[Seaside-dev] Porting RSRSS2 in VW

Alan Knight knight at acm.org
Tue Sep 25 15:11:08 UTC 2007

Heh. Clearly, I should learn to edit the prefix before posting. I blame lack of sleep :-)

At 11:05 AM 9/25/2007, Alan Knight wrote:
>Does this seem reasonable to post?
>At 03:33 AM 9/25/2007, Philippe Marschall wrote:
>>> > - includes some GLORP integration
>>> >
>>> Eventually, yes. That will hopefully be reasonably transparent to the
>>> Seaside framework.
>>So there hasn't happened anything here yet in terms of integration? Is
>>that supposed to be VW-only or do you plan to port that to other
>>dialects as well?
>There are a number of things done at what I'd consider the experimental level - we're still trying to figure out what the appropriate things to do are. Actual integration as far as Seaside probably wouldn't be very complicated. You'd need to have a mechanism by which you can get access to a glorp session, and it might be desirable to be able to tie in transaction boundaries with Seaside operations. More extensive is trying to figure out what are good APIs by which people can use the facilities, and making it easier to do things without writing out explicit metadata any more than necessary - what I've been calling either GlorpActiveRecord or HyperActiveRecord. I spoke at some length on some of these things at ESUG recently. It's published in the public Store, but as I said, a lot of it is experiments in figuring out what's appropriate to do, rather than finished code.
>I doubt that we would port it to other dialects ourselves, but it is, and I expect it to remain, available for other people to do so. At least that's the way Glorp ports in general have worked to date.
>>So there won't be any kind of special server-y, limited product that
>>directly competes with the web edition of Gemstone/S?
>As Jim Robertson posted earlier, yes, there's likely to be a server-focused product. I don't know if you'd consider it directly competing with Gemstone or not. Having it as a separate product, if it happens, would be primarily for purposes of streamlining the user experience, particularly for people who aren't already Smalltalk users. We are looking at this as an opportunity to reach out to the broader community. At some level it competes with Gemstone (as do any of the server-related things we've done over the past decades) but that would be very low on our list of priorities. I like to describe it that the Smalltalk community is a few people in a small lifeboat on a very large ocean, and that we are much better off rowing than trying to hit each other with the oars.
>Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development
>knight at acm.org
>aknight at cincom.com
>seaside-dev mailing list
>seaside-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org

Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development
knight at acm.org
aknight at cincom.com
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