[Seaside] [BUG][FIX]PWS seaside cannot handle plain url

Avi Bryant avi@beta4.com
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 16:18:17 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Tim Rowledge wrote:

> If Comanche handles it ok, that is fine - PWs doesn't and should. If you
> see what I mean. Perhaps a better fix to PWs would be to give it a
> sensible default page that explains how to get it setup more precisley?
> Or, given the age of PWS and the improvements in Comanche, perhaps it is
> time to rip out PWS and replace it?

I'd vote for this - I don't really understand why Comanche isn't in the
base image, since everybody seems to use it instead of PWS, and a fair
number of unrelated changesets depend on parts of it (eg, on
ConnectionHandler and SocketStream).  The only reason Seaside bothers to
support PWS is so that, in theory, it has no dependencies beyond the base
image, but I would expect most people to use either Comanche or mod_lisp.

> > Furthermore, I removed the 'config' append code, making it so that all
> > invocations of the Seaside 'config' app have to be deliberate.  I would
> > rather people didn't "accidentally" stumble on the config page, even
> > though it's password protected.
> That's probably sensible. A simple default home page would be good.

Fair enough.  What should be on this home page?