[Seaside] StateHolder

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Wed Mar 5 10:39:27 CET 2003

On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Masashi Umezawa wrote:

> Is it too early to discuss such meticulous matters?
> (Seaside is still dynamically changing day by day).

It is indeed changing fast... in CVS (what will become 2.3), StateHolder
still exists but is less "special", in that you can also register any
object to have its (shallow) state backtracked (StateHolder is just a
ValueHolder that gets automatically registered).  So the protocol of that
particular object becomes less important anyway.

However, while things are changing a lot, is exactly the time to bring up
desired changes.  So I don't think it's too early to discuss it.

(Side note: is the rate of change *too* fast?  Should I spend more time
ensuring backwards compatibility?)


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