[Seaside] Seaside Design Questions

Eric Hodel drbrain at segment7.net
Thu Dec 4 04:20:26 CET 2003

In the course of porting Seaside to Ruby, I've come across many things I
didn't understand.  After beating my head against the wall, walking
away, and coming back I figured out how they worked/why they were there.
But that still didn't clue me into a few things...

Why does WAStateRegistry use snapshot:isIdenticalTo: instead of =?  In
Smalltalk is = not always a valid indicator of two objects having the
same state?

Why are WAHtmlRenderer and WAHtmlBuilder split into two classes?
Nothing is jumping out at me to explain this.

Same for WASession and WAControllerSession, since start seems to be the
only abstract method in WASession.  Is there some extra hooks that can
be added by not subclassing from WAControllerSession?

The rest of these seem to be leftovers or things I am completely missing
the point of.

What was (is) the layout method on WAStoreBrowseFrame for?  It seems
template-ish code for renderContentOn in WAStoreBrowseFrame.

What is the Amb class for?  I don't see it used by any other part of

Eric Hodel - drbrain at segment7.net - http://segment7.net
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