[Seaside-dev] Issue 293 in seaside: Refactor WAResponse and subclasses to encapsulate stream and use WriteStream instead of ReadWriteStream

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu Jan 22 20:59:21 UTC 2009

Comment #11 on issue 293 by philippe.marschall: Refactor WAResponse and  
subclasses to encapsulate stream and use WriteStream instead of  

I don't understand why "nextPut: Character cr; nextPut: Character lf" is  
slow but
WriteStream>>#'crlf' (which does the same) should be fast.

The other thing is why is it #crlf and not #seasideCrLf like the other class
extensions we do. And in general we have been very cautious of adding class
extension, we even removed a lot because of the usual problems.

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