[Seaside-dev] Seaside2.8a1-jmt.480

John Thornborrow john at pinesoft.co.uk
Fri Sep 14 14:02:31 UTC 2007

The only intended change was #encode:on:, so on that basis, please do
reject this, I obviously messed up a merge :).

However, I agree that the standards do not require the extra characters
to be escaped, yet they are most useful to have. An example of this is
when using a WYSIWYG text editor such as TinyMCE (this is what provoked
me to add those characters.)

I seem to remember that there was a separate package for "useful" items,
should this be considered for that package?


Philippe Marschall wrote:
> Hi
> First, thanks for your contribution. As far as I can see
> Seaside2.8a1-jmt.480 consists mainly of two changes: WAHtmlEncoder
> class >> #encode:on: and the merging of Seaside2.8a1-mb.420.
> WAHtmlEncoder class >> #encode:on:
> This is not needed because in xhtml only <, &, and " need escaping.
> Other characters never need any entity escaping if you use the correct
> character set and encoding. Using named entity references makes a
> character unnecessarily use up more bytes. All the comparisons make
> the escaping much slower and escaping is a hotspot. Seaside spends a
> considerable amount of time there. This is one of the rare cases where
> there is a real world measurable speed difference between #do: and
> #to:do:.
> Seaside2.8a1-mb.420 has been rejected for the following reasons:
> - It makes changes that are only useful for SeasideTesting
> - It introduces several changes made by Keith that were reject and are
> now part of Seaside Jetsam
> SeasideTesting has a history of breaking for every SeasideRelease and
> a long time until it was fixed. If we had full SeasideTesting test
> cases for all the functional tests things might look different. In
> general we would prefer a testing framework like Albatros that does
> not require any changes to client code.
> So I fear we have to reject Seaside2.8a1-jmt.480 as a whole but don't
> let this stop you from future contributions.
> Cheers
> Philippe
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