[Seaside] Meaningful URLs was (Re: HV intro...) on the Squeak list

Marcel Weiher marcel@metaobject.com
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 14:36:34 +0200

On Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 08:57  Uhr, Cees de Groot wrote:

> Cees de Groot <cg@cdegroot.com> said:
>> I've got some very ugly URLs between my bookmarks. I couldn't care 
>> less,
>> because the software shows the title of the page, not the URL itself.
> I was a bit too quick here, completely overlooked the fact that these 
> ugly
> URL's tend to have session identifiers in them and thus are invalid
> two weeks later. Oops. However, this can be dealt with gracefully in a 
> lot of
> cases by the server - simply create a new session and redirect the 
> user. Or
> encrypt everything necessary for the session in the ugly URL and forget 
> about
> keeping it around server-side, so that it effectively never expires.

Yes, making the page essentially stateless.  Many pages have a very 
limited amount of state that isn't much harder to encode into the URL 
than a session.  Let's say you have a single object that contains the 
state for a page.  Just use key-value coding to encode that object as 
URL-parameters, encoding the page class itself in the path.  The generic 
logic then unarchives this object from the URL parameters, sets up the 
page with that object and starts executing.


Marcel Weiher				Metaobject Software Technologies
marcel@metaobject.com		www.metaobject.com
Metaprogramming for the Graphic Arts.   HOM, IDEAs, MetaAd etc.