[Seaside-dev] Encoding problems with binary vs ascii

Michael Lucas-Smith mlucas-smith at cincom.com
Mon Jun 15 19:46:36 UTC 2009

Hi All,

I'm having some trouble with the new WACodec behavior.

The tests assume there'll be a #converter selector on the WACodec 
subclass (testCodecLatin1). This seems a bit heavy handed, if you want 
to let the platforms decide how to achieve their conversion.

Binary conversions are still an issue - take the following code:

| codec binary encoder |
    codec := WACodec forEncoding: 'utf-8'.
    binary := self utf8String asByteArray.
    encoder := codec encoderFor: (WriteStream on: String new).
    encoder binary.
    encoder nextPutAll: binary.

The encoder is initialized with a non-binary write stream, then it's 
told to become binary. You can't do that - the encoder has no way of 
knowing what's inside its inner stream, nor should it. If you intend to 
put bytes in to the stream, start it with a ByteArray.

Likewise, if you're going to the effort of fixing up encoding issues at 
this point, why not get rid of all senders of #binary completely?

 From what I've understood, the API is "encoding in, encoding out" which 
means you expect to go from strings to strings. This is okay, I guess, 
except that I'd also like to be able to go only half way.. put strings 
in and get bytes out, this would remove any unnecessary conversions 
taking place.

I've heard plenty of times before that this can't be done because of 
various different levels of support.. but you're already pushing the 
boundaries of what can be done "out of the box" with WACodec, so why not 
go the whole way and do it right? Strings<->ByteArray conversions only?

Next, the WACodec expects to implement #name which will return the name 
that was used to create it.. I clarify, the tests assume that that is 
the behavior. If that's the expected behavior, there's no reason why the 
subclasses of WACodec need to implement that particular behavior, as it 
can never change.

Finally, I don't entirely understand the motivation of WACodec>>url... 
As far as I knew, there's no situation where URL-encoded strings encoded 
as shift-jis is going to work. URL-encoding is just another codec in my 
mind. What gives with this API?


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