[Seaside] seaside with mod proxy: mapping urls to applications

Avi Bryant seaside@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Sun, 1 Dec 2002 11:07:22 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Colin Putney wrote:

> I haven't been able to solve this problem either. (Though I'm using
> Seaside 1). At some point we'll need to teach seaside to distinguish
> between the urls through which it is reached, and the urls it generates
> in the HTML. That will give us a lot more flexibility to integrate
> Seaside into more complex systems for load-balancing, proxying etc.

Colin - what would this require?  A configuration option for the urls that
an application generates, rather than it simply using what it's given as a
base url?  That should be trivial to add, but I'm confused as to why it's
necessary - is mod_proxy only supposed to be used when the remote site
knows it's being proxied?