[Seaside-dev] P2P CMS/PM system with SeaSide and TeaTime

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 07:34:15 UTC 2011

2011/1/11 Aran Dunkley <aran at organicdesign.co.nz>:
> Sorry for the confusion, maybe P2P is too general a term, and I may have
> misunderstood the specifics of what components do what in the Cobalt
> system. Here's more information on what we're wanting to develop:
> The users will be running a p2p application which forms a DHT from all
> the currently online instances. The CMS/Project management application
> is used via the browser like a normal web-application, but the address
> of it resolves to localhost and uses the local p2p application is it's
> backend "web-server" and the DHT as the persistent storage layer with
> local caching as necessary etc.

That part sounds doable with Seaside. Given you can make the
resolv.conf hacks working.


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