[Seaside-dev] Seaside and exception behaviour

Paolo Bonzini bonzini at gnu.org
Wed Jan 5 14:43:41 UTC 2011

On 01/05/2011 03:25 PM, Alan Knight wrote:
> In Pharo 1.1 one-click it just prints 3 things to the Transcript, the
> same behaviour I'd get in VisualWorks if I change the startHere method
> to do "ex resiganlAs: ExceptionOne new"

FWIW GNU Smalltalk behaves the same as Squeak, independent of whether 
ExceptionOne inherits from Notification or Error.  The implementation 
was completely independent, FWIW.

The stack looks like

    Handler for Error in #startHere
    #on:do: for #doStuff
    #on:do: for #startHere (handler marked as busy)

When the search starts for the ExceptionOne handler, it will just search 
for a non-busy handler.  *Any* handler that is not busy will do.  In 
fact, if you have #on:do:on:do: you'll be able to execute the second 
handler while the first is running.

Modulo getting the semantics of #on:do:on:do: right, it shouldn't be 
hard to change GNU Smalltalk's behavior, and I'm curious if that will 
break its testsuite...

> the same behaviour I'd get in VisualWorks if I change the startHere
> method to do "ex resiganlAs: ExceptionOne new"

That's not exactly the same.  #resignalAs: will reinstate _all_ 
handlers, while GNU Smalltalk will only pick those that are above the 
currently running handler, and I think/hope Squeak does the same.


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