[Seaside-dev] Error in ZnZincServerAdaptor when extracting the body in a multipart/mixed request

Esteban Maringolo emaringolo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 18:44:25 UTC 2021

Hi all,

Trying to reproduce in Pharo 8 and Zinc an issue found in VAST (affecting
its own subclass of WAServerAdaptor), I found that in Pharo there is a
message not understood when processing a "multipart/mixed" kind of request.


At this point I don't know whether such request is meaningful, in the
context of a web http use it is certainly not likely you'll get such MIME
type, but in the context of a REST API, it is not uncommon to have a
multipart/mixed that is not a multipart/form-data kind of request you have
when using a web form.

The limitation I see in such use with Seaside, is that WARequest only
considers aString as its body, and not a multipart entity, as Zinc and VAST
SST properly do in their "native" HTTP request classes.

As a workaround the adaptor could convert each part of the multipart to a
key->value association in the postFields of the WARequest (the key being
the "name" of the part), but that would not be semantically correct; OTOH
if there is no such mapping then the parts in the multiparts would not be
reachable from the WARequest instance.

Is this a bug or a feature?

Best regards!

Esteban A. Maringolo
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