[Seaside] RFC: generalized persistence framework for Seaside

Colin Putney seaside@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 13:43:14 -0800

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 12:59  PM, Derek Brans wrote:

> I'm thinking of creating a simple, generalized persistence framework 
> for Seaside applications.  Comments and feedback would be greatly 
> appreciated.  Here's my design (call it the "DomainDB" solution):

Well, this is more or less what we are trying to accomplish with 
Tantalus. The next release will come a lot closer to the sort of things 
you talk about here.

One thing we don't intend is to support object databases like 
MinneStore. The storage models are too different - abstracting away 
those differences would restrict the domain model so much it wouldn't 
be useful anymore.

Colin Putney