[Seaside-dev] Seaside 2.8 WAUrl>>takeParametersFromRequest: X-Forwarded-Host

Michael Lucas-Smith mlucas-smith at cincom.com
Tue Mar 25 06:38:24 UTC 2008

Lukas Renggli wrote:
>>  It came to our attention that the #takeParametersFromRequest: method,
>>  which rightly grabs the host, doesn't grab x-forwarded-host when it is
>>  available. That means that the URLs put out by the anchor tag and other
>>  such things will point to the internal address of the server instead of
>>  the external address.
> Are you sure to Apache 2 and the setting "ProxyPreserveHosts On" ?
That can only be done at the VirtualHost or whole server level 
unfortunately - so if you're hosting lots of different kinds of apps who 
may or may not be expecting it, you can cause undue problems. I 
attempted to convince our web master to do this unsuccessfully :)
>>  On a slightly different note - why do all the urls come with a
>>  hostname/port anyway? .. it's bad form to put out all this repeated
>>  information for every url.
> Because redirects for example require a full URL.
I think that translates in to "it was easier that way" .. in otherwords, 
you don't need two different ways of getting the URL to work with.. one 
for the anchors and one for the continuation redirects. That's 
convenient for the framework, but really inconvenient for web masters 
trying to use mod_rewrite or the like...

I'm not sure where the best middle ground there is honestly. Right now 
we have to say 'suck it' to the web masters.


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