[Seaside-dev] Configurations, again…

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 16:26:07 UTC 2011


I'm once again banging my head against the wall that is our
configuration system.

First, I have an attribute #trackingStrategy in
WARegistryConfiguration that defines as the only option a query field
strategy. I have the same attribute again in
WAApplicationConfiguration having many more options like cookie based.
However in the configuration editor only the options from
WARegistryConfiguration show up. Is this supposed to work? To me the
code is incomprehensible and undebuggable.

Second, what I want is an instance from a list of classes. This
doesn't really seem to be supported. I could just #collect: #new but
then I have to implement #= to only compare the class names. Any

Third, WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor >> #visitListAttribute: always
sends #beOptional. I don't want to have the option to select nil.
Looking at the other configurations #serverProtocol in
WARequestHandlingConfiguration seems to be the only one for which nil
makes sense. Wouldn't it be better to make the list not optional and
if you want to allow nil you have to include it in the options

Fourth, I really believe our configuration system is way too complex
and slow as a result (which matters because creating a URL as to look
up #serverPath and friends). As a first simplification step, does a
configuration really need multiple parents? Couldn't we get away with
just one?


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