[Seaside-dev] Load failure of Seaside3 into Squeak 5.2alpha

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Wed Oct 3 22:04:25 UTC 2018

Just tried loading seaside into the current near-release squeak 5.2. It failed.

The problem occurs in MetacelloVersionConstructor>>#calculate:project: because the symbolicVersionMap dictionary looks like this -
a Dictionary(#bleedingEdge->'1.3.0-baseline' #development->'1.3.0-baseline' #'release1.0'->'1.0.12' #'release1.1'->'' #'release1.2'->'1.2.7' #'release1.3'->'1.3.0' #stable->#release1 )
When doing the little dance near the end of the method we have block params 'symbolic' = #stable & 'original' = #release1 but then try to look up #release1 only to find it isn't there. I'm guessing that it should actually be #'release1.0', which would then find '1.0.12'.

But I really don't think I ought to mess a lot with this bit of code, since I've never had anything to do with mc development before. Best not to break everything for everyone...

In the debugger I risked 'fixing' the dictionary and seeing if things might proceed happily. It went on for a while and stopped during 'Loading Seaside-CoreJohanBrichau.875' because #greaseInteger is not implemented for Character. It is installed for Integer, Number and String, though the last would of course fail due to no Character implementation. So I added a wild guess of '^self asInteger' and proceeded.

This got me as far as initializing WAKeyGenerator class a bit later in the same package. This failed because
a) GRPlatform had not been initialized and thus returned nil for #current, which meant dNU: #newRandom was inevitable
b) Looks like there is no platform subclass to even make the following #newRandom work.

So there I am stuck. Current googling is not showing me anything that appears to explain the apparently missing class(es) etc.


tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
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