[Seaside-dev] [Dolphin] Use of Delay on CTPusher class>>startUp and pingProcess

GallegO fxgallego at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 17:41:33 UTC 2009

Hi list,

I'm having problems with CTPusher class>>startUp, called in the image startUp.

	self shutDown.
	delay := Delay forSeconds: 15.
	process := WAPlatform current
		forkCometProcessDo: [ [ self pingProcess ] repeat ]

I think that there is no sense to maintain cached delay. The only
reader is pingProcess doing...

	self allInstancesDo: [ :each | each ping ].
	delay wait

I think "delay wait" can be safely replaced by "Delay forSeconds: 15"
(removing it from startUp).

I'm asking on this because in Dolphin Smalltalk, Delay's are one shot,
and calling #wait for a second time results on returning immediately
and due to this falling into an infinite loop.

Can be modified on core?


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