[Seaside] thread-safety

radoslav hodnicak rh at 4096.sk
Wed Dec 31 01:02:21 CET 2003

I was wondering (haven't seen this discussed here) how to make my seaside
app "single-threaded", since all the smalltalk code I'm using is
(presumably) not thread-safe (and I don't really want to deal with all the
thread safety issues, it doesn't buy me anything).

Julian told me that multiple requests in one session get serialized on a
mutex (can't find the place in code) but this is not good enough.

I don't mind having lots of smalltalk processes spawned but as far as I
know there is no guarantee that if process A with priority 30 is running
and gets preempted by higher-priority process H then, after H goes to
sleep, A is resumed again and not some other process with the same
priority 30. Thus I can't rely on the fact that concurrent requests will
be handled serially.

Any ideas or tested solutions? (sorry if this is a solved problem and I'm
wasting everyone's time)

regards, radoslav
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