[Pkg] FFI: FFI-Callbacks-mt.23.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Fri May 28 10:54:06 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Callbacks to project FFI:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: FFI-Callbacks-mt.23
Author: mt
Time: 28 May 2021, 12:54:05.2767 pm
UUID: 5829377d-876a-5747-a754-3d4c5f9f3257
Ancestors: FFI-Callbacks-mt.22

Minor speed-up for callback evaluation.

=============== Diff against FFI-Callbacks-mt.22 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FFICallback class>>evaluateCallbackForContext: (in category 'instance lookup') -----
  evaluateCallbackForContext: callbackContext "<FFICallbackContext> ^<Integer> typeCode"
  	^ ThunkToCallbackMap
+ 		at: callbackContext thunkp_address
- 		at: callbackContext thunkp getHandle
  		ifPresent: [:callback | callback valueInContext: callbackContext]
  		ifAbsent: [self error: 'could not locate Callback instance corresponding to thunk address']

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FFICallbackContext class>>fields (in category 'field definition') -----
  	self defineFields.
  	^ #(
+ 		(thunkp		'FFICallback*')
- 		(thunkp		'void*')
  		(stackPtr		'byte*')	"was: char*"
  (FFIPlatformDescription current abiSend: #fields to: self),
  		(nil				'void*')		"was: savedCStackPointer"
  		(nil				'void*')		"was: savedCFramePointer"
  		(rvs				'FFICallbackResult')
  		(nil				'void*')		"was: savedPrimFunctionPointer"
  		(outerContext	'FFICallbackContext*')		"jmp_buf trampoline --- for debugging only?"
  typedef struct {
      void *thunkp;
      char *stackptr;
      long *intRegArgs;
      double *floatRegArgs;
      void *savedCStackPointer;
      void *savedCFramePointer;
      union {
                              intptr_t vallong;
                              struct { int low, high; } valleint64;
                              struct { int high, low; } valbeint64;
                              double valflt64;
                              struct { void *addr; intptr_t size; } valstruct;
                          }   rvs;
  	void *savedPrimFunctionPointer;
  	jmp_buf	trampoline;
  	jmp_buf	savedReenterInterpreter;
   } VMCallbackContext;

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFICallbackContext class>>generateStructureFieldAccessorsFor:startingAt:type: (in category 'field definition - support') -----
+ generateStructureFieldAccessorsFor: fieldName startingAt: byteOffset type: type
+ 	"Overwritten to also generate a shortcut for thunkp
+ 	self defineFields.
+ 	"
+ 	super
+ 		generateStructureFieldAccessorsFor: fieldName
+ 		startingAt: byteOffset
+ 		type: type.
+ 	fieldName = 'thunkp' ifTrue: [
+ 		| shortcutCode shortcutSelector |
+ 		shortcutSelector := fieldName, '_address'.
+ 		shortcutCode := '{1}\	^ handle pointerAt: {2} length: {3}' withCRs
+ 			format: { shortcutSelector . byteOffset . type byteSize }.
+ 		self maybeCompileAccessor: shortcutCode withSelector: shortcutSelector asSymbol].!

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