[Seaside] 2.07 posted

Avi Bryant seaside@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 01:07:48 -0800 (PST)

I've just put 2.07 up on SqueakMap.  This is a fairly minor release; the
next one will be for the new (non compiler-hacking) state management
stuff, but this update should be fairly painless.

Changes include:
 - Optional #header, #footer, and #style methods which can return string
literals of HTML and CSS.  WAComponent>>renderOn: now looks like this:

renderOn: aRenderer
	self renderHeadElementsOn: aRenderer.
	self renderHeaderOn: aRenderer.
	self renderContentOn: aRenderer.
	self renderFooterOn: aRenderer.

so if you want to make use of the new methods, change your rendering
method to be #renderContentOn:.  All your code that uses #renderOn: will
still work, of course.

  - The browser now shows an 'OK' link again, and requests author initials
before an accept (thanks, Andreas).

  - WACollectionProxy is gone - if you want collections that keep their
state while backtracking, use them functionally (ie, Array>>copyWith:
instead of OrderedCollection>>add:).  I'm trying to move away from "magic"
state management.

  - The HTML parser that briefly appeared is gone again, since HTML-Parser
is now a package on SM.
  - The validation stuff has been trimmed back to a WAModelProxy, as in
Adrian's form experiments.  Validation rules, etc, will wait for his meta
model work.
