffiPt2 asPoint].

	self assert: (sorted hasEqualElements: (array collect: #asPoint)).!

----- Method: FFICallbackTests>>test07FindFirst (in category 'tests') -----

	| array key sorted result |
	array := ExternalType int32_t allocateExternal: 10.
	externalObjects add: array.
	key := ExternalType int32_t allocateExternal.
	externalObjects add: key.
	sorted := #(10 22 23 23 39 44 56 57 67 79).
	1 to: array size do: [:index |
		array at: index put: (sorted at: index)].

	key value: (sorted at: 7).
	result := lib bsearch: key in: array compare: [:a :b | (a - b) sign].
	self deny: result isNull.
	self assert: key value equals: result value.
	self deny: (key ffiIdentical: result).
	self assert: ((array from: 7 to: 7) ffiIdentical: result).

	key value: 111.
	self deny: (sorted includes: key value).
	result := lib bsearch: key in: array compare: [:a :b | (a - b) sign].
	self assert: result isNull.!

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