[Seaside-dev] Issue 121 in seaside: WATask does a redirect

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Tue Oct 7 22:37:52 UTC 2008

Issue 121: WATask does a redirect

Comment #7 by jfitzell:
I traced this a bit further tonight.

So Lukas was trying to change WATask so that it runs #go from within
#nextPresentersDo:. The problem with this is that the first time  
is called for the task (at least in this case) is during #updateUrl: in a

This means that the continuation is captured with that stack. His code also  
and ignores WARenderNotifications, which means that when we come back into  
callback, do something else and then trigger a notification, the code  
carries on as
if it were in the middle of #updateUrl: from the earlier render  

I tried monkeying around with WATask>>nextPresentersDo: and
WARedirectContinuation>>run to see if I could come up with a working  
scenario but
it's pretty ugly and I can't quite get it to work so far. With the methods
implemented as follows, the functional test sort of works (but the session  
continuation keys are in the form, not the URL, and we don't get a redirect  
action phases).

nextPresentersDo: aBlock
	self activeComponent == self ifTrue:
		[ self answer: self go ].
	super nextPresentersDo: aBlock

	| url |
	[url := self url.
	self respond: [ :response | response redirectTo: url ] ]
		on: WARenderNotification do: [ :n | self newRenderContinuation run]

But even if we figure out how to get this working it feels pretty  
fragile... #call:
works because we know that any time it could be called (ie. during the last  
of an action phase), it is safe to totally abort what we are doing and start
something else. This just doesn't hold true in the general case of "any  
time we call
#nextPresentersDo:", I think.

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