[Seaside-dev] About Continuation>>#invoke:

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 19:11:42 UTC 2007

> You always comment the changes, if minor, between versions?
> If I can trust on that, I can directly modify it on my image without
> having to port everything again from Squeak, and only do so when
> changes are major.

I guess that is not really possible. Sometimes changes go over many
classes and touch many methods in subtle ways. It would be the easiest
if you wrote a script that you can use to regularly and automatically
pull in whole trunk. This is what the VisualWorks, GemStone and GST
guys are doing in more or less sophisticated ways ;-)

> ps: I still need to learn how to use Monticello.

Monticello can show you changes between two versions. Load the version
you originally ported. Then click on the version you want to port to.
Click on changes. A dialog should then show up and list all the
changes between these two versions.


Lukas Renggli

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