[Seaside] Seaside hosting questions - multiple sites, uploading

Avi Bryant seaside@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 00:20:09 -0700 (PDT)

On 27 Sep 2002, Cees de Groot wrote:

> >Squeak isn't a very good fit with CGI - better would be GNU Smalltalk or
> >Ruby, which have much lower startup time and process overhead.  Squeak
> >makes more sense for long running application servers (closer to the Java
> >Servlet model than to CGI).
> >
> I'd expected you to give a FastCGI/mod_lisp answer here...

Same thing, no?  Only difference is whether you have Apache forwarding
requests to the long-running process or have it handle HTTP directly...
amounts to the same thing in terms of development style, anyway.

> Anyway, in the interest of Squeak diversification, I think it would be an
> interesting experiment to build a server VM that a) would startup with
> a built-in VNC server, b) would allow the user to open just a single,
> specified, server socket (so that the user's can't 'steal' each other's
> sockets). Under these conditions, hosting Squeak boxen would be very much
> possible for a hosting provider (moi) and probably not too expensive.

Yes, that would be very cool.  Do we need to add "c) doesn't make
excessive system calls" or do you have the gettimeofday() thing worked