[Seaside] Adding an application

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Wed Mar 26 01:43:32 CET 2003

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Nevin Pratt wrote:

> I guess the web-way of setting the base-url is gone?

The configuration app (and, really, WAApplication) haven't kept pace with
the flexibility offered by the new url management scheme.  So, yes, for
the time being that's true.  Eventually the config app will evolve to
better support current system.

> Also, what the heck does "Always Redirect" mean when adding an application?

When this is on, every request causes a redirect (the url of the link you
click on always causes an immediate redirect to a new url).  This means
that the refresh button is always safe (no side effects) and you never get
annoying messages from the browser about resubmiting a form.  However, it
obviously doubles the number of roundtrips to the server, so you may well
want to turn it off for performance reasons.  I personally always keep it
on, but my deployment situations tend to have very low latency.


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