[Seaside-dev] cookies

Ramon Leon ramon.leon at allresnet.com
Fri Feb 22 20:22:44 UTC 2008

> After some reading: because combining cookies does not work:
> http://www.mnot.net/blog/2006/10/27/cookie_fun
> at least not on IE and Mozilla
> Cheers
> Philippe

That's odd, classic asp, PHP, or .Net web framework have always seem to work
fine allowing you to set multiple cookies which won't be visible until the
next page load, Seaside's the only framework I've used that forces a
redirect upon setting a cookie.  I didn't realize cookies were such a pain.
>From that article...

"Safari 2, Firefox 2, IE6 and 7, and Opera 9 all work with Netscape and
RFC2109 cookies, but none except Opera know anything about RFC2965"


"Opera and Safari both seem to be OK with combining cookies on the same
line, but Firefox and IE only see the first one."

Seems clear that the best path would be RFC2109 with multiple cookie headers
rather than combined headers.

Ramon Leon

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