[Seaside-dev] Problems encountered in the file-in of Seaside packages in Dolphin

GallegO fxgallego at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 12:32:32 UTC 2009

Hi list:

As promised earlier I will comment on some problems that I found in
the file-in / port of Seaside to Dolphin.
I'm talking *only* about packages that should be considered as dialect neutral.

Package RSS-Core
How to handle local days, month and year names when printing. I had to
change the encodeOn: method to print the names in English and not in
Spanish. I'm not sure how Pharo, VW and others proceeds with the
Locale date names but this can be cause of errors in systems with
other languages than English. This can / should be moved to a
This is the current version for Dolphin:
encodeOn: aDocument

	Locale evaluate: [
			nextPutAll: (dateAndTime dayOfWeekName first: 3);
			nextPutAll: ', ';
			nextPutAll: (dateAndTime dayOfMonth printPaddedWith: $0 to: 2);
			nextPut: Character space;
			nextPutAll: (dateAndTime monthName first: 3);
			nextPut: Character space;
			nextPutAll: dateAndTime year seasideString;
			nextPut: Character space;
			nextPutAll: (dateAndTime hour24 printPaddedWith: $0 to: 2);
			nextPut: $:;
			nextPutAll: (dateAndTime minute printPaddedWith: $0 to: 2);
			nextPut: $:;
			nextPutAll: (dateAndTime second printPaddedWith: $0 to: 2);
			nextPut: Character space;
			nextPutAll: timezoneString]
		usingLocale: Locale englishUS


In the Packages:

there are a lot of methods sending  #asString and I think that should
send #seasideString


Can be replaced in SUWindow>>setJSOrigin:
the statement
stringArray := aString subStrings: (Array with: $,).
stringArray := aString subStrings: (String with: $,).?????

This is because Dolphin is not ANSI on subStrings: implementation.
In Pharo is safe. If this can not be changed I should override the
Dolphin original with one provided in Seaside-Dolphin-Platform


Should rely on a platform specific code to get source, categories,
selectors, etc ????


both methods contains a reference to SSLSiteIdentifier that is
undefined on Pharo 1.0 beta


Thats all. Thanks in advance for your comments.

Best Regards
Jose Sebastian Calvo

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