[Seaside] state of the aubergine

Nevin Pratt nevin@smalltalkpro.com
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 22:45:23 -0600

Avi Bryant wrote:

>>And if not, should we modify Seaside to behave that way?  Or should I
>>handle it at the Comanche/Seaside interface (i.e., IAKom) (i.e., hack
>>out the seaside portion of the URL when it sees the trailing ".jpg" or
>>".gif" so that the URL never gets dispatched to Seaside)?
>This makes me uneasy.  I'd much rather see it done as a macro.

It makes me uneasy, too.  Feels too much like a "hack".

I'll see if I can wrap my brain around the macro stuff tomorrow.
