[Seaside] What is the reason for a page to expire?

Markus Fritsche Fritsche.Markus at gmx.net
Sat Aug 30 22:38:00 CEST 2003

Avi Bryant wrote:

>This is interesting, although I don't quite see the point with just one
>image - what resources are you saving by quitting the VM, that the OS
>wouldn't reclaim anyway when it was idle?
My site resides at a server where the people have forgotten me. I've 
wrote them why they aren't billing and what fee I have to pay (summed 
up). They didn't react; so I thought if I experiment with custom server 
techniques, it should be as silent as possible :-)
Anyway, I'm building up reserves if they decide to bill at last and 
backup my weblog regularly.

>>I don't know if it is the same in squeak?
>No, you shouldn't have that problem.
Good to hear.

Regards, Markus

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