[Seaside-dev] Issue 293 in seaside: Refactor WAResponse and subclasses to encapsulate stream and use WriteStream instead of ReadWriteStream

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Jan 23 15:49:20 UTC 2009

Comment #17 on issue 293 by WeybridgeWay: Refactor WAResponse and  
subclasses to encapsulate stream and use WriteStream instead of  

In #2 you objected to having WAReponse>>#nextPutAll: convert the argument  
to a string and suggest that this
will lead to performance and memory leak problems. Given that the  
implementation of #asString (called by
#seasideString) is to return itself, I don't see much risk of either.  
(Besides, since when do we have memory leaks
from creating and copying objects?)
Given that RWBinaryOrTextStream>>#nextPutAll: converts the argument to a  
String (#asString), it seems that we
are doing this exact same operation--just at a different level.
Also in #2 you say that the underlying Stream is supposed to be a Character  
stream and I'd like that to be true.
Unfortunately, the use of RWBinaryOrTextStream as the underlying  
implementation hints that it is supposed to
accept bytes as well.
It seems to me that since the eventual plan is to send a string, it might  
avoid confusion to have WAResponse
handle the conversion rather than have its callers have knowledge of its  
internal implementation.

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